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The Rock Cycle
Ms. Mandel
Explain how internal energy of the Earth
causes matter to cycle through the magma
and the solid earth.
Learning Targets
• I can explain how the internal energy of
the Earth causes matter to cycle through
the magma and the solid earth.
• I can differentiate between the 3 different
types of rocks.
The Rock Cycle
Thinking about relationships
among the major rock groups
What is a rock?
Naturally-occurring mixtures of minerals,
glass or organic matter.
Once a rock is formed, does it stay the
same forever?
Rocks are continually
What are the different
types of rocks?
• Igneous
• Metamorphic
• Sedimentary
How are igneous rocks
• Formed from the
cooling of either
magma or lava
• Most abundant
type of rock
What are the 2 types of
igneous rocks?
• Intrusive
• Extrusive
Describe Intrusive
Igneous Rock
• Forms below the Earth’s
surface from magma
• Cools slowly
• Large crystals form
• Diorite
• Gabbro
• Granite
• Pegmatite
Describe Extrusive
Igneous Rock
• Form when lava cools on or
near the surface
• Fast cooling
• Small or no crystals
• Obsidian
• Pumice
• Basalt
Sedimentary Rocks
How are Sedimentary
Rocks Formed?
• Formed from sediments
• Sediments moved by
wind, water, ice or gravity
• Heavy sediments press
down on the layers
beneath (compaction)
• Dissolved minerals flow
between particles and
cement them together
What are Metamorphic
• Rocks that have changed due to
temperature and pressure increases
What types of rocks can form metamorphic
• Igneous Rocks
• Sedimentary Rocks
• Metamorphic Rocks
Metamorphic Rocks
Metamorphic Rocks
What other cycles interact
with the Rock Cycle?
• Water (Hydrologic) Cycle
• Plate Tectonics
Let’s Put It Together
Learning Target Checkpoint
How does the internal energy of the Earth
cause matter to cycle through the magma
and the solid earth?
Differentiate between the 3 different types
of rocks.