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Marketing: An Introduction
Second Canadian Edition
Armstrong, Kotler, Cunningham, Mitchell and Buchwitz
Chapter One
Marketing: Managing Profitable
Customer Relationships
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Looking Ahead
• Define marketing and the marketing processes.
• Explain the importance of understanding
customers and the marketplace.
• Identify the five core marketplace concepts.
• Identify the key elements of a customer-driven
marketing strategy.
• Discuss customer relationship management
and ways of creating and obtaining value.
• Describe the major trends and forces changing
today’s marketing landscape.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
What is Marketing?
• Attracting new customers by promising
and delivering superior value.
• Building long-term relationships with
customers by delivering continued
customer satisfaction.
• Creating, building and managing these
relationships profitably over time.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
The Marketing Process
• Understand the marketplace and customer
needs and wants.
• Design a customer-driven marketing strategy.
• Construct a marketing program that delivers
superior value.
• Build profitable relationships and create
customer delight.
• Capture value from customers to create
profits and customer equity.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Needs, Wants and Demands
• Needs are states of felt deprivation.
– Physical:
• Food, clothing, shelter, safety.
– Social:
• Belonging, affection.
– Individual:
• Learning, knowledge, self-expression.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Needs, Wants and Demands
• Wants are needs shaped by culture and
individual personality.
– Jeans vs a sari.
– Individual expression vs. collective good.
• Demands are wants combined with
buying power.
– Hilfiger vs. Giant Tiger.
– Jetta vs. Jaguar.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Fulfilling Needs and Wants
• Marketers create marketing offers in
– A combination of goods, services,
information or experiences offered to a
market to satisfy a need or want.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Products, Services, Experiences
• Products.
– Anything that can be offered for.
– Acquisition, attention, use or consumption.
– That might satisfy a need or want.
• Services.
– Activities or benefits offered.
– Essentially intangible.
– Do not result in ownership of anything.
• Experiences.
– Create, stage and market brand experiences.
– Attending live theatre, music concert.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Marketing Myopia
• Sellers pay more attention to the specific
products they offer than to the benefits and
experiences produced by the products.
• They focus on the “wants” and lose sight of the
– The great railroads lost out to the exploding trucking
– They forgot that their business was solving
transportation problems, not running railroads.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Value and Satisfaction
• If the performance and the customer’s
experience is lower than expectations,
than customer satisfaction is low.
• If the performance and the customer’s
experience meets expectations, than the
customer is satisfied.
• If the performance and the customer’s
experience exceeds expectations, than
the customer is delighted.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Exchange and Transactions
• Exchange.
– The act of obtaining a desired object from
someone by offering something in return.
• Transaction.
– A trade between two parties that involves:
• two things of value.
• agreed upon conditions.
• time of agreement.
• place of agreement.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
What is a Market?
• The set of actual and potential buyers of
a product.
• These people share a need or want that
can be satisfied through exchange
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Core Marketplace Concepts
• Customers have needs, wants and
• Marketers offer products or services.
• Customers seek value and satisfaction
from offers.
• Demands and offers result in
transactions and relationships.
• Markets are all potential customers with a
similar demand.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Customer-Driven Marketing
• Divide markets into segments.
• Choose the right segment to target.
• Offer a unique value proposition.
• Differentiate your offer from competitor
• Build customer value and satisfaction.
• Nurture long-term customer relationships.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Marketing Management
The art and science of choosing target
markets and building profitable
relationships with them.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Segmentation and Targeting
• Segmentation divides the market into
groups of customers with varying needs
and wants.
• Targeting selects the right segment to
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Demand Management
• Marketing management seeks to control
– Increasing demand is the norm.
– Demarketing seeks to reduce demand in
certain circumstances.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Value Proposition
The set of benefits or values the company
promises to deliver to its target markets
to satisfy their needs.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Marketing Concepts
• Production – affordability and availability.
• Product -- quality and innovation.
• Selling -- promotion and hard selling.
• Marketing -- customer satisfaction and
• Societal – long-term value to both
customer and society.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
The Selling Concepts
• The production concept.
– Consumers will favour products that are
available and highly affordable.
• The product concept.
– Consumers favour products that offer the most
in quality, performance and innovative
• The selling concept.
– Consumers will not buy unless it undertakes a
large-scale selling and promotional effort.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
The Marketing Concepts
• The marketing concept.
– Determining the needs and wants of target
markets and delivering the desired
satisfactions more effectively and efficiently
then the competitors.
– An “outside-in” perspective.
– Customers are the paths to sales and
– See next slide for a comparison.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
The Marketing Concepts
• The societal marketing concept.
– Generating customer satisfaction and longrun societal well-being are the keys to both
achieving the company’s goals and fulfilling
its responsibilities.
– Balances human welfare, company profits
and consumer satisfaction.
– Addresses broader social issues.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Relationship Marketing
• Customer relationship management.
The process of building and
maintaining profitable customer
relationships by delivering superior
customer value and satisfaction.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
The Customer’s Experience
• Customer perceived value.
– Customer’s subjective view of the offer’s value
compared to competitive offers.
• Customer satisfaction.
– Customer’s subjective view of the value received in
return for the purchase price.
• Customer delight.
– Customer’s subjective view of the increased
value received above the purchase price.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Building Relationships
• Relationships span from the basic to tight
integrated relationships.
• Successful relationships are built on:
– Financial benefits.
– Social benefits.
– Structural ties.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Partner Relationship Marketing
• Working with partners in other company
departments and outside the company to
jointly bring greater value to the
– Every department in an organization
contributes to customer satisfaction.
– Suppliers are carefully controlled through
supply chain management.
– Strategic alliances create new opportunities
to delight customers.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Capturing Value In Return
• Customer lifetime value.
– The value of the entire stream of
purchases that the customer would make
over a lifetime of patronage.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Capturing Value In Return
• Share of customer.
– Share of customer is the percentage of
customers that buy a company’s product of
all customers purchasing in that product
– Companies continuously strive to grow their
share of customer.
– Creating brand extensions is a favoured
method of growing share of customer.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Building Customer Equity
• The total combined customer lifetime
value of all of the company’s customers.
• Often a more accurate measure of a
company’s value than sales or market
• Combination of market share, share of
customer and lifetime customer value.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Customer Relationship Groups
• Targeting the right customers at the right
Butterflies have high profitability with low loyalty.
True Friends have high profitability with high loyalty.
Strangers have low profitability with low loyalty.
Barnacles have low profitability with high loyalty.
• Challenge: make the Butterflies more loyal
and make the Barnacle more profitable.
• Keep the True Friends and “fire” the Strangers.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
New Marketing Technologies
• Technology has changed how marketers
build value.
– Internet and e-commerce/e-business.
– Fast and global communications.
– Wireless technologies.
– Relational databases.
• Instant, highly targeted communication
with customers and suppliers.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
New Global Markets
• International trade is the new frontier.
• Export is critical to Canada’s economic
• Difficult decision:
– Delay means risking loss of growing global
– Proceed means high risk but potentially high
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Ethics and Responsibility
• Worldwide consumerism and
environmentalism movements exert.
pressure for greater responsibility
• Notion of “caring capitalism” tied to
societal marketing concepts.
– Seeking ways to make a profit by serving the
best long-run interests of customers and
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Not-For-Profit Marketing
• Marketing of ideas, values and
• Increasing awareness that these
organizations must build relationships
with constituents and stakeholders.
• Challenge of using new marketing
techniques for not-for-profit initiatives.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Looking Back
• Define marketing and the marketing processes.
• Explain the importance of understanding
customers and the marketplace.
• Identify the five core marketplace concepts.
• Identify the key elements of a customer-driven
marketing strategy.
• Discuss customer relationship management
and ways of creating and obtaining value.
• Describe the major trends and forces changing
today’s marketing landscape.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada