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Periodic Trends
Elemental Properties and Patterns
The Periodic Law
• Dimitri Mendeleev was the first scientist to
publish an organized periodic table of the
known elements.
• He was perpetually in trouble with the
Russian government and the Russian
Orthodox Church, but he was brilliant
The Periodic Law
• Mendeleev not only predicted the existence
of 2 (at the time) undiscovered elements,
but he predicted the properties too, and he
was right!
• He was very accurate in his predictions,
which led the world to accept his ideas
about periodicity and a logical periodic
The Periodic Law
• Mendeleev
ordered a
periodic table
according to
atomic mass,
which makes
sense (look at a
few in a row)
The Periodic Law
• However this does not work for a 100% of
the elements
The Periodic Law
• In 1913, Henry Moseley decided to arrange
the periodic table by the number of protons,
a.k.a The atomic number
• This is the version that we use today
The Periodic Law
• Mendeleev and Moseley understood the
‘Periodic Law’ which states:
• When arranged by increasing atomic number,
the chemical elements display a regular and
repeating pattern of chemical and physical
The Periodic Law
• “Which elements act alike?” Lab
• Review
• Precipitate
• Cation
• Family names
The Periodic Law
• “Which elements act alike?” Lab
• What’s new?
• Soluble (s) vs insoluble (i)
• Polyatomic ions
• Poly(many)atomic(atoms) ions(charged molecules)
• Phosphate, Carbonate, Nitrate
The Periodic Law
“Which elements act alike?” Lab
• Things to focus on
• The Cations
• Where are they on the periodic table?
– Are they reacting similarly in the same group/family or the
same period (row)?
The Periodic Law
• “Which elements act alike?” Lab
• Goggles on, Closed toed shoes on and…
The Periodic Law
• Atoms with similar properties appear in
groups or families (vertical columns) on the
periodic table.
• They are similar because they all have the
same number of valence (outer shell)
electrons, which governs their chemical
Valence Electrons
• Do you remember how to tell the number of
valence electrons for elements in the s- and
• How many valence electrons will the atoms
in the d-block (transition metals) and the fblock (inner transition metals) have?
• Most have 2 valence e-, some only have 1.
A Different Type of Grouping
• Besides the 4 blocks (s,p,d,f) of the table,
there is another way of classifying element:
• Metals
• Nonmetals
• Metalloids or Semi-metals.
Metals, Nonmetals, Metalloids
Metals, Nonmetals, Metalloids
• There is a zig-zag or
staircase line that
divides the table.
• Metals are on the left
of the line, in blue.
• Nonmetals are on the
right of the line, in
Metals, Nonmetals, Metalloids
• Elements that border
the stair case, shown
in purple are the
metalloids or semimetals.
• There is one important
• Aluminum is a metal
Metals, Nonmetals, Metalloids
How can you identify a metal?
What are its properties?
What about the less common nonmetals?
What are their properties?
And what is a metalloid?
• Metals are lustrous
(shiny), malleable,
ductile, and are good
conductors of heat and
• They are mostly solids
at room temp.
• What is one
• Nonmetals are the
• They are dull, brittle,
• Some are solid, but
many are gases, and
Bromine is a liquid.
• Metalloids, aka semi-metals
are just that.
They have characteristics of
both metals and nonmetals.
They are shiny but brittle.
And they are
What is our most important
Periodic Trends
• There are several important atomic
characteristics that show predictable trends
that you should know.
• The first and most important is atomic
• Radius is the distance from the center of the
nucleus to the “edge” of the electron cloud.
Atomic Radius
• Since a cloud’s edge is difficult to define,
scientists use define covalent radius, or half
the distance between the nuclei of 2 bonded
• Atomic radii are usually measured in
picometers (pm) or angstroms (Å). An
angstrom is 1 x 10-10 m.
Covalent Radius
• Two Br atoms bonded together are 2.86
angstroms apart. So, the radius of each
atom is 1.43 Å.
2.86 Å
1.43 Å
1.43 Å
Atomic Radius
• The trend for atomic radius in a vertical
column is to go from smaller at the top to
larger at the bottom of the family.
• Why?
• With each step down the family, we add an
entirely new energy level to the electron
cloud, making the atoms larger with each
Atomic Radius
• The trend across a horizontal period is less
• What happens to atomic structure as we step
from left to right?
• Each step adds a proton and an electron
(and 1 or 2 neutrons).
• Electrons are added to existing sublevels.
(They are not getting bigger)
Atomic Radius
• The effect is that the more positive nucleus
has a greater pull on the electron cloud.
• The nucleus is more positive and the
electron cloud is more negative.
• The increased attraction pulls the cloud
in, making atoms smaller as we move from
left to right across a period.
Effective Nuclear Charge
• We call this effect…
• Effective nuclear charge is the pull that an
electron “feels” from the nucleus.
• The closer an electron is to the nucleus, the
more pull it feels.
• As effective nuclear charge increases, the
electron cloud is pulled in tighter.
Atomic Radius
• Here is an animation to explain the trend.
• It might help to draw arrows like this:
1. Explain why a magnesium atom is smaller
than atoms of both sodium and calcium
2. Predict the size of the astatine (At) atom
compared to that of tellurium (Te). Explain your
3. Which effect on atomic size is more
significant, an increase in nuclear charge across
a period or an increase in occupied energy levels
within a group? Explain.
Ionization Energy
• This is the second important periodic trend.
• If an electron is given enough energy to
overcome the effective nuclear charge
holding the electron in the cloud, it can
leave the atom completely.
• The atom has been “ionized” or charged.
• The number of protons and electrons is no
longer equal.
Ionization Energy
• The energy required to remove an electron
from an atom is ionization energy. (measured
in kilojoules, kJ)
• The larger the atom is, the easier its electrons
are to remove.
• Ionization energy and atomic radius are
inversely proportional.
Ionization Energy
Ionization Energy (Potential)
Ionization Energy
• If an atom as a low ionization energy, will it
be easy or hard to remove an electron?
• Think about the energy required to remove it, is it
high or low? Do you have to put a large amount of
energy into it or a small amount?
• What if the atom has a high ionization energy?
1. Compare the first ionization energy of
sodium to that of potassium.
2. Compare the first ionization energy lithium
to that of beryllium.
Metallic Character
• This is simple a relative measure of how
easily atoms lose or give up electrons.
• Your help sheet should look like this:
element is
• Electronegativity is a measure of an atom’s
attraction for another atom’s electrons.
It is an arbitrary scale that ranges from 0 to 4.
Generally, metals are electron donators and
have low electronegativities.
Nonmetals are electron takers and have high
What about the noble gases?
• Do they need any electrons?
• What is the most electronegative atom?
• Why?
• Fluorine
• It has a small atomic radius, and a high (relative)
effective nuclear charge
1. Is the electronegativity of barium larger or
smaller than that of strontium? Explain.
2. Arrange oxygen, fluorine, and sulfur in
order of increasing electronegativity.
Overall Reactivity
• This ties all the previous trends together
in one package.
• However, we must treat metals and
nonmetals separately, as one will gain
electrons and one will lose electrons.
• The most reactive metals are the largest
since they are the best electron givers.
• The most reactive nonmetals are the
smallest ones, the best electron takers.
Overall Reactivity
• Think corners
Overall Reactivity
• Take out a piece of scrap paper or just find
a spot in your notes…
• We are going to watch a video that will
react sodium, potassium, rubidium, and
cesium with water.
• Prediction: Order the 4 elements from least
reactive to most reactive.
• Justify your reasoning!
Alkali metal video
• Extra link (slow motion):
Ionic Radius
• Cations are always smaller than the original
• The entire outer PEL is removed during
• Conversely, anions are always larger than
the original atom.
• Electrons are added to the outer PEL.
Cation Formation
Effective nuclear
charge on remaining
electrons increases.
Na atom
1 valence electron
Valence elost in ion
Result: a smaller
sodium cation, Na+
Remaining e- are
pulled in closer to
the nucleus. Ionic
size decreases.
Anion Formation
atom with 7
valence e17p+
One e- is added
to the outer
Effective nuclear charge is
reduced and the e- cloud
A chloride ion is
produced. It is
larger than the
original atom.
1. Explain why the sulfide ion (S-2) is larger
than the chloride ion (Cl-).
2. Would you expect a S-2 ion to be larger or
smaller than an K+ ion? Explain.
• Would you expect a Cl- ion to be larger or
smaller than an Mg+2 ion? Explain.
• HONClBrIF’s/H7’s (diatomics)
• Polyatomic Ions:
• Phosphate
• Carbonate
• Nitrate