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Maintain homeostasis
Growth and Development
Cellular organization
Heredity-- Contain genetic information
Acquire and use energy
Metabolism (use energy)
We cannot see viruses with the naked eye
Are viruses living or nonliving?
Do they exhibit the characteristics of life?
What characteristics of life do viruses have?
Our main defense against viruses is
knowing how they are transmitted.
Obligate intracellular parasites-
they require a host cell to perform all
biological functions and reproduce.
No Independent Metabolism
Smaller than the tiniest bacteria-
20 to 250 nanometers (one nanometer
is one billionth of a meter)
Possess only one type
of nucleic acid
DNA or RNA, but
never both.
Eclipse Phase
period between
addition of virus and
the appearance of
assembled virus
progeny inside the
Some viruses still
retain their
infectivity, even in
crystallized form
The common cold
virus (HIV) causing
the protein coat that encloses the
nucleic acid. This is the transport vehicle.
made up of either DNA or RNA -this is
the part that actually infects the host cell.
external protein that recognizes one or
more receptor molecules on the host
cell. (The viruses ticket into a cell)
is the complete infective virus particle
that exists outside of a host cell.
viral genes are transcribed and
translated by host cell
Synthesis of coat proteins
viral nucleic acid is inserted into
bacteria, capsid is abandoned
Replication of viral nucleic
virus attaches to bacterium using
surface proteins that trick host
into letting it gain access.
aggregate around the new
strand of viral nucleic acid
Assembly of progeny viruses
hundreds are made
liberating viral offspring to infect
another cell
Contaminated fingers or droplets from coughs and sneezes
deposit the cold virus to the front of the nasal passages.
Small doses of virus (1-30 particles) are sufficient to produce
The virus is then transported to the back of the nose and onto the
adenoid area by the nose itself.
The virus then attaches to a receptor (ICAM-1) which is located on
the surface of nasal cells
•The receptor fits into a docking port
on the surface of the virus
•After attachment, virus is taken into
the cell where it starts an infection.
•New virus particles are produced.
•The infected cell dies and ruptures,
releasing newly made cold virus to
infect other cells in the nose and
start the process over again.
From the time a cold virus enters
the nose, it takes 8-12 hours for
the viral reproductive cycle to be
completed and for new cold
virus to be released in nasal
This interval is called the
incubation period.
Cold symptoms can also begin
shortly after virus is first
produced in the nose (10-12
The time from the beginning of
the infection to the peak of
symptoms is typically 36-72
What is swine flu?
 Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A
influenza viruses that causes regular outbreaks in pigs.
 People do not normally get swine flu, but human infections can and do happen.
 Swine flu viruses have been reported to spread from person-to-person, but in the
past, this transmission was limited and not sustained beyond three people
What are the signs and symptoms of swine flu in people?
 The symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of regular
human flu and include
 fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.
 Some people have reported diarrhea and vomiting associated with swine flu.
 In the past, severe illness (pneumonia and respiratory failure) and deaths have been
reported with swine flu infection in people.
 Like seasonal flu, swine flu may cause a worsening of underlying chronic medical
How does swine flu spread?
 Spread of this swine influenza A (H1N1) virus is thought to be happening in the
same way that seasonal flu spreads.
 Flu viruses are spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing
of people with influenza. Sometimes people may become infected by touching
something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose.
Viruses are much smaller and less
complex than cells.
Virons do not grow
They are acellular
they have no nucleus, cytoplasm,
organelles nor membranes.
They do not carry out cellular
 viruses that cause disease
 disease causing
 inactive, but having the potential to be active at a later time
 the protein of a virus, which is foreign to the invaded host
 not immediately disease causing
 a temperate virus introduces nucleic acid and changes the genetic
code of the host (transduction), therefore the viruses cause genetic
variation within a host population, but may not cause disease.
 A virus without nucleic acid.
 protein infectious agent associated with several neurological diseases
(scrapie; kuru; Creutzfeld-Jakob syndrome; mad cow disease)
Phases of the Lytic Cycle of a Virulent Virus are in your other notes
•The virus attaches itself and injects its
DNA into the host cell.
•The viral DNA attaches itself to the host
DNA, becoming a new set of cell genes
called a prophage.
•When the host cell divides, this new gene
is replicated and passed to new cells. This
causes no harm to the cell, but may alter its
•Now there are two possibilities:
•The prophage survives as a perminant
part of the DNA of the host organism.
•Some external stimuli can cause the
prophage to become active, using the
cell to produce new viruses
Your body does have some natural ability to
inhibit viral infections, which is called
immunity. There are limited ways the body
fights viruses:
White blood cells engulf viruses in the blood and
"digest" them.
Antibodies- blood protein used to provide passive
immunity to some diseases
Interferons are proteins produced by cells when
exposed to a virus. This protein binds to the cell
membranes of neighboring cells and "interferes"
with the ability of a virus to enter the cell.
Outside the body, the "AIDS" virus, HIV, can be
destroyed with a 10% bleach solution - that is almost
weak enough for you to drink.
However, once inside a host, most substances that
destroy the virus are also harmful to the host.
Therefore, viral infections in animal cells can be
extremely hard to cure.
There are very few vaccines for viral infections
compared to the number of vaccines developed to
treat bacterial diseases.
Vaccines are a solution of weakened virus used to induce
the production of antibodies.
The first viral vaccinations were for measles, mumps, and
There are now vaccines for hepatitis A and B, chickenpox,
smallpox, and rabies.
Virus vaccines are made with either inactivated
or attenuated viruses.
Inactivated viruses do not replicate in a host
Attenuated viruses have been genetically
altered so they are not able to cause disease.
Antiviral drugs: interfere with the synthesis of
viral nucleic acid or with the formation of viral
capsids during replication.
Antibiotics: specifically attack the metabolism of
a bacterial cell. Since viruses use only the
reproductive machinery of a cell, antibiotics are of
no use in destroying viruses.
Which of the following diseases has been
recognized since antiquity?
b. Ebola hemorrhagic fever
c. Guinea worm disease
d. Legionnaire disease
C. Guinea Worm disease (recognized in biblical texts,
similar to parasitic roundworm)
In the 1700’s and 1800’s a terrible wasting
disease killed thousands of European and
American city dwellers. What disease was
b. Lung cancer
c. Polio
d. tuberculosis
D. I in 4 Americans contracted TB this in the 1800’s
What infectious disease causing severe fever
and chills plagued settlers in the southern and
midwestern US during the 1800’s and early
a. Legionnarie disease
b. Lyme disease
c. Malaria
d. schistosomiasis
C. There were more than 600,000 cases of Malaria in 1914.
With mosquito control, the disease has since been eradicated
in the U.S.
Most deaths among US servicemen in 1918 were
due to what cause?
a. Automobile accidents
b. Flu
c. Injuries sustained on the battlefield of WWI
d. plague
B. 30 million soldiers died of the flu in 1918. This was due
to crowding and poor nutrition.
According the world Health Organization,
which of the following diseases caused more
deaths in 1998 than the others?
b. Diabetes
c. Lung cancer
d. pneumonia
D. Pneumonia is the 3rd highest killer behind heart
disease and strokes.
Ebola is a virus that causes viral hemorraghic fever
The early symptoms of viral hemorraghic fever are fever, chills and
Late stage symptoms are: respiratory problems severe bleeding from
the gastrointestinal tract and internal organs, failure of the blood to clot,
kidney and liver problems & shock.
The fatality rate ranges from 60-90%
The cause is unknown. While people who contracted the disease
initially caught it from handling infected monkeys, the monkeys caught
it from an unknown source- perhaps a rodent.
Transmission occurs from contact with the bodily fluids of a visibly
infected person.
Most of the major outbreaks were sustained by poor sanitary
procedures in local hospitals.
If proper procedures are taken (containment, sanitization, quarantine)
the disease will run out of victims and halt its progress
The strains of Ebola fatal to humans are not airborne (the Reston strain
of Ebola can be air-transmitted, but it is fatal only to primates).
For Ebola to become air-transmitted, it would have to undergo several
unlikely mutations.
There is no vaccine or cure for Ebola.