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Chapter 4 Atomic
Section 4-1
• Describe ancient Greek models of matter
• List the main points of Dalton’s atomic
theory and describe his evidence for the
existence of atoms
• Explain how Thomson and Rutherford used
data from experiments to produce their
atomic models
derivation of the
word “atom” ?
• “a” – not
• “tomos” - cutting
• Matter can only be subdivided
as small as an elemental
particle: THE ATOM
• About 400 BC
• World is made of 2 things
– 1) empty space
– 2) tiny particles called “atoms”
• Matter is continuous and NOT MADE
• few believers in atoms for nearly
2,000 yrs
• WHY?????????????????
Dalton’s Theory
• Dalton produced the theory that all
matter is made up of individual
particles called atoms, which cannot
be divided.
Main Points to Dalton’s
• All elements are composed of atoms
• All atoms of the same element have the
same mass, and atoms of different
elements have different masses
• Compounds contain atoms of more than one
• In a particular compound, atoms of
different elements always combine in the
same way.
Early Research on
Atomic Particles
• Eventually exceptions were
discovered to Dalton’s Atomic
J.J Thompson
• Created Cathode Ray Tube
Cathode Ray Studies of the
mid 1800’s
What did these
observations mean?
• Glowing ray in cathode tube was made of
• Particles that composed cathode rays are
negatively charged called electrons
• Thomson’s experiments provided the first
evidence that atoms are made of even
smaller particles
Thomson’s Model
Called “Plum Pudding”
Looks like chocolate chip ice cream
Chocolate is negative particles
Vanilla ice cream is positively charged
Rutherford’s Atomic
• The gold foil experiment
Teacher Demo
Investigating Charged Objects
• Pg 102
• Most positive particles
passed through the gold foil
• About 1 in 8,000 particles
bounced almost straight back
Discovery of the Nucleus
• Rutherford’s experiment discovered the
• Nucleus is a dense, positively charged mass
located in the center of the atom.
• According to Rutherford’s model, all of an
atom’s positive charge is concentrated in
its nucleus.
Beaker Breaker
1. The gold foil experiment was done
by _________
2. The cathode ray tube experiment
was done by ___________
3. Who discovered the
Section 4-2
The structure of an Atom
• Identify three subatomic particles
and compare their properties
• Distinguish the atomic number of an
element from the mass number of an
isotope, and use these numbers to
describe the structure of atoms
Use your book to define the following
Atomic number-
Mass Number-
Proton –
Properties of Subatomic
• Protons, electrons, and neutrons are
subatomic particles
• A proton is a positively charged
subatomic particle that is found in
the nucleus of an atom
• Each proton is assigned a 1+ charge
• Some nuclei contain more than 100
• An electron is a negatively charged
subatomic particle that is found in
the space outside the nucleus.
• Each electron has a charge of 1 -.
• A neutron is a neutral subatomic particle
that is found in the nucleus of an atom.
• It has a mass almost exactly equal to that
of a proton
• James Chadwick designed an experiment
to show that neutrons exist.
Comparing Subatomic
• Protons, electrons, and neutrons can be
distinguished by mass, charge and location in an
• Protons and neutrons have almost the same mass
• Electrons have a charge that is opposite of the
charge of a proton
• Protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus, but
electrons are found in the space outside the
Atomic Number
• The atomic number of an element equals
the number of protons in an atom of that
• Atoms of different elements have
different numbers of protons.
• Atomic number also tells you the number
of electrons
• Ex: Sulfur atomic number = 16
• Ex : Carbon (C ) atomic number = 6
Mass Number
• The mass number of an atom is the sum of the
protons and neutrons in the nucleus of that atom
• Ex: Aluminum has 13 protons and 14 neutrons has
a mass number of 27
• If you know the atomic number and the mass
number of an atom, you can find the number of
neutrons by subtracting.
Mass number – Atomic number = Number of neutrons
• Isotopes of an element have the same
atomic number but different mass
numbers because they have different
numbers of neutrons.
• Ex Oxygen -16 ( 8 protons and 8 neutrons)
Oxygen – 17 ( 8 protons and 9 neutrons)
Oxygen -18 ( 8 protons and 10 neutrons)
Beaker Breaker
• A __________is a neutral subatomic
particle that is found in the nucleus
• An electron has a _________charge
• ______and ________are located in
the nucleus, while_______are
located outside the nucleus
Section 4-3 Modern Atomic Theory
• Describe Bohr’s model of the atom and the
evidence for energy levels
• Explain how the electron cloud model
represents the behavior and locations of
electron in atoms
• Distinguish the ground state from excited
states of an atom based on electron
Bohr’s Model
• Model of atom looks like a solar
system with planets revolving around
a sun
• Model focused on electrons
Bohr’s Model and energy
• The possible energies that electrons in an
atom can have are called energy levels.
• Energy levels are like steps on a staircase,
an electron cannot exist between energy
• An electron in an atom can move from one
energy level to another when the atom
gains or loses energy
Evidence for Energy
• Scientist can measure the energy
gained when electrons absorb energy
and move to a higher energy level.
• They can measure the energy
released when the electron returns
to a lower energy level
Beaker Breaker
An___________ cloud is a visual model
of the most likely locations for electrons
in an atom.
2. Which scientist is the responsible for
the discovery of neutrons?
3. When electrons move to a higher energy
level do they absorb or release energy?
Flame Test Lab
• Read page 116 “evidence for energy
levels” in the book
Question :
How do these substances produces
light of different colors?
Electron Cloud Model
• An electron cloud is a visual model of the
most likely locations for electrons in an
• Scientists use the electron cloud model to
describe the possible locations of
electrons around the nucleus
• Ex: blades on a propeller of an airplane
Modern Atom
Louis de Broglie – proposes that moving
particles like electrons have some properties of
Erwin Schrodinger develops mathematical
equations to describe the motion of electrons in
atoms (electron cloud).
James Chadwick- confirms the existence of
neutrons in the nucleus, which have no charge
Drawings of Atoms
Atomic Orbitals
• An orbital is a region of space around the
nucleus where an electron is likely to be
• An electron cloud is a good approximation
of how electrons behave in their orbitals.
• Higher energy levels have more than one
Electron Configurations
• An electron configuration is the
arrangement of electrons in the orbitals
of an atom
• The most stable electron configuration is
the one in which the electrons are in
orbitals with the lowest possible energies
• When all the electrons in an atom have the
lowest possible energies, the atom is said
to be in its ground state.