Download Western Europe during the Middle Ages 500 to 1100 AD

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World History & Geography I
Unit 10: Western Europe during the Middle Ages 500 to 1100 A.D
Standard(s) WHI.9a-9d
The student will demonstrate knowledge of Western Europe during the Middle Ages from about 500 to 1000 A.D. (C.E.) in terms of
its impact on Western civilization by
a) sequencing events related to the spread and influence of Christianity and the Catholic Church throughout Europe;
b) explaining the structure of feudal society and its economic, social, and political effects;
c) explaining the rise of Frankish kings, the Age of Charlemagne, and the revival of the idea of the Roman Empire;
d) sequencing events related to the invasions, settlements, and influence of migratory groups, including Angles, Saxons, Magyars,
and Vikings.
Foundations of early medieval society
Classical heritage of Rome
Christian beliefs
Customs of Germanic tribes
Influence of the Roman Catholic Church
Secular authority declined, while Church authority grew.
Monasteries preserved Greco-Roman cultural achievements.
Missionaries carried Christianity and Latin alphabet to Germanic tribes.
The Pope anointed Charlemagne Emperor in 800 A.D. (C.E.)
Parish priests served religious and social needs of the people.
Invasions shattered Roman protection over the Empire.
Feudal society during the Middle Ages
Feudal obligations
Manorial system during the Middle Ages
Rigid class structure
Self-sufficient manors
Age of Charlemagne
Franks emerged as a force in Western Europe.
The Pope crowned the Emperor.
Power of the Church was established in political life.
Roman culture was reinterpreted.
Most of Western Europe was included in the new empire.
Churches, roads, and schools were built to unite the empire.
Areas of settlement
Angles and Saxons migrated from continental Europe to England.
Magyars migrated from Central Asia to Hungary.
Vikings migrated from Scandinavia to Russia.
Influence of the Angles, Saxons, Magyars, and Vikings
Manors with castles provided protection from invaders, reinforcing the feudal system.
Invasions disrupted trade, towns declined, and the feudal system was strengthened.
Why were Rome and the Church such a big influence on the early Middle Ages?
Medieval Society-middle Ages of Europe
Charles Martel-major domo that defeats Moors at Tours
Battle of Tours-battle in France where Charles Martel stopped the Muslim advance into Europe
Charlemagne-King of the Franks (768-814) and founder of the first empire in Western Europe after the fall of Rome.
Holy Roman Empire-a Germanic empire located chiefly in central Europe that began with the coronation of
Charlemagne as Roman emperor in 800 A.D.
Analyze Charlemagne’s rule and explain why he was such an important ruler to
Western Culture.
Vikings-Norse invaders famous for their ships
Angles and Saxons-groups that come from the mainland and conquer England
Magyars-brutal conquerors who settle in current day Hungary
Fill in the chart on the invaders of Europe
Angles and Saxons
Famous For
In the box create a theory as to
which invaders were the best.
Gave land to nobles
give land to knights
give land to knights
give land to knights
Feudalism-political system where
land was given for military service
Fief-the land given for military
Vassal-person receiving the land
and serving the noble of the level
Manor-the main house of the
lord of a fief
Create a theory about why the feudal system was necessary and compare it to the feudal system of Japan.
Manorial system-economy based around manors producing everything on the estate
Serfs-peasants tied to land
Chivalry-code by which knights lived
In the box above, compare the life of Knights to that of the Serf.
Secular-of or pertaining to worldly
things or to things that are not
regarded as religious, spiritual, or
sacred; temporal: secular
Holy Roman Empire-a Germanic
empire located chiefly in central
Europe that began with the
coronation of Charlemagne as
Roman emperor in 800 A.D.
Monasteries-a house or place of
residence occupied by a
community of persons, especially
monks, living in seclusion under
religious vows.
Missionaries-a person sent by a
church into an area to carry on
evangelism or other activities, as
educational or hospital work.
Roman Catholic Church-the
Christian church of which the
pope, or bishop of Rome, is the
supreme head.
Explain why Parish Priest had such a great influence on common village people.