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Communicable and
Chronic Diseases
Chapter 12
Objectives Day 1
 The students will be able to recognize
behaviors that help reduce the risk of
infection from communicable diseases
 Be able to describe how the immune
system works
Communicable Diseases
 Communicable disease (infectious
 An illness caused by pathogens that can be
spread from one living thing to another.
 Pathogen:
 A germ that causes disease
 Ex. People develop “the flu” when
pathogens that cause influenza enter their
Immune System
 Removes harmful organisms from the
blood and combats pathogens
 Immune system is composed of body
organs, tissues, cells, and chemicals
 The skin is the first line of defense
 Perspiration and oils on the skin kill
 Tears contain chemicals that kill pathogens
and prevent them from entering eyes
 Mucous and hairs that line the inside of nose
trap and destroy pathogens
Our Immune System
Immune system
 Lymphocytes: White blood cells that help
the body fight pathogens.
 B Cell: White blood cell produced antibodies.
 Antibody: Special protein that helps fight
 Helper T cell: White blood cell that signals B
cells to produce antibodies.
 Macrophage: White blood cell that surrounds
and destroys pathogens.
Communicable Diseases
 Bacteria
 Single-celled microorganisms
 More than a thousand types of bacteria
 Types of diseases caused by bacteria
 Syphilis
 Gonorrhea
 Strep throat
 TB (Tuberculosis)
 Tetanus
 Lyme disease
Strep Throat
Communicable Diseases
 Rickettsia
 Pathogens that grow inside living cells and
resemble bacteria
 Protozoa
 Tiny, single-celled organisms that produce
toxins that cause disease
 Malaria
 African sleeping sickness
Communicable Diseases
 Viruses
 Is the smallest known pathogen
 Viruses spread rapidly
Common Cold
Communicable Diseases
 Fungi
 Single or multi-celled parasitic
 Fungi can live on skin, mucous
membranes, and lungs
Athlete’s foot
Jock itch
Nail infections
Athlete’s Foot- Above
Oral Thrush- Below
Communicable Diseases
 Helminths
 A parasitic worm
 Caused by eating undercooked pork or fish
or from poor hygiene
 Tapeworms
 Pinworms
 Hookworms
The Spread of Pathogens
 All of these diseases can be spread
through direct contact
 Shacking hands
 Kissing
 Sexual intercourse
 Receiving a transfusion
 Handling bodily fluids (Blood and Urine)
 Open sores
 Go through the worksheet and fill out the
first page and do the assignment at the
bottom of the page.
 Tomorrow we will be learning about
respiratory diseases and allergies.
Objectives Day 2
 Students will be able to identify the 5
respiratory diseases
 Students will be able to identify the
characteristics of asthma
 The students will be able to identify
immunizations needed at certain ages
Infectious Respiratory
 Five infectious respiratory diseases
Common Cold
Strep Throat
Tuberculosis (TB)
Common Cold
 Viral Infection
 Transmission
 Coughs, sneezes, people can inhale the virus
 Become infected by shaking hands with an infected person
and then touch a mucous membrane (rub eyes, nose,
 Symptoms
 Runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, sore throat, cough,
head ache, and can last 2-14 days
 Treatment
 Plenty of rest and fluids
 Over the count medicines
 Viral infection-Rhinovirus
 Viral Infection
 Transmission
 From air through coughing and sneezing
 Enter body through mucous membranes (eyes, nose,
 Spread Rapidly
 Symptoms
 Headaches, chills, sneezing, stuffy nose, sore throat, and
dry cough
 Treatment
 Rest and drink plenty of fluids
 Viral infection- Reye’s syndrome
 Viral infection
 Transmission
 Direct contact with a contaminated person or
object, untreated respiratory disease
 Symptoms
 Shortness of breathe, difficulty breathing and
coughing, chest pain, weakness, fever, and chills
 Treatment
 Antibiotics
Strep Throat
 Viral Infection
 Transmission
 Coughing, sneezing, and close contact with an
infected person
 Symptoms
 Fever and sever sore throat
 Treatment
 Antibiotics, rest, and drink plenty of fluids
 Viral Infection
 Transmission
 Air, through coughing and sneezing of an
infected person
 Symptoms
 Extreme tiredness coughing, nights sweats, lose
of appetite, weight loss, low-grade fever, chills,
bloody sputum, shortness of breath, and chest
 Treatment
 Antibiotics and supportive care
Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome (SARS)
 Viral Infection
 Transmission
 Air, enters the body through mucous membranes
 Symptoms
 Fever higher than 100.4 degrees F
 Cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing,
low oxygen in the blood, or X-ray findings of
 Treatment
 Supportive care and rest
 Noncommunicable disease
 Symptoms
 Coughing, wheezing, and shortness of
 Asthma attack
 An episode of coughing, wheezing,
shortness of breath and tightness in the
chest experienced by a person who has
Exercise Induced Asthma
 A condition in which a person has
difficulty breathing during or shortly after
strenuous physical activity.
 Some people only suffer an asthma
attack only with exercise
 Avoid asthma attacks by reducing
asthma triggers
 Recognize warning signs and take
medication if needed.
Immunizations For Adults
 Adults need to receive…
 Tetanus (Every ten years)
 College students living in dorms are advised
to be immunized for meningococcal disease
 Pregnant women should not receive MMR
and varicella vaccinations until after delivery
because could lead to birth defects
All children should be immunized
Hepatitis B
Perussis (whopping
 Polio
 Measles
 Mumps
 Rubella (German
 Varicella
 Pneumococcal
 Allergy
 An overreaction of the body to a substance, that in
most people causes no response
 Airborne Allergens
 Animal dander, feathers, pollens, and mites
 Animal dander
 Flakes of dead skin from an animal
 Hay Fever
 A common term for seasonal respiratory allergies
that typically occur in the spring and fall
Allergy Tests
 Skin patch test
 Involves putting allergens on a parch, taping
the patch to the skin, and observing the
 Blood tests
 Can be done in a variety of ways (finger
prick, taking blood)
 Read the chapter on Reparatory
diseases, Asthma, and Immunizations
 Do the next section of vocabulary
words/questions in the packet
Objectives Day 3
 Students will be able to list a variety of
Cardiovascular diseases
 Students will learn how to reduce the risk
of cardiovascular diseases
 Students will identify the difference
between Type I, Type II diabetes, and
Gestational diabetes
Cardiovascular Disease
 Angina Pectoris
 Chest pain that results form narrowed coronary
 Nitroglycerin
 A drug that widens the coronary arteries, allowing
more oxygen to get to the cardiac muscle
 Congestive Heart Failure
 A condition that occurs when the heart’s pumping
ability is below normal capacity and fluid
accumulates in the lungs and other areas of the
Cardiovascular Disease
 Coronary Heart Disease
 A disease in which the coronary arteries are
narrowed or blocked
 Coronary artery
 A blood vessel that carries blood to the heart
 Plague
 Hardened deposits of fat and other materials in
the walls of arteries throughout the body
Cardiovascular Disease
 Arteriosclerosis
 Hardening and thickening of the arteries
 Atherosclerosis
 A disease in which fat deposits collect on
artery walls
Cardiovascular Diseases
 Heart Rhythm Abnormalities
 Arrhythmia
 Heart condition in which the heart may beat very
slowly or very fast for no obvious reason
 Pacemaker
 A device that is implanted in the heart to
stimulate normal heart contractions
 Heart Attack
 The death of cardiac muscle caused by a
lack of blood flow to the heart
Cardiovascular Diseases
 Rheumatic fever
 An autoimmune
action in the heart
that can cause fever,
weakness, and
damage to the valves
in the heart
 Rheumatic Heart
 Permanent heart
damage that results
from rheumatic fever
 Stroke
 A condition caused by
a blocked or broken
blood vessel in the
 Aneurysm
 Weakened area of a
blood vessel
Reducing Your Risk
 Maintain a healthy blood cholesterol level
 Cholesterol
 A fat-like substance made by the body and found in certain
 Low density lipoproteins (LDLs)
 Substances in the blood that carry cholesterol to body cells
 High density lipoproteins (HDLs)
 Substances in the blood that carry cholesterol to the liver
for breakdown and excretion
 The higher the HDL level, the lower the risk of heart
 Saturated Fat
 A type of fat from dairy products, solid vegetable fat, and
meat and poultry
Reducing Your Risk
Avoid tobacco products
Maintain healthful blood pressure
Maintain a healthful body weight
Participate in regular physical activity
Manage stress
 Type I diabetes
 The body produces little or no insulin
 Insulin is a hormone that regulates the blood
sugar level
 If the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin
enough insulin, a person develops diabetes
 Appears most often in children and young adults
 People with Type I need daily injections of insulin
to stay alive
 Type II diabetes
 The body produces insulin but cannot be used by
 About 90-95% of people who have diabetes have
Type II
 Most frequently strike people 50-60 years old
 Symptoms include: Feeling tired, frequent urination,
unusual thirst, weight loss, blurred vision, frequent
infections , and slow healing of sores
 About 80% of people with Type II are over weight
 Gestational Diabetes
 Occurs in some females during pregnancy
 Insulin is produced, but the body does not
respond to it
 Usually treated with diet, but not with oral
medications because it could hurt the baby
 Usually goes away after the baby is born
 Discussion
 Do numbers 30-69 in the handout
 Read the chapter on Cardiovascular
diseases and Diabetes
Objectives Day 4
 Students will learn the different types of
Sexual Transmitted Diseases
 Student will learn how to reduce risk of
infection with sexual transmitted diseases
Some Common STD’s/STIs
Bacterial (curable)
 Chlamydia
 Gonorrhea
 Syphilis
 Bacterial vaginosis
 Trichomoniasis,
Viral (incurable)
 Herpes
 Genital Warts (HPV)
 Hepatitis B
 Molluscum
 Discussion
 Study for test for tomorrow