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What were some causes of World
War II?
• Worldwide Depression
• Massive unemployment
•High debt owed by Germany: (reparations)
• High inflation
These conditions led to the rise of powerful leaders,
called ____________________.
a political philosophy in which
total power is given to a dictator
and individual freedoms are denied
World War II
AXIS POWERS vs _______________
• Italy
(Benito Mussolini)
• Japan
(Tojo Hideki)
• Germany
(Adolf Hitler)
•United States (FDR)
•Great Britain
(Winston Churchill)
•U.S.S.R. (Joseph Stalin)
Who were the leaders of these countries?
Which ones were fascists?
Give an example from World War II of:
Axis Powers invaded other Eastern European countries
Japan invaded Manchuria
The Munich Conference
World War II began when:
What happened to France?
What happened to Britain?
Germany invaded Poland.
USSR also invaded Poland.
Germany invaded France,
and captured Paris.
Germany bombed London
Battle of Britain
during the ______________.
The U.S. gave Britain war supplies & old naval ships
in return for military bases in Bermuda & the Caribbean.
Rising tension developed between the U.S. and Japan
because of Japanese _______________
AGGRESSION in East Asia.
What was the US policy at this time?
First, we tried to remain in isolation.
Then, we gave economic aid to the Allies.
Finally, we were directly involved in the war, when…
On December 7th, 1941,
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
a date which will live in infamy…
said Franklin D. Roosevelt.
After the attack on Pearl Harbor,
United States declared war on __________.
the ______________
Then _________
Germany declared war on the United States.
The result of the attack on Pearl Harbor was
America entered World War II.
1. German air attack on London and other English cities:
Battle of Britain
2. The turning point in the war in the Pacific,
Japan lost 4 aircraft carriers:
Battle of Midway
3. Allied invasion on the coast of Normandy, France
which began the liberation of France from Nazi Germany:
Turning Points in the War:
1. The Soviet Union defeated Germany at: Stalingrad.
This was the turning point of the war in Eastern Europe.
2. Allied troops landed in Normandy, France on: D-Day.
3. The turning point of the war in the Pacific was the victory
of the U.S. over Japan in the Battle of Midway.
Where were the most major battles of World War II fought?
Central Europe
the Pacific
The need for workers temporarily broke down
some racial barriers in hiring, but _______________
against African Americans continued:
African American soldiers served in
How did the lives of some Japanese
Americans change during World War II?
• Many Japanese Americans
(especially those living along the west coast)
internment camps
were placed in _____________________.
• Many were treated with
distrust & prejudice
• Some Japanese American men
gallantly in the armed forces
How did the role of women
change during World War II?
• Women took jobs in ________________
defense plants
during the war.
•The model of the
working woman was:
Rosie the Riveter.
How did Americans at home
support the war?
• Americans at home conserved & rationed resources.
What finally brought an end to
the Depression?
America’s involvement in World War II.
Factories & workers were needed
to produce goods to win the war.
Near the end of World War II, the U.S.
developed a secret, new weapon:
the atomic bomb
The United States dropped
atomic bombs on:
and _______________.
Hitler and his Nazi Party believed:
the Aryan race was supreme.
The Holocaust
• Anti-Semitism
• ______
Aryan supremacy
• A systematic attempt to ___________
exterminate all Jews in Europe
by the Hitler’s Nazi Party
• Tactics:
- _________
boycott of Jewish stores
- threats
- separation, or ___________
into ghettos
- imprisonment, slave labor & death in
concentration camps
• Liberation of the concentration camps by ____________.
Allied Forces
Following World War II, Americans prospered.
America prospered because there was a rapid growth of the economy:
Rationing was over!
Businesses changed from producing war materials
to consumer goods.
Americans purchased goods on credit.
The workforce shifted back to men, and
most women returned to their families.
Labor unions merged and became more powerful
(AFL – CIO).
Workers gained new benefits and higher wages.
Technology boomed.
A new generation of women entered the labor force.
Rationing was over!
Businesses changed from producing
war materials
to making
consumer goods.
Americans purchased goods on credit.
The workforce shifted back to ______,
to their families
and most women returned _______________.
Labor unions merged and became more powerful.
The union’s new name:
Workers gained new _______
benefits and higher _________.
Technology boomed!
The Space Race
• First artificial satellite:
• Sputnik
• First man in space:
• Yuri Gagarin(USSR)
• First American in space:
• John Glenn
• First man to walk on the moon:
• Neil Armstrong
Industries benefiting from the new technologies:
• Airline industry
• Automobile industry &
interstate highway system
• Entertainment and news media
• Exploration of SPACE
• Satellite system –
• Telecommunications
• Computer industry
• Internet
The Space Program led to other
industries, such as:
• cell phones
• satellite dishes for television
 a strong economy due to:
 healthy job market
 increased production of goods
 increased demand for American products
 greater investment in education
 interstate highway system
“The Baby Boom”
changing role of women
(still expected to be at-home, but more & more were working)
African American’s hopes for equal opportunities
changes in the make-up of immigrants after 1965
The G.I. Bill
for World War II veterans
• educational benefits
• housing opportunities
• employment benefits
United Nations
The ______________________
was formed
near the end of World War II to create an
organization for the nations of the world
to try to prevent future global wars.
Proposed by George C. Marshall,
the Marshall Plan
provided Europe with financial aid
to ______
rebuildEuropean economies
prevent the spread of___________.
A state of tension
between the US and the USSR
without actual fighting.
The SUPERpowers
• totalitarian
• communist
• dictatorship
• democratic
• capitalist
• elected president
The type of government under
Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union:
The United States and the nations in yellow represent:
(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
The nations in red represent the
Pact (or: Soviet Union & its allies ).
West Germany:
East Germany:
became _____________
remained ____________
& resumed self-government.
under domination of the
• was occupied by American forces
• soon adopted a democratic form of government
• resumed self-government
• became an ally of the United States
The BERLIN WALL divided:
East and West Berlin.
What was America’s policy
toward Communism during the
Cold War?
• South Korea & the United Nations resisted
North Korean aggression.
• The conflict ended in a_______________.
The Cuban Missile Crisis
•The Soviet Union placed missiles in Cuba.
•President Kennedy ordered a blockade of Cuba.
•The Soviets removed the missiles.
America nearly went to war with the Soviet Union!
•The U.S. intervened to stop the spread of __________.
•Americans were divided over this military involvement.
•The conflict ended in a cease-fire
and American troops withdrew.
The idea that communism may spread
throughout Southeast Asian countries
like South Vietnam was called
Why were the Korean and
Vietnam Wars fought?
What did President Reagan tell
Soviet Premier Gorbachev to do?
“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”
The Collapse of Communism
• began with the destruction of the Berlin Wall.
• breakup of the USSR into independent countries.
Why did communism fail
in the Soviet Union?
Because western influence
led to dissatisfaction with
the Communist life style.
What happened to the Soviet Union?
The country was broken up into many
independent countries.
Jim Crow
The __________________
• made discrimination against African
• characterized by unequal opportunity in
housing, work, education & government
What were some effects of segregation
on American society?
- separate schools
-separate public facilities
(restrooms, drinking fountains, restaurants)
- social isolation of the races
Plessy v. Ferguson
1896 Supreme Court Case that stated
“separate but equal” facilities was ok.
What Supreme Court case ruling states that
“separate but equal” facilities are not constitutional?
• Brown v. Topeka Board of Education
This Supreme Court case ordered
the _______________
desegregation of schools.
Who was denied a seat in front of the bus
because she was not white? Rosa Parks
What did Rosa Parks do?
She refused to give up her seat
& move to the back of the bus,
The Montgomery Bus Boycott
and that’s how the _________________________ began,
when African Americans refused to ride the buses in
Montgomery, Alabama.
Who said, “I have a dream”?
What was his speech about?
Racial equality
What methods did Rev. King use to oppose segregation?
Passive Resistance
What were other actions taken
in the struggle for equality?
- organized protests
- Freedom Riders
- sit-ins and marches
What organization helped African Americans
during the Civil Rights Movement?
National Association
for the Advancement
of Colored People
Civil Rights legislation
Name two:
• Civil Rights Act of 1964
• Voting Rights Act of 1965
How were women disadvantaged in the workplace?
- discrimination in hiring
-lower wages for women than men
doing the same job
What organization worked to improve women’s rights?
N.O.W. =
National Organization for Women
The EQUAL RIGHTS ADMENDMENT failed to become a part of the Constitution,
was introduced
in Congress
for 49 consecutive
but it provided
a focus on
equal opportunity
in employment
women and
finally passed both houses in 1972….
created a wider BUT
and by
for women
in business
and public service.
only 35 states
– 3 short
of passing!
New laws forced colleges to give women equal athletic opportunities
Since 1960, many Asian and
Latin Americans have immigrated
to the US. WHY?
• to escape from poverty
• to escape from political persecution
• to seek greater economic & educational
How did new technologies effect American life?
increased domestic and international travel for business & pleasure.
• greater access to news & other information.
• cheaper & more convenient means of communication.
• greater access to heating & air conditioning.
decreased regional variations –
why are Americans becoming more alike?
 Television
 Radio
 Internet
 Computer games
What are new challenges
Americans face today?
• Role of the US military to intervene in
trouble spots around the world
• Environmental issues
• Global issues, such as trade, jobs, disease.