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PowerPoint Presentation for
Biopsychology, 8th Edition
by John P.J. Pinel
Prepared by Jeffrey W. Grimm
Western Washington University
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Chapter 7: Mechanisms of
Perception: Hearing, Touch,
Smell, Taste, and Attention
How You Know the World
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Principles of Sensory System
Primary – input mainly from thalamic relay nuclei
For example, striate cortex receives input from
the lateral geniculate nucleus
Secondary – input mainly from primary and
secondary cortex within the sensory system
Association – input from more than one sensory
system, usually from secondary sensory cortex
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Principles of Sensory System
Organization Continued
Hierarchical Organization
Specificity and complexity increases with each
Sensation – detecting a stimulus
Perception – understanding the stimulus
Functional Segregation – distinct functional
areas within a level
Parallel Processing – simultaneous analysis
of signals along different pathways
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FIGURE 7.1 The hierarchical
organization of the sensory systems.
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FIGURE 7.2 Two models of sensory system
organization: The former model was
hierarchical, functionally homogeneous, and
serial; the current model, which is more
consistent with the evidence, is hierarchical,
functionally segregated, and parallel.
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Auditory System
Natural sounds are complex patterns of
A Fourier analysis breaks natural sounds
down into sine waves
There is a complex relationship between
natural sounds and perceived frequency
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FIGURE 7.3 The relation between the
physical and perceptual dimensions of
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FIGURE 7.4 The breaking down of a
sound—in this case, the sound of a
clarinet—into its component sine
waves by Fournier analysis.
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The Ear
Sound waves enter the auditory canal of the
ear and then cause the tympanic membrane
(the eardrum) to vibrate
This sets in motion the bones of the middle
ear, the ossicles, which trigger vibrations of
the oval window
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The Ear Continued
Sound wave > eardrum > ossicles (hammer,
anvil, stirrup) > oval window
Vibration of the oval window sets in motion
the fluid of the cochlea
The cochlea’s internal membrane, the organ
of Corti, is the auditory receptor organ
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FIGURE 7.5 Anatomy of the ear.
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The Ear Continued
The organ of Corti is composed of two
Basilar membrane – auditory receptors, hair cells,
are mounted here
Tectorial membrane – rests on the hair cells
Stimulation of hair cells triggers action
potentials in the auditory nerve
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The Ear Continued
Cochlear coding:
Different frequencies produce maximal
stimulation of hair cells at different points
along the basilar membrane
Tonotopic (frequency) organization of the
basilar membrane and most other auditory
system components
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From the Ear to the Primary
Auditory Cortex
The axons of each auditory nerve synapse in the
ipsilateral cochlear nuclei
From there, many projections lead to the superior
olives on both sides of the brain stem
From there, axons project via the lateral lemniscus
to the inferior colliculi
Axons then project from the inferior colliculi to the
medial geniculate nuclei of the thalamus
Thalamic neurons then project to the primary
auditory cortex
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FIGURE 7.6 Some of the pathways
of the auditory system that lead
from one ear to the cortex.
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Subcortical Mechanisms of
Sound Localization
The lateral and medial superior olives react
to differences in what is heard by the two
Medial – arrival time differences
Lateral – amplitude differences
Both project to the superior colliculus
The deep layers of the superior colliculus are laid out
according to auditory space, allowing location of sound
sources in the world; the shallow layers are laid out
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Auditory Cortex
Auditory cortex is located in the temporal lobe
Core region: includes primary cortex
Belt surrounds the core region
A band of secondary cortex
Secondary cortex outside the belt referred to
as parabelt areas
About ten seperate areas of secondary
auditory cortex in primates
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FIGURE 7.7 General location of the
primary auditory cortex and areas of
secondary auditory cortex.
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Organization of Primate
Functional columns (cells of a column respond
to the same frequency)
Tonotopic organization-is the spatial
arrangement of where sounds of different
frequency are processed in the brain.
Secondary areas do not respond well to pure
tones and have not been well-researched
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What Sounds Should Be
Used to Study Auditory
There is a lack of understanding of the
dimensions along which auditory cortex
evaluates sound
All through the cortical levels of the auditory
system there are cells that respond to
complex sounds
Perhaps study with pure tones is limited
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Two Streams of Auditory
Auditory signals are conducted to two areas
of association cortex
Prefrontal cortex
Posterior parietal cortex
Anterior auditory pathway may be more
involved in identifying sounds (what)
Posterior auditory pathway may be more
involved in locating sounds (where)
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FIGURE 7.8 The hypothesized anterior
and posterior auditory pathways.
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Auditory-Visual Interactions
There is evidence for interactions between
the auditory and visual systems
e.g. some posterior parietal neurons with both
visual and auditory receptive fields
Interaction in primary sensory cortices
indicate that sensory system interaction is an
early and integral part of sensory processing
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Where Does the Perception
of Pitch Occur?
Most auditory neurons respond to changes
in frequency rather than pitch
One small area just anterior to primary
auditory cortex has neurons that respond to
pitch rather than frequency
May be where frequencies of sound are
converted to perception of pitch
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Effects of Damage to the
Auditory System
Lesions of auditory cortex in rats results in
few permanent hearing deficits
Lesions in monkeys and humans hinder
sound localization and pitch discrimination
Deafness in humans
Total deafness is rare, due to multiple pathways
Two kinds: conductive deafness (damage to
ossicles) and nerve deafness (damage to
Partial cochlear damage results in loss of hearing at
particular frequencies
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Somatosensory System:
Touch and Pain
Somatosensory system is three separate and
interacting systems:
Exteroceptive – external stimuli
Proprioceptive – body position
Interoceptive – body conditions (e.g.,
temperature and blood pressure)
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Cutaneous Receptors
Free nerve endings
Pacinian corpuscles
Temperature and pain
Adapt rapidly, large and deep; onion-like
Respond to sudden displacements of the skin
Merkel’s disks – gradual skin indentation
Ruffini endings – gradual skin stretch
Dermatome – the area of the body innervated by
the left and right dorsal roots of a given segment
of spinal cord
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FIGURE 7.10 Four cutaneous
receptors that occur in human
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Two Major Somatosensory
Dorsal-column medial-lemniscus system
Mainly touch and proprioception
First synapse in the dorsal column nuclei of the
Anterolateral system
Mainly pain and temperature
Synapse upon entering the spinal cord
Three tracts – spinothalamic, spinoreticular,
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FIGURE 7.12 The dorsalcolumn medial-lemniscus
FIGURE 7.13 The anterolateral
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Cortical Areas of
Primary somatosensory cortex (SI)
SII – mainly input from SI
Postcentral gyrus
Somatotopic organization (somatosensory
homunculus) – more sensitive, more cortex
Input largely contralateral
Somatotopic; input from both sides of the body
Much of the output from SI and SII goes to
association cortex in posterior parietal lobe
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Effects of Damage to the
Primary Somatosensory
Effects of damage to the primary
somatosensory cortex are often mild
Likely due to numerous parallel pathways
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Somatosensory System and
Association Cortex
Highest level of sensory hierarchy are
areas of association cortex in prefrontal
and posterior parietal cortex
Posterior parietal cortex contains bimodal
Neurons that respond to activation of two
different sensory systems
Allow integration of visual and somatosensory
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Somatosensory Agnosias
Astereognosia – inability to recognize objects
by touch
pure cases are rare – other sensory deficits are
usually present
Asomatognosia – the failure to recognize
parts of one’s own body (the case of the man
who fell out of bed)
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Perception of Pain
Despite its unpleasantness, pain is
adaptive and needed
No obvious cortical representation of
pain (although the anterior cingulate
gyrus appears involved in the emotional
component of pain)
Descending pain control – pain can be
suppressed by cognitive and emotional
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Descending Pain Control
Circuitry identified by the following studies:
Electrical stimulation of the periaqueductal
gray (PAG) has analgesic effects
PAG and other brain areas have opiate
Existence of endogenous opiates (natural
analgesics) – endorphins
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FIGURE 7.18 Basbaum and
Fields’s (1978) model of the
descending analgesia circuit.
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Neuropathic Pain
Severe chronic pain in the absence of a
recognizable pain stimulus
Likely from pathology of nervous system
linked to an injury
Some evidence for aberrant glial cell
signals triggering neural pain pathways
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Chemical Senses: Smell and
Olfaction (smell)
Gustation (taste)
Detects airborne chemicals
Responds to chemicals in the mouth
Food acts on both systems to produce flavor
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Chemical Senses: Smell and
Pheremones are chemicals that influence that
behavior of conspecifics (members of the same
Evidence of human pheromones
Changes in olfactory sensitivity across and
menstrual cycle
Synchronization of menstrual cycles
Sex identification by smell (especially by women)
Men can identify menstrual stage by smell
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Olfactory System
Receptor cells embedded in the olfactory mucosa of
the nose
Many different kinds of receptors
Same kinds of receptor cells project to similar areas
of the olfactory bulb
Rats and mice have about 1,500
Humans have almost 1,000
clusters of neurons near the surface of the olfactory bulbs
 olfactory glomeruli
New receptor cells are created throughout life
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Olfactory System Continued
Olfactory tract projects to several structures
of the medial temporal lobes including
amygdala and piriform cortex
does NOT first pass through the thalamus
only sensory system that does this
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FIGURE 7.19 The human
olfactory system.
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Gustatory System
Receptors in tongue and oral cavity in clusters
of about 50 called taste buds
located around small protuberances called papillae
> 4 (sweet, sour, salty, bitter) primary tastes –
5th is umami, meat or savory
Many tastes not created by combining
Salty and sour don’t have receptors; they
merely act on ion channels
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Gustatory System Continued
Gustatory afferent neurons leave the mouth as
part of the 7th, 9th, and 10th cranial nerves to the
solitary nucleus of the medulla
Projections then pass to the ventral posterior
nucleus of the thalamus
From there, neurons project to the primary
gustatory cortex and then to the secondary
gustatory cortex
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FIGURE 7.20 Taste receptors,
taste buds, and papillae on the
surface of the tongue.
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Brain Damage and the
Chemical Senses
Anosmia – inability to smell
Most common cause is a blow to the head that
damages olfactory nerves
Incomplete deficits seen with a variety of
Ageusia – inability to taste
Rare due to multiple pathways carrying taste
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Selective Attention
Improves perception of what is attended to
and interferes with that which is not
Internal cognitive processes (endogenous
attention) and external events (exogenous
attention) focus attention
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Selective Attention Continued
Cocktail-party phenomenon – indicates that
there is processing of information not
attended to
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Change Blindness
Change blindness – no memory of that
which is not attended to
We do not appear to remember parts of a
scene that are not the focus of our attention
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Neural Mechanisms of
Selective attention is thought to work by
strengthening the neural responses to
attended-to aspects and by weakening the
responses to other
For example, spatial attention can shift the
location of receptive fields (Wommelsdorf
et al. 2006)
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Simultanagnosia – a difficulty attending to
more than one visual object at a time
Typical cause: bilateral damage to the dorsal stream
(involved with localizing objects in space)
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