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Wednesday March 9th
• Last day to turn
anything in is
Wednesday March
• I will be teaching
Forensics 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
and 4th period
• Today: How Muscles
“Sometimes the bad
things that happen in our
lives put us directly on
the path to the best
things that will ever
happen to us”
Happy National Meatball
Day and Crab Meat Day
Fun Fact: Turtles can
breathe through their
Understanding How a Skeletal
Muscle Contracts
A skeletal muscles contraction
begins at the neuromuscular
What do you think the definition of
“neuromuscular junction” would be?
Neuromuscular Junction
Neuromuscular junction animation
What is the name of the stimulus that travels down the axon
to the muscle fiber?
An action potential
Does the terminal (end) of the axon enter the muscle fiber?
No. There is a gap between the two.
Does acetylcholine enter the muscle fiber?
What chemical does enter the muscle fiber, resulting in an
action potential through the muscle fiber?
Sliding Filament theory
Boat = Myosin (thick filament)
Oar = Myosin side arm
Water = Actin (thin filament)
Life ring = Calcium
1. ATP is bound to myosin side arm.
2. ATP cleaves into ADP + P (high energy)
Step 1 Action potential
1. A nerve action potential releases acetylcholine
into the synaptic cleft opening the Na+
2. Action potential spreads across sarcolemma
releasing Ca into sarcoplasma
Step 2 Myosin-actin binding
1. Ca binds to troponin.
2. A shape change in troponin moves tropomyocin
out of the way of actin binding site.
3. Actin and myosin bind using energy from
cleaved ATP.
Step 3 Power Stroke
1. Side arm pivots so myosin and actin slide by
each other shortening the sarcomere.
2. ADP and P released (low energy)
Step 4 ATP Binding
Actin-myosin release
1. A different ATP molecule binds to active site.
2. Actin released
Step 5 ATP cleavage
1. Return to high energy state
2. Cycle will repeat if Ca still available.
Think it over
The boat (myosin) does not move far in one cycle,
can a muscle contraction occur with one cycle?
If a muscle is contracted what happens if a new
molecule of ATP is not available?
Muscle stays contracted- cramps
Why does rigor mortis occur? (Hint: What chemical
is no longer available to the body?)
ATP is not available to control Ca release so
contractions are continuous 6-8 hours after death.
Body relaxes 16-24 hours as enzymes break down
contractile structures.
Sarcomere summary
Sliding Filament Theory
What happens to the length of the
sarcomere during a contraction?
The sarcomere shortens.
Sliding Filament Animation
animation 2
What chemical exposes the binding site for actin and
What is the source of energy for a contraction?
What is the name of the step in which the actin filament is
actively contracted?
What chemical must be present in order for the actin and
myosin filaments to separate?
Muscle contraction at the
macroscopic level
1. Place your fingers along the angle of your
jaw just in front of your ear. Grit your
teeth and fell what happens to the
hardness of the masseter muscle.
During muscle contraction the muscle
becomes ________________________.
2. With your thumb and little finger of one
hand, span the opposite arm’s bicep’s
from the elbow to as close to the shoulder
as possible. Bend the arm and observe
the change in the length of the muscle.
During muscle contraction the muscle
___________________ in length.
3. Wrap a string around your extended
upper arm and determine the
Clench your fist tightly and flex your arm
to contract the muscle.
During muscle contraction the diameter of
the muscle _____________________.