Advanced Programming Guide
... Reference Manual Volume II Advanced Programming Guide Version 6.05 November 1st 1997 ...
... Reference Manual Volume II Advanced Programming Guide Version 6.05 November 1st 1997 ...
GroveX10Overview - The X10 Programming Language
... – Ability to specify scale-out computations (multiple places, exploit modern networks) – Ability to specify fine-grained concurrency (exploit multi-core) – Single programming model for computation offload and heterogeneity (exploit GPUs) – Migration path • X10 concurrency/distribution idioms can be ...
... – Ability to specify scale-out computations (multiple places, exploit modern networks) – Ability to specify fine-grained concurrency (exploit multi-core) – Single programming model for computation offload and heterogeneity (exploit GPUs) – Migration path • X10 concurrency/distribution idioms can be ...
Threads Threads, User vs. Kernel Threads, Java Threads, Threads
... A new process is created that has only one thread (the copy of the thread that called fork()), or A new process is created with all threads of the original process (a copy of all the threads, including the one that called fork()) ...
... A new process is created that has only one thread (the copy of the thread that called fork()), or A new process is created with all threads of the original process (a copy of all the threads, including the one that called fork()) ...
... Example 2: Synchronized resource access // This program is not synchronized. class Callme { synchronized void call(String msg) { System.out.print("[" + msg); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch(InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("Interrupted"); ...
... Example 2: Synchronized resource access // This program is not synchronized. class Callme { synchronized void call(String msg) { System.out.print("[" + msg); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch(InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("Interrupted"); ...
PDF - Complete Book (3.38 MB)
... It is highly recommended to use only static final member variables, store any persistent data in the session (which the API provides access to), and keep all other variables local to the execution method. Everything an element needs is provided by the API so while this is important to be aware of, t ...
... It is highly recommended to use only static final member variables, store any persistent data in the session (which the API provides access to), and keep all other variables local to the execution method. Everything an element needs is provided by the API so while this is important to be aware of, t ...
Error location in Python: where the mutants hide
... typical developer may make when writing Python code, such as misspelling identifiers, typos, unbalanced parentheses, braces and brackets, bad indentation, missing characters, and using incorrect operators. In all three token mutations, a token is chosen at random. Deletion simply removes the chosen ...
... typical developer may make when writing Python code, such as misspelling identifiers, typos, unbalanced parentheses, braces and brackets, bad indentation, missing characters, and using incorrect operators. In all three token mutations, a token is chosen at random. Deletion simply removes the chosen ...
Chapter 1 and 2
... maintain • There are two type of comments in C++ • Line comment // comment goes here • Block comment /* multiple line of comments ...
... maintain • There are two type of comments in C++ • Line comment // comment goes here • Block comment /* multiple line of comments ...
Introduction to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
... • Use “POST” HTTP method in the open method of the XMLHttpRequest object • Pass JSON JavaScript object in the send method of XMLHttpRequest object var carAsJSON = JSON.stringify(car); var url = "JSONExample?timeStamp=" + new Date().getTime(); ...
... • Use “POST” HTTP method in the open method of the XMLHttpRequest object • Pass JSON JavaScript object in the send method of XMLHttpRequest object var carAsJSON = JSON.stringify(car); var url = "JSONExample?timeStamp=" + new Date().getTime(); ...
Executable Formal Specifications with Clojure
... functions are easier to write, maintain and test compared to impure functions as the programmers who work with pure functions do not have to consider any code outside the function itself [Halloway and Bedra, 2012]. Applications written in functional programming languages consist mostly of pure func ...
... functions are easier to write, maintain and test compared to impure functions as the programmers who work with pure functions do not have to consider any code outside the function itself [Halloway and Bedra, 2012]. Applications written in functional programming languages consist mostly of pure func ...
Extending Python
... Take the script enumdivs.py from Lecture 1 and write a corresponding C program: enumdivs.c. Write the factors to screen instead of into a list. Modify the enumdivs.c from the previous exercise so that the factors are written into a string. Use the modified enumdivs.c from the previous exercise to bu ...
... Take the script enumdivs.py from Lecture 1 and write a corresponding C program: enumdivs.c. Write the factors to screen instead of into a list. Modify the enumdivs.c from the previous exercise so that the factors are written into a string. Use the modified enumdivs.c from the previous exercise to bu ...
Introduction to PYTHON
... • When you write a Python program, the Python interpreter reads your program and carries out the instructions it contains. • The main difference from a compiler is that the standard implementations of Python compile (i.e., translate) source code statements to an intermediate format known as byte cod ...
... • When you write a Python program, the Python interpreter reads your program and carries out the instructions it contains. • The main difference from a compiler is that the standard implementations of Python compile (i.e., translate) source code statements to an intermediate format known as byte cod ...
The C++ language, STL
... In C++, a struct and a class is almost the same thing. Both can have methods. public, private and protected can be used with both. Inheritance is the same. Both are stored in the same way in memory. The only difference is that members are public by default in a struct and private by default in a cla ...
... In C++, a struct and a class is almost the same thing. Both can have methods. public, private and protected can be used with both. Inheritance is the same. Both are stored in the same way in memory. The only difference is that members are public by default in a struct and private by default in a cla ...
Threading A thread is a thread of execution in a program. The Java
... no matter how busy it is reformatting text or updating the display. Software that can do such things is known as concurrent software. The Java platform is designed from the ground up to support concurrent programming, with basic concurrency support in the Java programming language and the Java class ...
... no matter how busy it is reformatting text or updating the display. Software that can do such things is known as concurrent software. The Java platform is designed from the ground up to support concurrent programming, with basic concurrency support in the Java programming language and the Java class ...
Java Threads (a review, and some new things)
... But Java provides ways to influence thread scheduling at the JVM level Let’s see what we can do... ...
... But Java provides ways to influence thread scheduling at the JVM level Let’s see what we can do... ...
Lecture Notes
... The LifeCycle of a Servlet? • The life cycle of a servlet is controlled by the container in which the servlet has been deployed. When a request is mapped to a servlet, the container performs the following steps. 1. If an instance of the servlet does not exist, the Web container a. Loads the servlet ...
... The LifeCycle of a Servlet? • The life cycle of a servlet is controlled by the container in which the servlet has been deployed. When a request is mapped to a servlet, the container performs the following steps. 1. If an instance of the servlet does not exist, the Web container a. Loads the servlet ...
Implementing a non-strict purely functional language in JavaScript
... Literals Literals do not have to be transformed. They have the same representation in Sapl and JavaScript. Identifiers Identifiers in Sapl and JavaScript share the same namespace, therefore, they need not to be transformed either. However, the absence of block scope in JavaScript can cause problems. ...
... Literals Literals do not have to be transformed. They have the same representation in Sapl and JavaScript. Identifiers Identifiers in Sapl and JavaScript share the same namespace, therefore, they need not to be transformed either. However, the absence of block scope in JavaScript can cause problems. ...
LISP:Power and Elegance in ONE
... But he went ahead and did it. That is, he compiled the eval in my paper into [IBM] 704 machine code, fixing bugs, and then advertised this as a Lisp interpreter, which it certainly was . So at that point Lisp had essentially the form that it has today….” -John McCarthy ...
... But he went ahead and did it. That is, he compiled the eval in my paper into [IBM] 704 machine code, fixing bugs, and then advertised this as a Lisp interpreter, which it certainly was . So at that point Lisp had essentially the form that it has today….” -John McCarthy ...
File - Computer Networks & Information Security
... A MIDlet is defined with at least a single class that is derived from the javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet abstract class Developers commonly bundle related MIDlets into a MIDlet suite All MIDlets within a MIDlet suite are considered a group and must be installed and uninstalled as a group ...
... A MIDlet is defined with at least a single class that is derived from the javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet abstract class Developers commonly bundle related MIDlets into a MIDlet suite All MIDlets within a MIDlet suite are considered a group and must be installed and uninstalled as a group ...
... A runtime exception is an exception that occurs that probably could have been avoided by the programmer. ...
... A runtime exception is an exception that occurs that probably could have been avoided by the programmer. ...
COS240Lec37_CSEH - To Parent Directory
... CLR handles the exception by halting the application. – If CLR handles an exception by halting a program, that exception is called an unhandled exception. C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design ...
... CLR handles the exception by halting the application. – If CLR handles an exception by halting a program, that exception is called an unhandled exception. C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design ...
Introduction - Seneca - School of Information & Communications
... – IBM WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries which is based on Eclipse IDE. Use Eclipse. – IBM iSeries as a database platform ...
... – IBM WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries which is based on Eclipse IDE. Use Eclipse. – IBM iSeries as a database platform ...
PolyP | a polytypic programming language extension
... these two functions into a single function which is not only polymorphic in a, but also in the type constructor; something like length :: d a -> Int, where d ranges over type constructors. We call such functions polytypic functions [15]. Once we have a polytypic length function, function length can ...
... these two functions into a single function which is not only polymorphic in a, but also in the type constructor; something like length :: d a -> Int, where d ranges over type constructors. We call such functions polytypic functions [15]. Once we have a polytypic length function, function length can ...
... • Occurs if the effect of multiple threads on shared data depends on the order in which the threads are scheduled ...
... • Occurs if the effect of multiple threads on shared data depends on the order in which the threads are scheduled ...
Lecture 3: Loops - My FIT (my.fit.edu)
... Good news. Can use computer to test program. Bad news. Cannot use computer to automatically find all bugs. ...
... Good news. Can use computer to test program. Bad news. Cannot use computer to automatically find all bugs. ...
Chapter 22
... This example creates a hash set filled with strings, and then creates a tree set for the same strings. The strings are sorted in the tree set using the compareTo method in the Comparable interface. The example also creates a tree set of geometric objects. The geometric objects are sorted using the c ...
... This example creates a hash set filled with strings, and then creates a tree set for the same strings. The strings are sorted in the tree set using the compareTo method in the Comparable interface. The example also creates a tree set of geometric objects. The geometric objects are sorted using the c ...