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Articulations and joint
Chapter 9
*Note that articulations can be
classified by:
Structure or function
According to structure : table 9.1
Based on:
1. Presence/absence space between bones =
2. Type of CT that binds bones
____________- bones are held together by fibrous
CT rich in collagen fibers; lacks synovial cavity
_______________- bones held together by cartilage;
lack synovial cavity
_______________- have synovial cavity (freely
moveable); articular capsule
According to function:
Related to degree of movement permitted:
_____________________- syn = together; immovable joint
____________________- amphi= on both sides; slightly
movable joint
Synchondrosis- cartilage
Symphysis- growing together
Syndesmosis- band or ligament
___________________- freely movable joint
all of these are synovial joint
variety of shapes to permit several types of movements
Types of synarthoses: fig 9.1-2
____________________- thin layer of dense fibrous
CT uniting bones of the skull
_____________- gompho=bolt or nail; cone-shaped
peg fits into socket
coronal suture- between the frontal and parietal bones.
_____________- chondro = cartilage; connecting
material is hyaline cartilage
epiphyseal plate (functionally, synarthrosis, but when
elongation ceases & bone replaces cartilage, becomes a
synostosis = bony joint)
First rib to manubrium
Types of fibrous joints
Cartilaginous joints: synchondrosis
and symphysis
Types of amphiarthoses
__________- syndesmo=band, ligament; fibrous joint
compared to suture these have a greater distance between
bones & more fibrous CT
Fibrous CT is arrange as a bundle = ligament or sheet
distal tibiofibular joint - connects tibia and fibula
________________- “growing together”
ends of articulating bones covered with hyaline cartilage
bones are connected by a broad, flat disc of fibrocartilage:
pubic symphysis
Synovial joints, fig 9.3
_________________ = freely moveable
_________________- reduces friction during
movement and helps to absorb shock
_________________- sleevelike, surrounds joint,
enclosing cavity, unites articulating bones, 2 layers:
outer fibrous capsule- dense irreg CT attached to
periosteum, permits considerable movement & provides
great tensile strength
fibers in parallel bundles= ligaments
inner synovial membrane- areolar CT w/ elastic fibers
*in many the membrane includes articular fat pads
Synovial joints (2)
________________ -secreted by synovial membrane,
forms thin film over surfaces within articular capsule.
Fluid functions in reducing friction by
lubricating joints
supplying nutrients to and removing metabolic wastes from
the chondrocytes within articular cartilage
Contains ______________ -remove microbes and
debris occurring from normal wear and tear.
When joint is immobile: ___________________
as movement increases fluid less gel like = more liquid…
so warm up before exercising!
Synovial (diarthrosis) joint
Types of synovial joints fig 9.4
Remember they have:
_________joints- articulating surfaces are flat or
slightly curved
intracarpal joints between carpal bones.
________ joints- convex surface on one bone fits into
the concave surface of another bone
Synovial cavity, articular cartilage, articular capsule, synovial
fluid, accessory ligaments, articular discs SEE FIGURE 9.3
________ joints-rounded or pointed surface of one
bone articulates with a ring formed partly by another
bone and partly by a ligament
atlas rotates around axis
____________ joints- condyl=knuckle; the convex
oval shaped projection of one fits into the oval shaped
depression of another
___________ joints- the articular surface of one bone
is saddle shaped, the other articular surface fits into the
saddle as a rider would sit
metacarpophalangeal joints 2-5
carpometacarpal joint between the trapezium and metacarpal
of thumb.
________________joints- ball-like surface of one
bone fitting into a cuplike depression of another bone
shoulder and hip
Also in some synovial joints:
___________- sac-like structures strategically
situated to alleviate friction in some joints
(such as) shoulder and knee
filled with _________________located between:
skin & bone where skin rubs over bone
between tendon & bone
ligament & bone
muscle & bone
Also in some synovial joints (2):
___________________________(fig 9.15)
Fibrocartilage pads between articular surfaces
Attached to fibrous capsule
Usually subdivides synovial cavity into 2 spaces
Permitting separate movements
Modify shape of joint surfaces allowing bones of
different shape to fit more tightly
Maintain stability of joint
Direct synovial fluid to areas of greatest friction
Origin and insertion
___________ - attachment of muscle tendon to
________________ bone
Attachment at the proximal end
End opposite of insertion
___________ - attachment of muscle tendon to
_________ bone
Attachment to the distal end
End opposite of origin
Connective tissue & articulations
____________ - type of CT consisting of
chondrocytes in lacunae embedded in:
______ - white fibrous cord of dense regular CT
dense network of collagen and elastic fibers
Matrix of chondroitin sulfate
Attaches muscle to bone
Attaches muscle to muscle (flat sheet =aponeurosis)
__________ - dense regular CT
Attaches bone to bone
Body movements fig 9.5-9.9
Flexion-decrease angle between bones
Extension-increase angle between bones
Hyperextension-extension beyond anatomical
Abduction-move bone away from midline
Adduction-move bone toward the midline
Body movements fig 9.5-9.9
Rotation-bone revolves around longitudinal axis
Circumduction-move distal end of body part in circle
Supination - move so palm is turned anteriorly
Pronation - move so palm is turned posteriorly
Eversion - movement of soles laterally
Inversion - movement of soles medially
Body movements fig 9.5-9.9
Protraction - movement of body part anteriorly
Retraction - movement of body part posteriorly
Elevation - upward movement
Depression - downward movement
Dorsiflexion - toe points superiorly, stand on heels
Plantar flexion - toe points inferiorly, stand on toes
Joint Problems and Disorders
____________ - an acute or chronic
inflammation of a bursa; caused by:
Trauma, infection, or rheumatoid arthritis
Repeated or excessive exertion of a joint, w/ local
inflammation and accumulation of fluid.
Symptoms = pain, swelling, tenderness, limited
Treatment = oral anti-inflammatory agent,
injection of coritsol like steroids
Joint Problems and Disorders
______- forcible wrenching or twisting of joint
Stretch or tear ligament
 No dislocation of bone
 Caused by ligaments stressed beyond normal
 May also damage b.v., muscles, tendon, nerves
 Severe: joint cannot be moved due to pain
 Swelling due to rupture of b.v.
___________- stretched or partial torn muscle
Muscle contracts to powerfully or suddenly
Sprinters accelerating too quickly
Joint Problems and Disorders
___________=luxation - displace of bone from joint
Result = tear ligaments, tendons, and articular capsules
Caused by blow or fall
Subluxation is partial or incomplete dislocation
______________ - severe or complete loss of
movement at a joint
Results from a disease
Lyme disease
___________ - form of rheumatism (painful disorder
of supporting structures) in which joints are swollen,
stiff and painful
Afflicts 40 million people in US
Types: rheumatoid, osteoarthritis, gouty
Joint Problems and Disorders (2)
_________- production of excessive amounts of
uric acid or inability to excrete normal amounts
____________-waste product of metabolism of nucleic
acid (DNA, RNA) subunits, substance that gives urine
its name
uric acid builds up in blood and reacts with sodium to
form a salt, crystals of this salt can accumulate in soft
tissues such as kidneys, and cartilage of ears and joints
In soft tissue of joints= ____________________inflammation, swelling, pain,
if untreated: bones may fuse and become immovable
Joint Problems and Disorders (3)
___________________________ - autoimmune
disease of cartilage & joint linings
inflammation of the joint causing swelling, pain, loss of
when cartilage destroyed fibrous tissue joins exposed bone
ends, ossifies, and fuses the joint so that it becomes
___________________- degeneration of articular
cartilage such that bony ends touch
resulting friction worsens the condition
usually associated with elderly