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• RED SLIDE: These are notes that are
very important and should be recorded in
your science journal.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
-Please make notes legible and use indentations
when appropriate.
-Example of indent.
-Skip a line between topics
-Don’t skip pages
-Make visuals clear and well drawn. Please Label.
DNA / Nucleoid
• RED SLIDE: These are notes that are very
important and should be recorded in your
science journal.
• BLACK SLIDE: Pay attention, follow
directions, complete projects as described
and answer required questions neatly.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Keep an eye out for “The-Owl” and raise
your hand as soon as you see him.
– He will be hiding somewhere in the slideshow
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Keep an eye out for “The-Owl” and raise
your hand as soon as you see him.
– He will be hiding somewhere in the slideshow
“Hoot, Hoot”
“Good Luck!”
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
New Area of Focus: HIV / AIDS and other
STD’s / STI’s.
• Chart showing % of population living with
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Chart showing estimated total numbers
living with HIV per country.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• The origin of HIV is believed to be
Southwest Cameroon.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• The origin of HIV is believed to be
Southwest Cameroon.
– SIV (Simian immunodeficiency virus) jumped
from Chimpanzee’s to people.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• The origin of HIV is believed to be
Southwest Cameroon.
– SIV (Simian immunodeficiency virus) jumped
from Chimpanzee’s to people.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• The AIDS Highway, spread HIV across Africa for
years before anyone knew this virus even existed.
• Road travel and prostitution along the “AIDS
Highway” helped spread the virus across the
African Continent quickly.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• This occurred before anyone knew this
virus even existed.
• Homeless children become street kids, join
militias, gangs, etc.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Uganda, 50% HIV positive.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• What does the acronym HIV stand for?
HIV=Human Immunodeficiency Virus
 The
virus attacks the cells of our immune
 This makes the host susceptible to disease.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
HIV=Human Immunodeficiency Virus
 The
virus attacks the cells of our immune
 This makes the host susceptible to disease.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
HIV=Human Immunodeficiency Virus
 The
virus attacks the cells of our immune
 This makes the host susceptible to disease.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
• The very cells that our body uses to fight
viruses are the cells that HIV attacks.
• The very cells that our body uses to fight
viruses are the cells that HIV attacks.
• The very cells that our body uses to fight
viruses are the cells that HIV attacks.
– It destroys our immune system by weakening our
bodies defenses.
• Which of following people from the next
twenty slides have HIV? Please choose
which two you think are carrying the virus.
“I’m, clean
trust me.”
a in, Eine
el Zu
“I’m not
Africa so
I can’t
get HIV.”
“I eat healthy,
I can’t get
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
“Dude” “You
can’t get HIV
if you smoke
a lot of pot.”
“Athletes can’t
contract HIV
because we sweat
a lot.”
“I can’t have
HIV, I’ve
bars for
the last
ten years.”
• And the person who has the HIV virus is…..
Does anyone think they know?
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
“I’m, clean
trust me.”
Trust: It is something that is
earned over time. Not with a
pretty face and nice smile.
a in, Eine
el Zu
HIV is a global disease. It is just
about everywhere on the planet.
“I’m not
Africa so
I can’t
get HIV.”
HIV – Emerged in Africa but has
traveled to every habitable
“I eat healthy,
I can’t get
A good diet is important but it
will not prevent you from
contracting HIV.
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
“I can’t have
HiV.” “I’ve
married for
ten years.”
“Kind of…?”
Trust? Some marriages don’t have it.
“Dude” “You
can’t get HIV
if you smoke
a lot of pot.”
Not True! Time to rethink your
life before your hopes and
dreams are just about lost.
“Athletes can’t
contract HIV
because we sweat
a lot.”
Working out and sweat will not
prevent you from contracting
“I can’t have
HIV, I’ve
bars for
the last
ten years.”
HIV rates in prisons are higher
than outside. You can contract
and spread HIV in prison.
• And the person 1-20 who has the HIV virus
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• And the person 1-20 who has the HIV virus
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• And the person 1-20 who has the HIV virus
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• It could be none of them, or all of them.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• It could be none of them, or all of them.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• It could be none of them, or all of them.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Anyone can carry HIV and show no signs
of carrying the virus.
• Anyone can carry HIV and show no signs
of carrying the virus.
“Do you
• Anyone can carry HIV and show no signs
of carrying the virus.
“Clean as a
• Anyone can carry HIV and show no signs
of carrying the virus.
– You can spread HIV for years without any
signs / symptoms.
• HIV is a virus, it doesn’t care…
What kind of house you live in.
What race you are of.
What grades you have.
It is a virus, and you are it’s host.
HIV Virus
Host Cell
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• HIV is a virus, it doesn’t care…
What kind of house you live in.
What race you are of.
What grades you have.
It is a virus, and you are it’s host.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
You can contract HIV by…
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Unprotected sexual intercourse with an
infected person.
 That
is all types of sex, where bodily fluid is
released for either gender.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Unprotected sexual intercourse with an
infected person.
 That
is all types of sex, where bodily fluid is
released for either gender.
Abstinence vs. Prevention
• Abstinence vs. Prevention!
– Which one is 100% effective, and which is
hopefully effective?
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
Contact with an infected person’s blood
 Cover
your wounds, avoid someone else’s
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Contact with an infected person’s blood
 Cover
your wounds, avoid someone else’s
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Police Search.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Be cautious! Needles are highly infective
and are often hidden by the user.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Be cautious! Needles are highly infective
and are often hidden by the user.
“Do you
have any
on your
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• If your cut playing a sport, let the official
know and have the cut bandaged.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
From mother to child in breast milk
 Formula
is available for us.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Expensive formula may not be available for
mothers in many places throughout the
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
Use of infected blood (Rare)
 Most
blood banks are tested but there is
always a risk.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Use of infected blood (Rare)
 Most
blood banks are tested but there’s
always a risk.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Some people donate their own blood to a
private bank so if they ever need blood,
they can use their own.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
Injecting drugs (needles are often shared
between users)
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• You don’t get HIV through..
• You don’t get HIV through..
– Sharing plates and cutlery.
• You don’t get HIV through..
– Sharing plates and cutlery.
– Insect / animal bites.
• You don’t get HIV through..
– Sharing plates and cutlery.
– Insect / animal bites.
– Touching, hugging or shaking hands.
• You don’t get HIV through..
– Sharing plates and cutlery.
– Insect / animal bites.
– Touching, hugging or shaking hands.
– Eating food prepared by someone with HIV.
• You don’t get HIV through..
– Sharing plates and cutlery.
– Insect / animal bites.
– Touching, hugging or shaking hands.
– Eating food prepared by someone with HIV.
– Toilet seats.
• You don’t get HIV through..
– Sharing plates and cutlery.
– Insect / animal bites.
– Touching, hugging or shaking hands.
– Eating food prepared by someone with HIV.
– Toilet seats.
“I’m HIV positive and
these are all of my
• Video Link! (Optional) Living with HIV
• Can HIV be spread by kissing?
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
• Activity – HIV simulation
– Please obtain a card from teacher.
– Teacher will assign a level of risk, i.e.- how
many times you swap fluids and with what
type of person.
Fluid is in the form of a cup filled just less
than ½ with water. Each student will
receive a cup. One or more cups will have
baking soda mixed into it. Teacher will
pass out the cups / decide who in the class
will infect others.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
• Questions to HIV Simulation
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Questions to HIV Simulation
– What was your risk (High, Medium, Low)?
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Questions to HIV Simulation
– What was your risk (High, Medium, Low)?
– Did you test positive of negative for the virus?
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Questions to HIV Simulation
– What was your risk (High, Medium, Low)?
– Did you test positive of negative for the virus?
– How did the virus travel through the group?
• Try and record its path through the class, who
gave it to whom?
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Questions to HIV Simulation
– What was your risk (High, Medium, Low)?
– Did you test positive of negative for the virus?
– How did the virus travel through the group?
• Try and record its path through the class, who
gave it to whom?
– What was the percentage of students who
ended up contracting the virus?
• The # of HIV positive divided by the total x 100.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Video! Understanding HIV and AIDS.
Learn more about the HIV virus at… and (easier)
• What does the acronym AIDS stand for?
AIDS -Acquired Immune Deficiency
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
AIDS -Acquired Immune Deficiency
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
AIDS -Acquired Immune Deficiency
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
AIDS -Acquired Immune Deficiency
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
• The disease AIDS occurs when the
immune system cells left in the body drop
below a particular point.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• HIV weakens your immune system, leaving
you vulnerable to certain infections and
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• HIV weakens your immune system, leaving
you vulnerable to certain infections and
– The infections are called "opportunistic"
because they take the opportunity to attack
you when your immune system is weak.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Opportunistic Infections such as lesions on
the skin show that your body is in the final
– Your body can’t fight off the surface infections.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
• Video Link! (Optional) Awaiting Tomorrow,
– What is it like living with AIDS in Africa?
– What kind of help is available?
• Over 40 million people have died.
– 60-80 million expected in next 20 years.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• The good news, AIDS is not a death
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• The good news, AIDS is not a death
– Many new drugs are available that can decrease
your viral load and boost your immune system.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
• Write a one page reaction to either the
simulation or the HIV/AIDS pandemic facing
this world or both.
– What does learning this do for you?
– Will it change anything for you?
– What are your feelings about HIV/AIDS?
– What images did you find disturbing?
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
New Area of Focus: Other STD’s / Sexually
Transmitted Diseases
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
The types of sexual activity that can
transmit a disease are…
 Penetrative
sex (vaginal, anal or oral)
 Genital foreplay.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
The types of sexual activity that can
transmit a disease are…
 Penetrative
sex (vaginal, anal or oral)
 Genital foreplay.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
The types of sexual activity that can
transmit a disease are…
 Penetrative
sex (vaginal, anal or oral)
 Genital foreplay.
Some diseases are transmitted through…
 Skin
to skin contact.
 Fluids such as sperm, blood or saliva.
 Some are passed from mother to baby.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Some diseases are transmitted through…
 Skin
to skin contact.
 Fluids such as sperm, blood or saliva.
 Some are passed from mother to baby.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Some diseases are transmitted through…
 Skin
to skin contact.
 Fluids such as sperm, blood or saliva.
 Some are passed from mother to baby.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Some diseases are transmitted through…
 Skin
to skin contact.
 Fluids such as sperm, blood or saliva.
 Some are passed from mother to baby.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
“I’m sick of
“You’re just
trying to
keep us
• Some common STD’s that we will
– Chlamydia
– Genital Herpes
– Genital Warts
– Gonorrhea
– Hepatitis A,B,C
– Syphilis
– HPV Virus
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Some common STD’s that we will
– Chlamydia
– Genital Herpes
– Genital Warts
– Gonorrhea
– Hepatitis A,B,C
– Syphilis
– HPV Virus
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Some common STD’s that we will
– Chlamydia
– Genital Herpes
– Genital Warts
– Gonorrhea
– Hepatitis A,B,C
– Syphilis
– HPV Virus
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Some common STD’s that we will
– Chlamydia
– Genital Herpes
– Genital Warts
– Gonorrhea
– Hepatitis A,B,C
– Syphilis
– HPV Virus
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Some common STD’s that we will
– Chlamydia
– Genital Herpes
– Genital Warts
– Gonorrhea
– Hepatitis A,B,C
– Syphilis
– HPV Virus
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
• A study presented in 2008 revealed that
around 26% of young American women aged
14-19 are infected with at least one of the four
most common sexually transmitted infections.
• A study presented in 2008 revealed that
around 26% of young American women aged
14-19 are infected with at least one of the four
most common sexually transmitted infections.
– This amounts to around 3.2 million female
• Abstinence – Not engaging in all forms of
sexual intercourse.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Abstinence – Not engaging in all forms of
sexual intercourse.
– Note – Some STD’s can occur from genital
rubbing / foreplay.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Abstinence – Not engaging in all forms of
sexual intercourse.
– Note – Some STD’s can occur from genital
rubbing / foreplay.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Video! Teenagers and STD’s
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• The most widespread infection is HPV
(human papilloma virus, which can cause
genital warts and cervical cancer), found in
18% of young women
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• The most widespread infection is HPV
(Human Papilloma Virus, which can cause
genital warts and cervical cancer), found in
18% of young women.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• The most widespread infection is HPV
(Human Papilloma Virus, which can cause
genital warts and cervical cancer), found in
18% of young women.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• The most widespread infection is HPV
(Human Papilloma Virus, which can cause
genital warts and cervical cancer), found in
18% of young women.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
• Genital Herpes
• Lysogenic Virus –You have forever
– Causes blisters 2-4 weeks
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Genital Herpes
• Lysogenic Virus –You have forever
– Causes blisters 2-4 weeks
– Can spread without blisters
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Genital Herpes
• Lysogenic Virus –You have forever
– Causes blisters 2-4 weeks
– Can spread without blisters
– Psychological Distress
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Genital Herpes
• Lysogenic Virus –You have forever
– Causes blisters 2-4 weeks
– Can spread without blisters
– Psychological Distress
– More likely to acquire HIV
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Genital Herpes Song
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Genital Herpes Song
– Please sing it as a class to the theme Mary
Had a Little Lamb.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Genital Herpes Song
– Please sing it as a class to the theme Mary
Had a Little Lamb.
– Everyone is allowed to say the word vagina
when it is said in the song. It is a clinical
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Genital Herpes Song
Mary had HSV
Mary had HSV
and it was really gross.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Genital Herpes Song
Mary had HSV
Mary had HSV
and it was really gross.
HSV is an STD
HSV is an STD
And it is not fun-ny.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
• New STD: Chlamydia
• New STD: Chlamydia
• Effects male and
– Puss discharge.
– Burning Feeling.
– Body Pain.
– Bleeding from parts
– Causes serious
problems in
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Effects male and
– Puss discharge.
– Burning Feeling.
– Body Pain.
– Bleeding from parts
– Causes serious
problems in
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Effects male and
– Puss discharge.
– Burning Feeling.
– Body Pain.
– Bleeding from parts
– Causes serious
problems in
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
• Gonorrhea
• Bacterium
– Occurs in men
and women.
– Can infect eye
as well.
– Burning
– Puss / Milky
– Very Painful.
– Reproductive
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Gonorrhea
• Bacterium
– Occurs in men
and women.
– Can infect eye
as well.
– Burning
– Puss / Milky
– Very Painful.
– Reproductive
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
• Gonorrhea Song
– Please sing it to the diarrhea song… when
your sliding into first, and…
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
If your private parts burn
Then I feel you must learn
‘bout gonorrhea
If it hurts when you pee
And puss comes from your wee wee
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
If your private parts burn
Then I feel you must learn
‘bout gonorrhea
If it hurts when you pee
And puss comes from your wee wee
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
showing us
pictures and
making us
sing gross
• Hepatitis
– People at risk
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Hepatitis
– People at risk
• People who share needles
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
• Hepatitis A B C D
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Hepatitis A B C D
– Caused by a virus.
– Many types
– Mostly affects the liver
– Vaccines are available
– Prevention is good
– Avoid blood and fecal
matter and places it
dwells. 
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Hepatitis A B C D
– Caused by a virus.
– Many types
– Mostly affects the liver
– Vaccines are available
– Prevention is good
– Avoid blood and fecal
matter and places it
dwells. 
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Hepatitis A B C D
– Caused by a virus.
– Many types
– Mostly affects the liver
– Vaccines are available
– Prevention is good
– Avoid blood and fecal
matter and places it
dwells. 
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Hepatitis A B C D
– Caused by a virus.
– Many types
– Mostly affects the liver
– Vaccines are available
– Prevention is good
– Avoid blood and fecal
matter and places it
dwells. 
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
• Trichomoniasis
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Trichomoniasis
– Most men with trichomoniasis do not have
signs or symptoms.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Trichomoniasis
– Most men with trichomoniasis do not have
signs or symptoms.
– Some women have signs or symptoms of
infection which include a frothy, yellow-green
vaginal discharge with a pungent odor.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
• Review! Abstinence is best, (Means no
contact!) if you can’t abstain, than use a
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Review! Abstinence is best, (Means no
contact!) if you can’t abstain, than use a
– Note: You can still get several STI’s
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Many methods of birth control do not
protect against STD’s.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Many methods of birth control do not
protect against STD’s.
– Which of the ones below help protect from
some STD’s, but not all of them, explain?
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Many methods of birth control do not
protect against STD’s.
– Which of the ones below help protect from
some STD’s, but not all of them, explain?
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Condom’s can help prevent some STD’s but
not all of them.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Condom’s can help prevent some STD’s but
not all of them.
– Most birth control devices do not aid in
prevention of STD’s.
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
He’s so cute, I’ll
just be unsafe this
one time.
That was so
stupid, what
was I thinking.
Oh my gosh, she
is so hot. I hope
this goes far.
Aggggh, these
genital sores are
Why was I so
“I think this is
going to be the
best night of our
• Please be smart, don’t become one of the 24%
of teenagers in this country with a form of an
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Please be smart, don’t become one of the 24%
of teenagers in this country with a form of an
Learn more about STD’s at…
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
“I’m sorry I
yelled earlier.”
“I don’t want
an STD.” “So
thank you for
teaching me.”
• Activity! Infectious Disease Dramatic
performance. (Optional)
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
• Quiz 1-10 and 5 bonus questions.
• Which letter represents the theorized
birthplace of the HIV virus?
• HIV=Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• You can contract HIV in all of the following
ways except?
• You can contract HIV in all of the following
ways except?
– A.) Unprotected sexual intercourse with an
infected person.
• You can contract HIV in all of the following
ways except?
– A.) Unprotected sexual intercourse with an
infected person.
– B.) Contact with an affected persons blood.
• You can contract HIV in all of the following
ways except?
– A.) Unprotected sexual intercourse with an
infected person.
– B.) Contact with an affected persons blood.
– C.) Mother to child through breast milk
• You can contract HIV in all of the following
ways except?
– A.) Unprotected sexual intercourse with an
infected person.
– B.) Contact with an affected persons blood.
– C.) Mother to child through breast milk
– D.)Sharing needles with an infected person
• You can contract HIV in all of the following
ways except?
– A.) Unprotected sexual intercourse with an
infected person.
– B.) Contact with an affected persons blood.
– C.) Mother to child through breast milk
– D.)Sharing needles with an infected person
– E.) Handshake
• AIDS -Acquired Immune Deficiency
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• You have acquired AIDS when your CD4
cells drop below 14%, or you show signs of…
• You have acquired AIDS when your CD4
cells drop below 14%, or you show signs of…
– PCP (Pneumocystis pneumonia), a lung
• You have acquired AIDS when your CD4
cells drop below 14%, or you show signs of…
– PCP (Pneumocystis pneumonia), a lung
– KS (Kaposi’s sarcoma), a skin cancer;
• You have acquired AIDS when your CD4
cells drop below 14%, or you show signs of…
– PCP (Pneumocystis pneumonia), a lung
– KS (Kaposi’s sarcoma), a skin cancer;
– CMV (Cytomegalovirus), an infection that usually
affects the eyes.
• You have acquired AIDS when your CD4
cells drop below 14%, or you show signs of…
– PCP (Pneumocystis pneumonia), a lung
– KS (Kaposi’s sarcoma), a skin cancer;
– CMV (Cytomegalovirus), an infection that usually
affects the eyes.
– Candida, a fungal infection that can cause thrush
(a white film in your mouth) or infections in your
throat or vagina
• You have acquired AIDS when your CD4
cells drop below 14%, or you show signs of…
– PCP (Pneumocystis pneumonia), a lung
– KS (Kaposi’s sarcoma), a skin cancer;
– CMV (Cytomegalovirus), an infection that usually
affects the eyes.
– Candida, a fungal infection that can cause thrush
(a white film in your mouth) or infections in your
throat or vagina
• These are known as opportunistic
• What are…
• Which picture is the best way to avoid
contracting an STD or STI?
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Which picture is the best way to avoid
contracting an STD or STI?
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Which picture is the best way to avoid
contracting an STD or STI?
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• Name the STD based on the information in
the box.
– HIV, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Genital
Warts, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis A,B,C, Syphilis,
HPV Virus
• Name the STD based on the information in
the box.
– HIV, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Genital
Warts, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis A,B,C, Syphilis,
HPV Virus
Puss discharge.
Burning Feeling.
Body Pain.
Bleeding from parts.
Causes serious reproductive
problems in women.
• Name the STD based on the information in
the box.
– HIV, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Genital
Warts, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis A,B,C, Syphilis,
HPV Virus
Occurs in men and women.
Can infect eye as well.
Burning urination.
Puss / Milky discharge.
Very Painful.
Reproductive problems.
• Name the STD based on the information in
the box.
– HIV, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Genital Warts,
Gonorrhea, Hepatitis A,B,C, Syphilis, HPV Virus
Caused by a virus.
Many types
Mostly affects the liver
Vaccines are available
Prevention is good hygiene
Avoid blood and fecal matter
and places it dwells. 
• Bonus (1 point each)
• Who do these two work for?
• Who is this actress in G. I. Jane?
• What movie is this?
• Name this movie…
• Who is this actor?
“Hill Dilly!”
“Here come the
• Quiz 1-10 and 5 bonus questions.
• Which letter represents the theorized
birthplace of the HIV virus?
• Which letter represents the theorized
birthplace of the HIV virus?
• Which letter represents the theorized
birthplace of the HIV virus?
• HIV=Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• HIV=Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• HIV=Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• HIV=Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• HIV=Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• HIV=Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• HIV=Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• You can contract HIV in all of the following
ways except?
• You can contract HIV in all of the following
ways except?
– A.) Unprotected sexual intercourse with an
infected person.
• You can contract HIV in all of the following
ways except?
– A.) Unprotected sexual intercourse with an
infected person.
– B.) Contact with an affected persons blood.
• You can contract HIV in all of the following
ways except?
– A.) Unprotected sexual intercourse with an
infected person.
– B.) Contact with an affected persons blood.
– C.) Mother to child through breast milk
• You can contract HIV in all of the following
ways except?
– A.) Unprotected sexual intercourse with an
infected person.
– B.) Contact with an affected persons blood.
– C.) Mother to child through breast milk
– D.)Sharing needles with an infected person
• You can contract HIV in all of the following
ways except?
– A.) Unprotected sexual intercourse with an
infected person.
– B.) Contact with an affected persons blood.
– C.) Mother to child through breast milk
– D.)Sharing needles with an infected person
– E.) Handshake
• You can contract HIV in all of the following
ways except?
– A.) Unprotected sexual intercourse with an
infected person.
– B.) Contact with an affected persons blood.
– C.) Mother to child through breast milk
– D.)Sharing needles with an infected person
– E.) Handshake
• AIDS -Acquired Immune Deficiency
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• AIDS -Acquired Immune Deficiency
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• AIDS -Acquired Immune Deficiency
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• AIDS -Acquired Immune Deficiency
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• AIDS -Acquired Immune Deficiency
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• AIDS -Acquired Immune Deficiency
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• AIDS -Acquired Immune Deficiency
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• AIDS -Acquired Immune Deficiency
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• AIDS -Acquired Immune Deficiency
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy
• You have acquired AIDS when your CD4
cells drop below 14%, or you show signs of…
• You have acquired AIDS when your CD4
cells drop below 14%, or you show signs of…
– PCP (Pneumocystis pneumonia), a lung
• You have acquired AIDS when your CD4
cells drop below 14%, or you show signs of…
– PCP (Pneumocystis pneumonia), a lung
– KS (Kaposi’s sarcoma), a skin cancer;
• You have acquired AIDS when your CD4
cells drop below 14%, or you show signs of…
– PCP (Pneumocystis pneumonia), a lung
– KS (Kaposi’s sarcoma), a skin cancer;
– CMV (Cytomegalovirus), an infection that usually
affects the eyes.
• You have acquired AIDS when your CD4
cells drop below 14%, or you show signs of…
– PCP (Pneumocystis pneumonia), a lung
– KS (Kaposi’s sarcoma), a skin cancer;
– CMV (Cytomegalovirus), an infection that usually
affects the eyes.
– Candida, a fungal infection that can cause thrush
(a white film in your mouth) or infections in your
throat or vagina
• You have acquired AIDS when your CD4
cells drop below 14%, or you show signs of…
– PCP (Pneumocystis pneumonia), a lung
– KS (Kaposi’s sarcoma), a skin cancer;
– CMV (Cytomegalovirus), an infection that usually
affects the eyes.
– Candida, a fungal infection that can cause thrush
(a white film in your mouth) or infections in your
throat or vagina
• These are known as opportunistic
• You have acquired AIDS when your CD4
cells drop below 14%, or you show signs of…
– PCP (Pneumocystis pneumonia), a lung
– KS (Kaposi’s sarcoma), a skin cancer;
– CMV (Cytomegalovirus), an infection that usually
affects the eyes.
– Candida, a fungal infection that can cause thrush
(a white film in your mouth) or infections in your
throat or vagina
• These are known as opportunistic
• You have acquired AIDS when your CD4
cells drop below 14%, or you show signs of…
– PCP (Pneumocystis pneumonia), a lung
– KS (Kaposi’s sarcoma), a skin cancer;
– CMV (Cytomegalovirus), an infection that usually
affects the eyes.
– Candida, a fungal infection that can cause thrush
(a white film in your mouth) or infections in your
throat or vagina
• These are known as opportunistic
• What are…
• What are…
• What are…
• What are…
• What are…
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
Areas of Focus within The Cells and Infectious Diseases Unit:
Infectious Diseases through History, Viruses, Size of Viruses, Computer Viruses, Viral Reproduction,
Are Viruses Living?, Types of Viruses, Types of Bacteria, Size of Bacteria, Bacteria Identification,
Gram Staining, Food Borne Illnesses and Prevention, Antibiotics, Antiseptics and Cleaning Injuries,
Tooth Decay, Dental Hygiene, Bacterial Reproduction, Positives and Negatives of Bacteria, Lytic
Viruses, Lysogenic Viruses, Immune System, Virus Transmission, Treatment for Viruses, Virus
Prevention, Parasites, Types of Parasites, Parasite Life Cycles, HIV, HIV Prevention, AIDS, STD’s,
and more.
Virus, Bacteria, Parasites, Diseases Unit
Hundreds of PowerPoint samples, the bundled homework package, unit notes, and much more can be
previewed at…
Infectious Diseases Unit Preview Link
Infectious Diseases Unit Intro and Virus Lesson Bundle
Virus Lesson Review Game
Bacteria Lesson Bundle
Bacteria Review Game
Parasites Lesson Bundle
Immune System, HIV, AIDS, STD's Lesson Bundle
Infectious Diseases Unit Crossword Puzzle
Immune System, HIV, AIDS, STD's Review Game
• You can now record information in the
white space next to the pictures.
– Color only the pictures.
Immune system - A
system that protects
the body from
Immune system - A
system that protects
the body from
Immune system - A
system that protects
the body from
Immune system - A
system that protects
the body from
mmunodefiency irus
Immune system - A
system that protects
the body from
mmunodefiency irus
Immune system - A
system that protects
the body from
mmunodefiency irus
Immune system - A
system that protects
the body from
mmunodefiency irus
Immune system - A
system that protects
the body from
mmunodefiency irus
Immune system - A
system that protects
the body from
mmunodefiency irus
Immune system - A
system that protects
the body from
mmunodefiency irus
• Immune System, Parasites, STD’s, HIV,
AIDS PowerPoint Review Game.
Areas of Focus within The Cells and Infectious Diseases Unit:
Infectious Diseases through History, Viruses, Size of Viruses, Computer
Viruses, Viral Reproduction, Are Viruses Living?, Types of Viruses,
Types of Bacteria, Size of Bacteria, Bacteria Identification, Gram
Staining, Food Borne Illnesses and Prevention, Antibiotics, Antiseptics
and Cleaning Injuries, Tooth Decay, Dental Hygiene, Bacterial
Reproduction, Positives and Negatives of Bacteria, Lytic Viruses,
Lysogenic Viruses, Immune System, Virus Transmission, Treatment for
Viruses, Virus Prevention, Parasites, Types of Parasites, Parasite Life
Cycles, HIV, HIV Prevention, AIDS, STD’s, and more.
Full Unit can be found at…
Infectious Diseases Unit Link
• This PowerPoint is one small part of my Infectious Diseases
• A Four Part 1,800+ Slide PowerPoint full of engaging
activities, critical class notes, review opportunities, question,
answers, games, and much more.
• 19 Page bundled homework that chronologically follows the
slideshow for nightly review. Modified version provided as
well as answer keys.
• 24 pages of unit notes with visuals for students and support
• 4 PowerPoint Review Games with Answer Key
• Rubrics, videos, templates, materials list, First Day
PowerPoint, guide, and much more.
• Infectious Diseases Unit Link
Life Science
Curriculum Link
Human Body Systems and Health
Topics Unit
Anatomy Intro, Levels of Biological Organization Lesson
Skeletal System Lesson Bundle
Muscular System Lesson Bundle
Anatomy Intro, Skeletal, Muscular System Review Game
Healthy Eating, Molecules of Life Lesson Bundle
Obesity, Dangers of Fast Food, Eating Disorders
Healthy Eating and Living Review Game
Eating Disorders, Anabolic Steroids
Digestive System Lesson Bundle
Circulatory System and Respiratory System Lesson Bundle
Anti-Tobacco, Dangers of Smoking Lesson Bundle
Circulatory and Respiratory System Review Game
Excretory System Lesson Bundle
Nervous System Lesson Bundle
Nervous System Review Game
Endocrine System Lesson Bundle, Puberty, Hormones
Human Reproductive Lesson Bundle, Fertilization
Endocrine and Reproductive System Review Game
Immune System, HIV, AIDS, STD's Lesson Bundle
Immune System, HIV, AIDS, STD's Review Game
Anatomy Crossword Puzzle
DNA and Genetics Unit
DNA Lesson Bundle
DNA Lesson Review Game
DNA Crossword Puzzle
Cell Division, Mitosis and Meiosis Lesson Bundle
Cell Division Review Game
Mitosis and Meiosis Crossword Puzzle
Gnetics Lesson Bundle
DNA and Genetics Crossword Puzzle
Genetics Review Game
Cellular Biology Unit
Introduction to Cells, Cell History, Cheek and Onion Cell Lab,
Theory Lesson Bundle
Cell Review Game
Cell Transport Lesson Bundle, Osmosis, Diffusion, Active
Cell Transport Review Game
Characteristics of Life Lesson
Cellular Organelles Lesson Bundle
Cellular Organelles Visual Quiz
Cellular Organelles Review Game
Cell Unit Crossword Puzzle
Cell Unit Flash Cards
Cellular Biology Unit Preview, Homework Bundle, Unit Notes,
Life Science
Curriculum Link
Infectious Diseases Unit
Infectious Diseases Unit Intro and Virus
Lesson Bundle
Virus Lesson Review Game
Bacteria Lesson Bundle
Bacteria Review Game
Parasites Lesson Bundle
Immune System, HIV, AIDS, STD's
Lesson Bundle
Infectious Diseases Unit Crossword
Immune System, HIV, AIDS, STD's
Review Game
Evolution and Natural Selection
Evolution and Natural Selection Lesson Bundle
Evolution and Natural Selection Review Game
Human Evolution Lesson Bundle
Life Origins and Human Evolution Quiz Game
Geologic Timescale, Earth System History Lesson
Earth Geologic History Quiz Game
Life Origins and Human Evolution Quiz Game Life
Origins, Miller Urey Experiment Lesson Bundle
Ecological Succession Lesson Bundle
Ecological Succession Review Game
Taxonomy and Classification Unit
Taxonomy and Classification Lesson Bundle
Taxonomy and Classification Review Game
Bacteria Lesson Bundle
Bacteria Review Game
Kingdom Protista Lesson Bundle
Kingdom Animal Lesson Bundle
Animal Phylums Visual Quiz
Class Mammalia Lesson Bundle
Kingdom Animalia Review Game and Mammalia
Kingdom Fungi Lesson Bundle
Kingdom Fungi Review Game
Kingdom Plantae Lesson Bundle
Botany Unit Review Game
Name the Kingdom, Phylum, Class Visual Challenge
Taxonomy and Classification Crossword Puzzle
Botany Unit
Botany Unit Intro, Non-vascular Plants, Plate Evolution Lesson Bundle
Student Botany Projects, Grow Study Lesson Bundle
Botany Unit Review Game
Plants, Seeds, Seed Dispersal Lesson Bundle
Plants Review Game
Plants, Roots, Leaves, Lesson Bundle
Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons Lesson Bundle
Dendrochronology, Tree Ring Dating Lesson Bundle
Plant Hormones Lesson Bundle
Botany Unit Crossword Puzzle
Leaf Identification Lesson Bundle
Botany Unit Review Game
Plant Life Cycles, Flowers, Fruits Lesson Bundle
Plant Life Cycles, Flowers, Fruits Review Game
Life Science
Curriculum Link
Ecology Feeding Levels Unit
Ecology Food Chain Lesson Bundle
Biomagnification, Bioaccumulation of Pollution, Food Chain Lesson Bundle
Ecology Feeding Levels, Pyramid of Biomass, Number Lesson Bundle
Animal Dentition Lesson Bundle
Ecology Feeding Levels Unit Review Game
Ecology Feeding Levels Unit Crossword
Ecology Abiotic Factors Unit
Food Chain Board Game
Ecology Non-living Factors, Light Lesson
Ecology, Non-living Factor Temperature
Ecology Interactions Unit
Lesson Bundle
Ecology Levels of Organization Lesson Bundle
Photosynthesis and Respiration,
Animal Habitats Lesson Bundle
Biogeochemical Cycles Lesson Bundle
Food Webs, Predator and Prey Cycles Lesson Bundle
Ecology Non-living Factors Quiz Game
Biodiversity and Population Sampling Lesson Bundle
Island Biogeography Lesson Bundle
Animal Competition Lesson Bundle
Nitrogen Cycle Lesson Bundle
Animal Camouflage and Mimicry Lesson Bundle
Phosphorus Cycle and Nutrient Pollution
Ecology, Camouflage, Mimicry, Population Sampling
Lesson Bundle
Review Game
Plant Succession, Fire Ecology, Lesson
Symbiosis Lesson Bundle
Invasive Exotic Species Lesson Bundle
Ecological Succession Quiz Game
Ecology Interactions Part III, IV Review Game, Symbiosis,
Ecology Flash Cards
Exotic Species
Ecology Interactions Unit Crossword Puzzle
Physical Science
Curriculum Link
Laws of Motion and Simple
Machines Unit
Newton's Three Laws of Motion
Newton's Laws of Motion Review Game
Friction Lesson, Types of Friction
Kinetic and Potential Energy Lesson
Newton's Laws and Forces in Motion
Forces in Motion Review Game
Catapults and Trajectory Lesson
Simple Machines Lesson
Simple Machines Review Game
Laws of Motion and Simple Machines Unit Flashcards
Laws of Motion and Simple Machines Crossword Puzzle
Laws of Motion, Forces in Motion, Simple Machines Unit
Preview, Homework, Notes
Atoms and the Periodic Table of the
Elements Unit
Science Skills Unit
Lab Safety Lesson Bundle
Microscopes and Magnification Lesson Bundle
Metric System / SI Lesson Bundle
Scientific Notation Lesson Bundle
Volume and Density Lesson Bundle
Scientific Method, Observation Skills Lesson Bundle
Science Skills Unit Flash Cards
Science Skills Unit Crossword Puzzle
Science Skills Unit Review Game
Science Skills Unit Preview, Homework Bundle,
Atoms, Atomic Number, Atomic Mass, Isotopes Lesson Bundle
Inside the Atom Lesson Bundle
Atoms Review Game
Atomic Theory, Electrons, Orbitals, Molecules Lesson Bundle
Atoms, Atomic Theory, Electrons, Orbitals, Molecules Review Game
Atomic Bonding, Balancing Chemical Equations, Reactions, Lesson Bundle
Atoms and the Periodic Table Crossword Puzzle and Solution
Atoms and Periodic Table Unit Preview, Homework Bundle, Unit Notes
Periodic Table of the Elements Unit Lesson Bundle
Periodic Table of the Elements Review Game
Matter, Energy, and the Environment Unit
States of Matter, Physical Change, Chemical Change
States of Matter, Physical Change, Chemical Change Review Game
Gas Laws Introductory Lesson Bundle
Gas Laws Review Game
Viscosity Lesson Bundle
Forms of Energy Lesson Bundle
Heat Transfer, Convection, Conduction, Radiation Lesson Bundle
Electromagnetic Spectrum Lesson Bundle
Forms of Energy, Particles, Waves, EM Spectrum Review Game
Electromagnetic Spectrum Visual Quiz
Electricity and Magnetism Lesson Bundle
Electricity and Magnetism Review Game
Matter and Energy Crossword Puzzle and Solution
Matter, Energy, and the Environment Unit Preview, Homework Bundle,
Environment Unit Bundle
Environment Unit Bundle Review Game
Earth Science
Curriculum Link
Geology Topics Unit
Plate Tectonics, Continental Drift, Earth's Core,
Plate Boundaries Lesson Bundle
Dynamic Earth Review Game
Plate Boundaries Visual Quiz
Volcanoes Lesson Bundle
Types of Volcanoes
Volcanoes Review Game
Earthquakes Lesson Bundle
Earthquakes Review Game
Rock Deformation, Compression, Tension, Shearing
Minerals Lesson Bundle
Minerals Review Game
Rock or Mineral PowerPoint Quiz
Rocks and Minerals Lesson Bundle
Rocks and Minerals Flash Cards
Types of Rocks Visual Quiz
Rocks and the Rock Cycle Lesson Bundle
Rocks and Rock Cycle Review Game
Geologic Timescale, Earth System History Lesson Bundle
Earth Geologic History Quiz Game
Geology Unit Crossword Puzzle
Geology Unit Preview, Bundled Homework, Unit Notes
Astronomy Topics Unit
Solar System and Sun Lesson Bundle
Sun Lesson Bundle
Solar System and Sun Review Game
Solar and Lunar Eclipse Lesson Bundle
Inner Planets Lesson Bundle
Inner Planets Review Game
Moon, Phases of the Moon, Tides, Seasons, Lesson Bundle
Rocketry Lesson Bundle
Asteroid Belt, Meteors, Torino Scale Lesson Bundle
Asteroid Belt and Rocketry Review Game
Mission to the Moon, Apollo Lesson
Outer Planets Lesson Bundle
Outer Planets Review Game
Beyond the Solar System Lesson Bundle
Beyond the Solar System, Galaxies, Black Holes, Constellations Review
Galaxy Lesson, Hubble Exploration
Astronomy Unit Crossword Puzzle
Astronomy Unit in Spanish
Science Curriculum
Weathering, Soil Science, Soil
Conservation, Ice Ages, Glaciers
Mechanical and Chemical Weathering Lesson
Mechanical and Chemical Weathering Review
Soil Science Lesson Bundle
Erosion, Soil Conservation Lesson Bundle
Soil Science, Erosion, Soil Conservation Review
Weathering, Soil Science Unit Flash Cards
Weathering and Soil Science Crossword Puzzle
Ice Ages and Glaciers Lesson Bundle
Ice Ages and Glaciers Review Game
Ice Ages and Glaciers Crossword Puzzle
Ice Ages, Glaciers Unit Flash Cards
Weathering, Soil Science, Soil Conservation,
Ice Ages, Glaciers Unit Preview
Weather and Climate Unit
Atmosphere Lesson Bundle
Ozone Layer, Air Pollution, Skin Cancer
Atmosphere, Layers of the Atmosphere,
Pollution Quiz Game
Air Pressure and Winds Lesson Bundle
Severe Weather Lesson Bundle,
Hurricanes, Tornado, Blizzards
Seasons Lesson Bundle, Axial Tilt
Weather, Wind, Seasons, Quiz Game
Winds, Global Winds, Wind Chill Lesson
Oceans and Weather, Water Cycle, Clouds
Lesson Bundle
Water Cycle and Clouds Lesson Bundle
Earth Science
Curriculum Link
Rivers, Lakes, and
Water Quality Unit
Rivers and Watershed Lesson Bundle
Flooding Lesson Bundle
Benthic Macroinvertebrate Lesson Bundle
Lake Turnover Lesson Bundle
Salmon Lesson Bundle
Fish Lesson, Fashion a Fish, Lesson Bundle
Rivers, Lakes, and Water Quality Unit Review Game
Rivers, Lakes, and Water Quality Crossword Puzzle
Rivers, Lakes, and Water Quality Unit Preview, Homework Bundle, Unit Notes
Water Molecule Unit
Water Use, Water on Earth, Water Conservation Lesson Bundle
Groundwater, Groundwater Pollution Lesson Bundle
Properties of Water Lesson Bundle
Water Cycle Lesson Bundle
Water Unit Review Game
Water Unit Preview, Homework Package, Unit Notes, more
• Please visit the links below to learn more
about each of the units in this curriculum and
to see previews of each unit.
– These units take me four busy years to complete
with my students in grades 5-10.
Earth Science Units
Extended Tour Link and Curriculum Guide
Geology Topics Unit
Astronomy Topics Unit
Weather and Climate Unit
Soil Science, Weathering, More
Water Unit
Rivers Unit
= Easier
5th – 7th grade
= More Difficult
6th – 8th grade
= Most Difficult
8th – 10th grade
Physical Science Units
Extended Tour Link and Curriculum Guide
Science Skills Unit
Motion and Machines Unit
Matter, Energy, Envs. Unit
Atoms and Periodic Table Unit
Life Science Units
Extended Tour Link and Curriculum Guide
Human Body / Health Topics
DNA and Genetics Unit
Cell Biology Unit
Infectious Diseases Unit
Taxonomy and Classification Unit
Evolution / Natural Selection Unit
Botany Topics Unit
Ecology Feeding Levels Unit
Ecology Interactions Unit
Ecology Abiotic Factors Unit
• Thank you for your time and interest in this
curriculum. Please visit the welcome / guide on how
a unit works and please link to the many unit
previews to see the PowerPoint slideshows, bundled
homework, review games, unit notes, and much
more. Thank you for your interest and feel free to
contact me with any questions you may have. Best
• Sincerely,
• Ryan Murphy M.Ed
• [email protected]