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Ancient World History Guild
Mastering Ancient World History
SOL#: WH1.9
Topic: Europe during the Middle Ages, 500 – 1000 CE
Apprentice Level
Part I: Define/Identify the following:
 Fief –
Feudalism -
Vassal –
Serf –
Manorialism –
Knight -
Monastery –
Lord –
Part II: Circle the answer that best completes the sentence.
1. The Germanic Tribe who created Western Europe’s first kingdom after
the fall of the Roman Empire was the (Visigoths/Franks).
2. The Pope anointed Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor on Christmas
Journeyman Level
Part I: Fill-in-the-blank with the correct term.
1. Because of the significance of the Church in Western Europe during
the Middle Ages it is sometimes called the Age of _______________.
2. For the first 500 years after the fall of the Roman Empire, Western
Europe experienced a decline in learning & prosperity which is why the
period is sometimes referred to as the ____________ _____________
3. Someone who received a grant of land in exchange for military service
was known as a____________________________.
4. After Charlemagne’s death, his empire was split among his 3
grandson’s with the Treaty of ________________________.
Day, (800/1000) CE.
3. The Frankish kingdoms 1st Dynasty, the Merovingian, were followed by
the (Verdun/Carolingian) Dynasty.
4. The Political system that developed in Western Europe after the fall of
5. The first Frankish ruler to convert to Christianity was the king
6. The first feudal exchange occurred between the French king, Charles
the Roman Empire is known as (Manorialism/Feudalism).
5. The Economic System that developed in Western Europe after the fall
of the Roman Empire is known as (Manorialism/Feudalism).
6. Charles Martel stopped the Muslim advance into Europe at the Battle
of Tours in the year (800/732) CE
and the Viking ______________________ who received territory called
7. Traveling monks were called __________________________.
Master Level
Part I: New European Invasions – Use the maps to fill in the chart below:
Area(s) impacted
Part II: Problems in the Church: Identify/Label the following
1. Priests –
2. Simony –
3. Lay Investiture –
4. Papal States –
5. Clergy -