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Download Changes on Earth
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Now let’s review..Open your journal and lets take some notes! “Processes That Shape the Earth’s Surface” Erosion is the process by which weathered rock and soil (sediment) are moved from one place to another. Erosion carves the Earth's surface creating canyons, gorges, and even beaches. Picture: Weathering Any action that causes the break down of the Earth’s surface. Weathering is caused by water, as it freezes and thaws, as well as by chemical reactions that loosen the bonds holding rocks together. Picture: Deposition Deposition is the process by which sediments (small particles of rock) are laid down in new locations. Together, Erosion and Deposition build new landforms. • Deltas • Canyons • Meanders • Floodplains • Picture: Delta Where rivers meet the ocean is called the mouth of the river. Soil and dirt carried by these rivers is deposited at the mouth, and new land is formed. The new, soil-rich land is known as a Delta. Picture: