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Ancient Greece
Peloponnesian Wars
& Decline of Ancient Greece
Athens vs. Sparta
Essential Standards
• 6.H.2 Understand the political, economic and/or
social significance of historical events, issues,
individuals and cultural groups.
• 6.G.1Understand geographic factors that influenced
the emergence, expansion and decline of civilizations,
societies and regions (i.e. Africa, Asia, Europe, and
the Americas) over time.
• 6.E.1Understand how the physical environment and
human interaction affected the economic activities of
various civilizations, societies and regions.
Clarifying Objectives
• 6.H.2.1 Explain how invasions, conquests and migrations affected
various civilizations, societies and regions (e.g., Mongol invasion,
The Crusades, the Peopling of the Americas and Alexander the
• 6.G.1.1 Explain how the physical features and human characteristics
of a place influenced the development of civilizations, societies and
regions (e.g., location near rivers and natural barriers, trading
practices and spread of culture).
• 6.G.1.2 Explain the factors that influenced the movement of people,
goods and ideas and the effects of that movement on societies and
regions over time (e.g., scarcity of resources, conquests, desire for
wealth, disease and trade).
Clarifying Objectives
• 6.E.1.2 Explain how quality of life is impacted
by economic choices of civilizations, societies
and regions.
Essential Questions
• How did invasions between Athens & Sparta in the Greek
Peloponnesian War affect the Ancient Greek Civilization?
• How did the physical features & human characteristics prevent
Ancient Greece from uniting?
• What factor contributed to the movement of people (Greeks) in the
Peloponnesian War?
• What was the long-term affect of the Peloponnesian War?
• How did the economic choices of the Athenian attack of Sicily affect
Athenian’s quality of life?
EOG Questions
Athens & Sparta
• Athens & Sparta were the
2 largest Greek city states
in Ancient Greece
• Before the Greco-Persian
wars Athens & Sparta had
fought for hundreds of
• They banned together
against the Persians to
defeat them
Athens & Sparta
• The Athenian Navy &
the Spartan Army
defeated Xerxes to end
the Greco-Persian Wars
• After the Greco-Persian
Wars all was good with
Athens & Sparta
Athens Gets Greedy
• After the Greco-Persian
war instead of getting rid
of their powerful Navy &
spending the money on
other things
• Leader of Athens saw his
• The factor that motivated
him moving to other
places was CONQUEST
Essential Questions
• Get with a partner and answer….
• What factor contributed to the movement of
people (Greeks) in the Peloponnesian War?
Delian League
• Pericles starts the Delian
• Delian League was a
group of city states that
gave money & men to
Athens for protection
from Ancient Persia
• They would receive
protection from a
powerful NAVY
Athens Gets Greedy
• With his great Navy
Athenian leader Pericles
starts sailing around and
making smaller Greek city
states pay to have Athens
protect them
• Pericles of Athens knows
that the Persians will no
longer attack but he tells
other city states that they
Athens Gets Greedy
• The smaller city states agree
to pay Athens for Naval
• He goes around convincing
the Greek city states that
Persia will again attack and
they will need protection
• Athens becomes really,
really, really rich from all
the money they are paid to
protect the rest of Greece
Pericles Rebuilds Athens
• With the money
Pericles rebuilds Athens
into the richest most
luxurious city in all of
Ancient Greece
• He rebuilds the
Parthenon and other
temples and makes
Athens a center of
commerce & trade
Peloponnesian League (Sparta)
• Spartans had their own
military league
• Spartans league was
called the Peloponnesian
• They did the same thing
for Sparta they would pay
Sparta for protection
Switching Teams
• The Spartans problem
with Athens was that
they were stealing city
states that were in the
Peloponnesian League
and making them join
the Delian League
• This was taking away
from Sparta & adding to
• Athens went into to
Megara & took it for
• Spartans had had enough
• Spartans fought the
Athenians for Megara
• Neither side could gain
control so they finally
signed a peace treaty
30 Years Peace Treaty
• Athens & Sparta signed a
30 years peace treaty
with the two sides
agreeing not to attack
each other for 30 years
• Athens disobeyed this
treaty & attacked Spartan
lands again
• Athens began attacking
everyone else as well
Athens makes many Enemies
• Athens not only
attacked Spartan lands
they began attacking
other non-Greek lands
as well
• Their biggest mistake
was making enemies
with Macedon
Peloponnesian War Begins
• Sparta had finally had
enough and the
Peloponnesian War
• The Peloponnesian
League declares war on
the Delian League
• Sparta & Athens begin to
fight constantly
Plague Pericles Dies
• In the first year of the
Peloponnesian War a
plague swept through
Athens killing over
30,000 Athenians
• This included their great
leader Pericles
Athens makes Bad Decisions
• Many men wanted to
lead Athens
• Different men would
come to power & make
poor decision after poor
• The worst decision may
have been trying to take
Taking Sicily
• Sicily was a little island in
the Mediterranean Sea
which is now part of Italy
• 9:46-10:00
• The Athenians wanted
that Sicily
• They tried to take it but
kept losing ship after ship
Athenian Quality of Life
• The poor decisions of the
Athenians attack on Sicily
affect the QUALITY OF LIFE
for their citizens
• They spent so much money
on the ships to attack Sicily
that there was no more
money for the Athenian
• Athenian citizens became
very poor
Essential Questions
• Get with a partner and answer….
• How did the economic choices of the Athenian
attack of Sicily affect Athenian’s quality of life?
Athens Surrenders to Sparta
• Athens had lost almost
their entire Navy trying
to take Sicily
• The Athenians after
making poor decision
after poor decision
finally surrendered to
Weakening Each Other
• Sparta didn’t control
Ancient Greece for long
• The Peloponnesian War
had WEAKENED both
sides (Athens & Sparta) so
much that it left the door
wide open
• With hardly any Navy or
Army forces anymore
Greece was in trouble
• With both Athens & Sparta
weakened by each other
• King Phillip of Macedon
rode in and CONQORED
Ancient Greece
• In the end the LONG TERM
AFFECT of the
Peloponnesian War was the
Essential Questions
• Get with a partner and answer….
• How did invasions between Athens & Sparta in
the Greek Peloponnesian War affect the
Ancient Greek Civilization?
• What was the long-term affect of the
Peloponnesian War?
Important Points
• 6.H.2.1 (Invasions,
Conquests, Migrations)
Athens wanted to
Conquer the rest of
Greece and make them
join their Delian League
• 6.G.1.2 (Factors of
Athenians were willing to
move to other parts of
Greece to CONQUOR
• 6.G.1.1 (Affect of Physical
Features) Physical
Features prevented
Ancient Greek city states
• 6.E.1.2 (Quality of Life)
Poor ECONOMIC choices
by the Athenians left their
people poor