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How to create a Successful Marketing Plan Brought to you in association with 1 What is a Marketing Plan ? A marketing plan is the blueprint or the map you intend to follow in order to achieve your goals. If you are planning for existing programs, the plan will incorporate the strengths of your current effort with needed changes and improvements. If the plan is for a brand new product or service, it will pull all the elements together for an effective start on marketing. Brought to you in association with 2 Why have a marketing plan? To find out where you are To know where you’re going How to get there Brought to you in association with 3 Some considerations See it as a process Form a team Keep it simple Develop a time-frame Give it a life Get feedback Have a simple revision process Consistent with mission statement Brought to you in association with 4 What does the process involve? Brought to you in association with 5 Components of a marketing plan Mission Statement Marketing Strategies Executive Summary Identify Resources Internal Analysis Implementation Plan External Analysis Marketing Budget Objectives Evaluation Methods Brought to you in association with 6 Mission Statement A clear, concise description of: The organizational identity What business is the organization really in Results the organization wants to accomplish Brought to you in association with 7 Some considerations A mission statement describes who the organization is and what business it’s really in. It’s what makes the organization go–reflects its internal and external perception. It must be understood by everyone. It drives the organization and dictates how things are done. It should be kept simple. Brought to you in association with 8 Mission Statement McDonalds Restaurants “Quality, Consistency, Cleanliness, Service.” Brought to you in association with 9 Executive Summary An overview Readable and concise Summary of main objectives of the plan Brought to you in association with 10 Internal Analysis Background Current status Future directions Current resources Strengths and weaknesses Brought to you in association with 11 External Analysis Economy Demographics Trends Competition Target market Brought to you in association with 12 Opportunities and Threats Environment produces both Estimate probability Severe, not severe Very likely, very unlikely Brought to you in association with 13 The Competition Who they are Product/service features Pricing, packaging, promotion Competitor strengths/weaknesses How are you different? Brought to you in association with 14 Customers and Target Markets Current and potential customers Customer requirements Market clusters Brought to you in association with 15 Marketing Strategies Customers/target markets Programs and services Packaging Pricing Promotion Brought to you in association with 16 Implementation Plan Steps Responsibility Deadlines Budget Brought to you in association with 17 Marketing budget Advertising/media Direct mail Databases Printing/production Mailing Brought to you in association with 18 Evaluating the marketing plan Success measures Completion of action dates Accomplishment of goals and strategies Results New/repeat customers Win rate on sales Average size of contracts Revenue Brought to you in association with 19 Summary The marketing plan It’s a process! It has discipline It results in a positive ROI Brought to you in association with 20 Reasons to join To get FREE marketing content To get free downloads To get discounts on our services To get access to our resource centre Many other Powerpoints in this series in the members area Brought to you in association with 21