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Introduction to Artificial
Artificial Intelligence CSC361
What is AI?
Definition: Artificial Intelligence may be
defined as the branch of computer science
that is concerned with the automation of
intelligent behaviour.
Ultimate Goal: to build an intelligent humanlike machine (hardware + software) that
thinks and acts like a human being.
Artificial Intelligence CSC361
Intelligent Behavior?
• Human behaviour is regarded as intelligent
behaviour. Animal behaviour is not.
• Its features:
– Problem solving ability
– Learning ability
– Ability to perceive environment i.e. ability to
see and hear. Etc. Etc.
Artificial Intelligence CSC361
Why build this Intelligent
• Why has man built a car, an aero plane, a
telescope, a gun, …..??
• Man wants to survive in this world. So man
wants to control the environment around
him to survive better.
• Intelligent machine will be like a ‘slave’ to
him … help him in doing daily tasks,
solving problems, …..
Artificial Intelligence CSC361
What is the history of AI?
1956: Dartmouth meeting John MaCarthy proposed
the name “Artificial Intelligence”
But history goes back to Greek times……
Greek Philosopher Aristotle first one to study
‘thought process’. Developed logic and referred to
it as an instrument for study of thought.
1943: McCulloch & Pitts: Boolean model of brain
1950s: Early AI programs, including Samuel's
checkers program, Newell & Simon's Logic
Theorist, Gelernter's Geometry Engine
Artificial Intelligence CSC361
What is the history of AI?
1952-69: Work on Perception, Natural Language...
1965: Robinson's complete algorithm for logical
1966—73: AI discovers computational complexity.
1969—79: Early development of knowledge-based
systems (Medical Diagnosis etc.)
1980: AI becomes an industry.
1986: Neural networks return to popularity.
1987: AI becomes a science.
1995: The emergence of intelligent agents.
Artificial Intelligence CSC361
What is the history of AI?
• Researchers build AI programs having some
aspect of intelligence… not 100%.
• The order in which AI problems where
– Early Work: Game playing, theorem proving,
commonsense reasoning.
– Subsequent Work: Perception (Vision and
speech), Natural Language Understanding,
Expert Problem Solving.
Artificial Intelligence CSC361
What is the history of AI?
• Why this order?
– Researchers thought humans learn perception
early in their life, without any training.
Therefore writing an intelligent program
capable of perception must be easy compared to
writing a program capable of expert problem
• It turned out that expert behaviour is easier
to program compared to perception.
Artificial Intelligence CSC361
When can we say that a program
is intelligent?
Turing Test: An experiment is performed to
determine if a program is intelligent or not.
Artificial Intelligence CSC361
How can AI problems be
Mundane Tasks
Perception (Vision, Speech)
Natural Language (Understanding,
Commonsense Reasoning (e.g. I can be
either here or in my room; not both.)
Robot Control
Artificial Intelligence CSC361
How can AI problems be
Formal Tasks
Games (Chess, Backgammon, Checkers,
Mathematics (Geometry, Logic, Integral
Calculus, Proving properties of programs)
Artificial Intelligence CSC361
How can AI problems be
Expert Tasks
Engineering (Design, Fault Diagnosis,
Manufacturing Planning)
Scientific Analysis
Medical Diagnosis
Financial Analysis
Artificial Intelligence CSC361
What has AI achieved?
• Deep Blue defeated the reigning world chess
champion Garry Kasparov in 1997
• Proved a mathematical conjecture (Robbins
conjecture) unsolved for decades
• Autonomous vehicle developed.
• During the 1991 Gulf War, US forces deployed an
AI logistics planning and scheduling program that
involved up to 50,000 vehicles, cargo, and people
• NASA's on-board autonomous planning program
controlled the scheduling of Hubble telescope.
Artificial Intelligence CSC361