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Introduction to the Heart
Introduction to the Heart
• The heart is a cone-shaped muscular organ located within the
• Its apex rests on the ____________.
• Its base is at the level of the _________ rib.
• The coronary arteries that nourish the myocardium arise from
the _____________.
• The ____________ are receiving chambers; the _________
are discharging chambers.
• The muscular walls of the heart is called the _____________.
• The myocardium of the ______ ventricle is much thicker than
that of the _______ ventricle.
• The membrane that lines the heart and forms the valve flaps
is called the _______________.
Introduction to the Heart
• The outermost layer of the heart is the ______________.
• The covering surrounding the heart is called the
• The space between the ____________ and ___________ is
called the pericardial ______.
• The pericardial sac contains a small amount of fluid to help
reduce ____________ when the heart contracts.
Anatomy of the Heart
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Flow of Blood Through the Heart
A. Blood enters heart from the head
and upper extremities via the
B. Blood enters heart from the lower
extremities via the
C. Into the __________________
D. Across the ________________
E. Into the __________________
F. Across the ________________
G. Into the __________________
H. On its way to the ___________
I. Blood returns to the heart via the
______________________, now
fully loaded with oxygen.
J. Into the __________________
K. Across the ________________
L. Into the __________________
M. Across the __________________
N. Into the __________________
O. From here, blood is distributed
through the body through
___________ and ___________.
P. Blood returns to vena cava by way of
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________
4. _________________________
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15. _________________________
A Microscopic Look at Heart
Listening to Heart Sounds
The Conduction System: The Nerves of the
How to Read an ECG
How to Read an ECG
• A recording of the electrical activity of the
heart is called an _____________.
• The period when the atria are depolarizing
(getting ready to contract) is called the
• The period when the ventricles are
depolarizing (getting ready to contract) is
called the ____________.
• The period when the ventricles are
repolarizing is called the ____________.
How to Read an ECG
• An abnormally slow heartbeat (slower than 60
beats per minute in a non-athlete) is called
• An abnormally rapid heartbeat (faster than
100 beats permit at rest) is called
• A condition in which the heart is
uncoordinated and useless as a pump is called
• Transient chest pain, resulting from ischemia
of the myocardium, is called______________.
Atrial Fibrillation
Ventricular Fibrillation
Fetal Circulation
Umbilical cord
Umbilical arteries
Umbilical vein
Foramen ovale
Ductus arteriosus
Anatomy of Blood Vessels
Anatomy of Blood Vessels
• Tunica intima
• Tunica media
• Tunica externa
o Single layer of endothelium
o Bulky middle coat,
containing smooth muscle
and elastin
o Provides a smooth surface
to decrease resistance to
blood flow
o The only tunic of capillaries
o Also called the adventitia
o The only tunic that plays an
active role in blood pressure
o Supporting, protective coat