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The Muscular System
Types of Muscle Tissue: Skeletal,
Smooth, and Cardiac
Skeletal, aka “striated”
voluntary – attached to bones and under
conscious, willful control.
Has the ability to contract (shorten) and
thereby bring about movement
Cardiac Muscle
Found only in the heart
Cells connected by intercalated disks
Smooth Muscle
Not striated
Walls of hollow organs such as:
Stomach, urinary bladder, respiratory
Arranged in sheets/layers
Muscle Functions
Producing Movement
Maintaining Posture
Stabilizing Joints
Generating Heat
Maintaining body temperature
Muscle and Muscle Fiber
A muscle is composed of many muscle
fibers (muscle fiber = muscle cell).
The individual muscles are separated
from each other and held in place by a
covering called the FASCIA.
This fascia also forms TENDONS
connecting muscles to bones.
The muscle fiber membrane is called
the SARCOLEMMA and the cytoplasm is
called the SARCOPLASM.
Within the sarcoplasm are many parallel
fibers known as MYOFIBRILS.
Each myofibril is made of many protein
filaments called MYOFILAMENTS. There
are two types:
MYOSIN – thick filaments
ACTIN – thin filaments
Actin and Myosin filaments are arranged in an
overlapping pattern of light (“I” bands) and dark
(“A” bands).
In the middle of each “I” band is a line called a
“Z” line.
The section of a myofibril from one Z-line to the
next Z-line is called a SARCOMERE.
The arrangement of these sarcomeres next to
each other produces the STRIATIONS of the
skeletal muscle fibers.
How do muscles contract?
Stimulated by nerve impulses to contract
Sliding Filament Theory
Muscle cell becomes excited – action potential
Flood of calcium
Myosin heads bind to thin filaments
Form “cross bridges”
Heads bend and pull thin filaments together
Muscle shortens – contracting!
Video animation of muscle contraction