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By Jenna
State- Alaska
• There are many, many landforms in Denali National
• Mt. McKinley is 20,320 feet and is the highest point in
North America.
• South peak is 20,320 feet. (Same as Mt. McKinley.)
• Mt. Foraker is 17,400 feet/5,303.5 meters. The North
peak is 19,470 feet.
• The lowest point in the park is 200 feet. (Look at that
compared to the highest point!)
• People did lots of things in Denali National Park for
LOTS of years.
• Kayukon Athabaskans (the native Americans) were the
first people to live in the park in 11000 BP.
• After the Native Americans, George Vancouver came.
He was surveying the Knik Arm of the Cook Inlet. The
Government made the land a National Park in 1980 and
in 2011 406,582 people visited the park.
• Waterways play a big part in Denali National
• Trout fishing sometimes occurs in Wonder Lake.
• The Nerara River is 150 miles long!!!
• The Tanana River ultimately empties into the
Yukon River.
• The many rivers in Denali are mostly quite
shallow moving over permafrost earth
Rocks and Minerals
• There are many types of rocks and minerals in Denali
National Park.
• Sedimentary rocks hardened the sitts and muds where
dinosaurs pressed their toes and left tracks.
• In Denali these rock layers with dinosaurs tracks are
called the lower Cantwell Formation.
• Fossils in the same rock layers where dinosaur fossils
are found. They begin to put together a more complete