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Name: ________________________________
Date: _________________________________
Topic: Europe in the Middle
Questions/Main Ideas:
Lesson 1: Things Fall Apart
Attila the Hun
Name the capital and church of
the Western Roman Empire
Name the capital and church of
the Eastern Roman Empire
Lesson 4: Prayer and Work
Capital: Rome
Church: Roman Catholic Church
Capital: Constantinople
Church: Eastern Orthodox Church
Brilliant but cruel Hun general who spared Rome b/c he thought he
saw a halo around Pope Leo I's head.
- Rome was spared!
What caused business and trade to 
The government was spending too much $ on war and armies
The roads were not maintained.
Poorly maintained roads = poor trade
Western Roman Empire came to an end in 476 A.D
Reasons for weakened
Roman generals fought each other
Romans spent too much money on armies and not enough on roads and
Dark ages 500-800
Lesson 2: The Not-so-Dark
What were the dark ages?
 Nothing written down in books. Information was passed on by trade.
Old workers passed information on to new workers.
When trade was slow, less information was passed on.
Eventually, people forgot important information and skills learned
from the Greeks and Romans
Lesson 3: Two Churches (P. 47)
St. Benedict
A community of monks
A leader of a monastery
A community of nuns, or women who devote themselves to
religious life
Urged monks to find God in useful work
Who founded the first monastery?
St. Patrick of Ireland.
432 A.D.
Why were monasteries important? 1. cared for sick
2. educated the wealthy
3. copied books by hand
What were the monk's rules?
1. vow of poverty
2. vow to never marry
3. vow of silence
"Charles the Great"
Lesson 5: Charlemagne
Charlemagne was king of which
King of the Frank tribes
Who were the Franks?
- lived along the Rhine River (in present-day Germany)
- had a strong and disciplined army
What are some of the things
Charlemagne was known for?
- being very tall (6 ft. 3 1/2 in.), healthy and energetic
- hard worker and great ruler
- had an excellent library
- built amazing palace, chapel, and huge swimming pool!
- conquered much of what was the Western Roman Empire
Charlemagne crowned "Holy Roman Emperor" by the pope
What happened in 800 AD?
Lesson 6: A Feudal Society
Order of feudal system
A system of government in which land is exchanged for loyalty and
A person who receives land from a ruler and in return promises help
A plot of land exchanged for loyalty to a ruler
A military servant of a feudal king or other superior
Lesser lords
Serfs (peasants)
Lesson 7: To the Manor Born
What was the three-field system?
Lesson 8: Life in a Castle
The estate over which a lord had control, also the location of the
lord’s house
- A farmworker who was bound to live and labor on his lord’s land
a field farmed every year didn't produce healthy crops
- cropland was divided into three parts:
part 1: planted in spring
part 2: planted in fall
part 3: left fallow (empty for the soil to recover)
- the next year, they rotated the parts
-castles were built to protect lords from invaders
-castles were built for defense, not comfort
Lesson 9: Days of a Knight
Code of chivalry
Steps to Becoming
a Knight:
A staged battle fought by knights for money and honor without the
intention to wound or kill
A set of rules for knights
A person who composed poems that were set to music
page- age 7
- learned to play music, read, and write
- practiced wrestling, archery, sword fighting, and horsemanship
- served the table during meals and learned manners
squire: age 14
- served a specific knight of the castle
- cared for knight's horses, weapons, and armor
- started practicing with real weapons
knight: age 21
Lesson 10: A Serf and His Turf
"I dub thee knight. Be loyal, brave, and true."
- defended his castle and lands
- fought in tournaments and jousted
- had his own squire
-serfs were bound to land, but were not slaves
-serfs could keep some of what they produced
Lesson 11: City Life
Hildegard of Bingen
Lesson 12: Women in the
Middle Ages
Lesson 13: William the
What was the result of this
Domesday Book
an apprentice qualified to work in a particular trade
a document given by a government or ruler to a group of people or a
a group of people who made rules for operating their craft in a city
many died in childbirth
spent time rearing children
were not allowed to hold certain jobs or attend universities
a person who makes barrels
a person who works with metals, such as a goldsmith, silversmith,
tinsmith, or blacksmith
European nun who said that men and women were equal in the eyes
of God
*became the Duke of Normandy at age 8
*won the Battle of Hastings in 1066 AD
*was crowned the King of England
 The battle changed the history of a nation and helped create the
English language we speak today!
- A list of who lived in England and how much they owed in taxes
*The great-grandson of William the Conqueror
*Crowned King of England in 1154 at age 21
*Strong leader with a very bad temper at times
*Established "trial by jury". This is where 12 people decide if someone is
innocent or guilty
- A group of people who hear evidence in a trial and then vote on the
guilt or innocence of the accused
*Henry's best friend
Lesson 15: Thomas Beckett
*Forced to become the Archbishop of Canterbury
*Was murdered by 4 young knights because of Henry's bad temper
- The punishment of not allowing someone to continue as a member
of the Church
- A journey undertaken for religious purposes
Lesson 16: Eleanor of Aquitaine Ruled England while her son King Richard was away
Lesson 14:Henry II
Lesson 17: The Magna Carta
Lesson 18: A New Kind of
Also known as The Great Charter
*written in 1215 AD and signed by King John
*Important step in giving liberty to ordinary citizens
*established that the king had to obey certain laws
An area or district through which a judge travels to hold court
Government with feudalism vs.
Lesson 19: The 100 Years’ War
*A group of representatives who got together to discuss policies and laws
*Everyone but serfs were represented
*Parliament included knights, citizens from cities and towns, barons,
nobles, bishops, and even some prominent women
Feudalism: King has all the power, citizens had no power
Parliament: the king and citizens share the power
An agreement to stop fighting.
England and France
Conflict over the French throne
How long?
116 years from 1337-1453 AD
One battle?
No, there were many
England used the first longbow
France used the first cannons
Lesson 20: Joan of Ark
French women who led her nation to victory in the Hundred Year’s War
Lesson 21: The Black Death
Other names for the Black Death
By the end of the Middle Ages
Next comes the Renaissance
The title given to the eldest son of the king of France
*Carried by rats and fleas
*Killed at least 1/3 of all people in Europe
*Seriously weakened feudalism
*100 years later, serfdom didn't exist!
- A highly contagious, usually fatal, disease that affects large numbers
of people
*The Great Death
*The Black Plague
*The Bubonic Plague
- Kings had more power and nobles had less power
(in 5th grade)