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Evolution Fizz
1. The ears of an owl are large and extremely sensitive. This
makes it easy for them to detect the slightest movement
on the forest floor. What type of adaptation is this?
a. structural
b. behavioral
c. physiological
Evolution Fizz
2. The human stomach makes the enzyme pepsin, which
breaks down animal protein. Which type of adaptation is
a. structural
b. behavioral
c. physiological
Evolution Fizz # 3
This scientist thought that giraffes stretched their neck to
feed on leaves; then passed this stretched neck on to their
Evolution Fizz
4. I discovered the true model for evolution. Who am I?
Evolution Fizz
5. It was the beaks on these animals that peaked my
interest in evolution.
Evolution Fizz
6. Which scientist corresponds to this graph?
A. Malthus
B. Mendel
C. Lyell
Evolution Fizz
7. Who is more likely to pass their genes on to the next
Mr. Del
Mr. Casner
Evolution Fizz
8. Which scientist corresponds to this diagram?
A. Malthus
B. Mendel
C. Lyell
Evolution Fizz
9. This word describes differences in a population
Evolution Fizz
10.Fitness is described as _____________?
a. How long you live
c. none of these
b. number of offspring you have
Evolution Fizz
11. Which of the following best describes natural
a. individuals who adapt during their lifetime are more
likely to survive and reproduce
b. individuals born with certain favorable traits are more
likely to survive and reproduce
c. there is little or no variation in populations, which makes
adaptations rare over time
d. individuals with little or no variation or more likely to
survive and reproduce
Evolution Fizz
Which of the following are homologous structures?
a. wing of a bird and the flipper of a whale
b. human appendix and wisdom teeth
c. whale pelvis and femur
d. human brain and fins of a fish
Evolution Fizz
13. Variations arise:
a. through natural selection
b. Through mutations & gene shuffling
c. by decreasing a founder population
through competition
an individual
Evolution Fizz
14. This type of adaptation is evidenced by schooling
piranhas that trap their prey in a shallow pool:
a. Structural
b. Physiological
c. Psychological
d. behavioral
an individual
Evolution Fizz
15. This type of adaptation is evidenced by the razor
sharp teeth on a shark
a. Structural
b. Physiological
c. Psychological
d. behavioral
Evolution Fizz
16. This type of natural selection occurs when medium (or
intermediate traits) are selected. Baby weight is an
Directional Selection
Stabilizing selection
Disruptive selection
Artificial selection
Evolution Fizz
17. Which of the following is a vestigial organ?
Gall bladder
Evolution Fizz
18. Mr. Del is color blind. Is that a variation or an
a. Variation
b. Adaptation
Evolution Fizz
19. Which of the following happens randomly?
a. Variations
b. Natural Selection
Evolution Fizz
20. The speed of a cheetah: Variation or an Adaptation?
a. Variations
b. Adaptation
Evolution Fizz
21. The similarity of DNA and amino acids among closely
related organisms is taken as which type of evidence for
Homologous structures
Evolution Fizz
22.Bees live in large colonies which help them make large
quantities of honey for their young. Which type of
a. structural
b. behavioral
c. physiological
Evolution Fizz
23. Skunks an spray potential predators with a chemical
made in their scent gland. What type of adaptation?
a. structural
b. behavioral
c. physiological
Evolution Fizz
24. Most animals have the same ____ bases of DNA
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
Evolution Fizz
25. Which of the following most likely drives natural
a. Darwin
b. vestigial organs c. competition