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ICBS 120
OSHA’S mission is to assure the safety
and health of America’s workers by
setting and enforcing standards,
providing training, outreach, and
education; establishing partnerships and
encouraging continual improvement in
workplace safety and health.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
 Hazard communication plan
 Exposure plan
 Medical waste management plan
 Housekeeping facilities
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
 Fire safety Plan
 Staff development/Training program
Infection Control
Definition: Preventing illnesses
acquired at the healthcare facility.
Urinary tract infections
 Postoperative infections
 Respiratory infections
 Food borne illnesses
 Hepatitis B
 Aids
Infection Control
Bloodborne Pathogens: pathogenic
microorganisms that are present in human
blood and can cause disease in humans.
These pathogens include, but are not limited
to, hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Pathogens: Viruses, bacteria, fungi
Infection Control
Importance: It is vital to protect patients’
well being as well as the hospital staff.
Infection may lengthen a patient’s stay
therefore increasing healthcare cost.
Inconvenience, pain, and possible death,
are also factors to be considered.
Modes of transmission
The major modes of transmission of
infection in the workplace are:
Skin contact, puncture, mucous membrane
Methods of traveling:
 Through the air
 Direct physical contact
 Contaminated hands, towels, etc
Universal Precautions
Designated by the Center for Disease
Control (CDC)
 Consider all blood and body fluids as
potentially infectious
 Make full use of appropriate personal
protective equipment (PPE)
Personal protective equipment
 Masks
 Gowns
 Goggles
 Pocket masks or non-contact
resuscitation bags
Be alert
 Avoid unnecessary contacts
 Use sterile/clean equipment
 Keep supplies sterile/clean
 Dispose of contaminated items properly
 Follow Universal Precautions