Download SPM 100 SKILLS LAB 5

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SPM 100
Pulse Oximetry and
Cardiac Monitoring
Daryl P. Lofaso, M.Ed, RRT
Clinical Skills Lab Coordinator
Arterial Blood
Gas (ABG)
Normal Ranges
 pH
 PaCO2 35-45 mmHg
 PaO2
80-100 mmHg
Dissociation Curve
Oxygen Transport
Dissolved in plasma:
(vol % = 0.0031 (ml O2 /100cm3/mmHg)
x PaO2
Bond to Hemoglobin:
1.34 ml of O2/g of Hb x g of Hb x g of
Hb/100 cm3 x % Saturated
Approximately 5 g/dl of
unoxygenated hemoglobin in the
capillaries (> 5 gHb / 100ml of
Signs and Symptoms
 Tachypnea
 Mental Status Changes
Changes in
 Hyperbaric Therapy
 Carbon Monoxide
ECG Monitor
Lead Placement
Anatomy of Hearts
Electrical System
Basic ECG
Confirmation of Asystole
Check lead and cable
 Monitor power
 Monitor gain
 Change leads
Cardiac Assessment
Ref: Bates 8ed
Heart Sounds
S1: “ lub” occurs at the beginning of
systole (mitral and tricuspid close)
S2: “dub” marks the start of diastole,
(aortic and pulmonic close)
S3: (ventricular gallop) early signs of CHF
S4: (atrial gallop) pulmonic stenosis, aortic
stenosis, hypertension, MI &
Professional Conduct
Introduce yourself
Explain the procedure / examination to
the patient
Ask the patient if they have any
Cover the patient with a sheet. Only
expose area examining while
performing a procedure/examination