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ECE 517 Reinforcement Learning in
Artificial Intelligence
Lecture 21: Deep Machine Learning
November 8, 2010
Dr. Itamar Arel
College of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
The University of Tennessee
Fall 2010
RL and General AI
RL seems like a good AI framework
Some pieces are missing
Long/short term memory: what is the optimal value (or costto-go) function to be used?
How do we treat multi-dimensional reward signals?
How do we deal with high-dimensional inputs (observations)?
How to generalize to address an near-infinite state space?
How long will it take to train such a system?
If we want to use hardware – how do we go about doing it?
Storage capacity – human brain ~1014 synapses (i.e. weights)
Processing power - ~1011 neurons
Communications – fully or partially connected architectures
ECE 517 - Reinforcement Learning in AI
Why Deep Learning?
Mimicking the way the brain represents information is
a key challenge
Deals efficiently with high-dimensionality
Handle multi-modal data fusion
Capture temporal dependencies spanning large scales
Incremental knowledge acquisition
The challenge with high-dimensionality
Real-world problem
Curse of dimensionality (Bellman)
Spatial and temporal dependencies
How to represent key features??
ECE 517 - Reinforcement Learning in AI
Main application: classification
Hard (unsolved) problem due to …
High-dimensionality data
Distortions (noise, rotation, displacement, perspective,
lighting conditions, etc.)
Partial observability
Mainstream approach …
ROI detection
Feature Extraction
ECE 517 - Reinforcement Learning in AI
The power of hierarchical representation
Core idea: partition high-dimensional data to small patches,
model them and discover dependencies between them
Decomposes the problem
Suggests a trade off
more scope  less detail
Key ideas:
Basic cortical circuit
Massively parallel architecture
Discovers structure based on
regularities in the observations
Goal: situation/state inference
ECE 517 - Reinforcement Learning in AI
The power of hierarchical representation (con’t)
Hypothesis: the brain represents information using a
hierarchical architecture that comprises basic cortical
Effective way of dealing with largescale POMDPs
DL – state inference
RL – for decision making under
Suggest a semi-supervised learning
Unsupervised – learns structure of
natural data
Supervised – mapping states to
ECE 517 - Reinforcement Learning in AI
The Deep Learning Theory
Basic idea is to decompose the large image into smaller
images that can each be modeled
The hierarchy is one of abstraction
Higher levels of the state represent more abstract notions
The higher the layer the more scope it encompasses and less
detail it offers
Multi-scale spatial-temporal context representation
Lower levels interpret or control limited domains of experience,
or sensory systems
Connections from the higher level states predispose some
selected transitions in the lower-level state machines
ECE 517 - Reinforcement Learning in AI
Inspiration: Role of Cerebral Cortex
The cerebral cortex (aka neocortex), made up of four
lobes, is involved in many complex cognitive functions
including: memory, attention, perceptual awareness,
"thinking", language and consciousness
The cortex is the primary brain subsystem responsible for
learning …
Rich in neurons (>80% in human brain)
It is the one embedding the hierarchical
auto-associative memory architecture
Receives sensory information from many
different sensory organs e.g.: eyes, ears,
etc. and processes the information
Areas that receive that particular
information are called sensory areas
ECE 517 - Reinforcement Learning in AI
Deep Machine Learning – general framework
The lower layers predict short-term sequences
As you go higher in the hierarchy – “less accuracy, broader
Analogy to a general commanding an army, or poem being recited
“Surprise” sequences should propagate up to the appropriate layer
ECE 517 - Reinforcement Learning in AI
DL for Invariant Pattern Recognition
Initial focus on the visual cortex
Offers an invariant visual pattern recognition in the visual
Recognizing objects despite different scaling, rotations and
translations is something humans perform without conscious
Lighting conditions, various noises (additive, multiplicative)
Currently difficult for machines learning to achieve
The approach taken is that geometric invariance is linked
to motion
When we look at an object, the patterns on our retina change
a lot while the object (cause) remains the same
Thus, learning persistent patterns on the retina would
correspond to learning objects in the visual world
Associating patterns with their causes corresponds to
invariant pattern recognition
ECE 517 - Reinforcement Learning in AI
DL for Invariant Pattern Recognition (cont’)
Each level in the system hierarchy has several
modules that model cortical regions
 A module can have several children and one parent,
thus modules are arranged in a tree structure
 The bottom most level is called level 1 and the level
number increases as you go up in the hierarchy
 Inputs go directly to the modules at level 1
 The level 1 modules have small receptive fields
compared to the size of the total image, i.e., these
modules receive their inputs from a small patch of
the visual field
 Several such level 1 modules tile the visual field,
possibly with overlap
ECE 517 - Reinforcement Learning in AI
General System Architecture
Thus a level 2 module covers more of the visual field compared to
a level 1 module. However, a level 2 module gets it information only
through a level 1 module
This pattern is repeated in the hierarchy
Receptive field sizes increase as one goes up the hierarchy
The module at the root of the tree covers the entire visual field, by
pooling inputs from its child modules
ECE 517 - Reinforcement Learning in AI
Learning Framework
Let Xn(1) and Xn(2) denote the sequence of inputs to modules 1 and 2
Learning occurs in three phases:
First, each module learns the most likely sequences of its inputs
Second, each module passes an index of its most-likely observed input
Third, each module learns the most frequent “coincidences” of indices
originating from the lower layer modules
Next …
ECE 517 - Reinforcement Learning in AI
Contextual Embedding (if exists)
Feedback loop from layer 2 back to layer 1 (its children)
This feedback provides contextual inference (from higher
This stage is initiated once the level 2 module has formed its
alphabet, Yk
Lower layer nodes eventually learn the CPD matrix P(X(1)|Y)
ECE 517 - Reinforcement Learning in AI
Bayesian Network Obtained
Bottom layer random variables correspond to quantizations on
input patterns
The r.v. at the intermediate layers represent object parts that
move together persistently
R.V. at the top layer correspond to objects
ECE 517 - Reinforcement Learning in AI
Learning algorithm (cont.)
After the system has learned (seen many example) and
obtained the CPD at each layer, we seek
P z | I  max Pz | I 
where I is the image observed.
A Bayesian Belief Propagation method is typically used to
determine the above, based on hierarchy of beliefs
Drawbacks of current schemes
No “natural” spatiotemporal information representation
Layer-by-layer training is needed
Modality independent (most current schemes limited to
image data sets)
ECE 517 - Reinforcement Learning in AI
Alternative Explanations for Biological Phenomena
Physiological experiments found that neurons
sometimes respond to illusory contours in a Kanizsa
In other words, a neuron responds to a contour that
does not exist in its receptive field
Possible interpretation: activity of a neuron represents the
probability that a contour should be present
Originates from its own state and the state information of
higher-level neurons
DL based explanation for this phenomena
Contrary to current hypothesis that assume
“signal subtraction” occurs for some reason
ECE 517 - Reinforcement Learning in AI