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Chapter 41
What are the quantum numbers n and l for a
hydrogen atom with E = –(13.60/9) eV and L =
n = 1, l = 1
n = 1, l = 2
n = 2, l = 0
n = 3, l = 1
n = 3, l = 2
What are the quantum numbers n and l for a
hydrogen atom with E = –(13.60/9) eV and L =
n = 1, l = 1
n = 1, l = 2
n = 2, l = 0
n = 3, l = 1
n = 3, l = 2
How many maxima will there be in a graph of the radial
probability density for the 4s state of hydrogen?
1. 2
2. 4
3. 5
4. 8
How many maxima will there be in a graph of the radial
probability density for the 4s state of hydrogen?
1. 2
2. 4
3. 5
4. 8
Can the spin angular momentum vector
lie in the xy-plane?
1. Yes
2. No
Can the spin angular momentum vector
lie in the xy-plane?
1. Yes
2. No
Is the electron configuration 1s22s22p43s a ground-state
configuration or an excited-state configuration?
1. Ground-state
2. Excited-state
3. It’s not possible to tell without knowing
which element it is
Is the electron configuration 1s22s22p43s a ground-state
configuration or an excited-state configuration?
1. Ground-state
2. Excited-state
3. It’s not possible to tell without knowing
which element it is
In this hypothetical atom, what is the photon energy Ephoton
of the longest-wavelength photons emitted by atoms in the
5p state?
1. 1.0 eV
2. 2.0 eV
3. 3.0 eV
4. 4.0 eV
5. 5.0 eV
In this hypothetical atom, what is the photon energy Ephoton
of the longest-wavelength photons emitted by atoms in the
5p state?
1. 1.0 eV
2. 2.0 eV
3. 3.0 eV
4. 4.0 eV
5. 5.0 eV
An equal number of excited A atoms and excited B
atoms are created at t = 0. The decay rate for B atoms is
twice that of A atoms: rB = 2rA. At t = tA (i.e., after one
lifetime of A atoms has elapsed), the ratio NB/NA of the
number of excited B atoms to the number of excited A
atoms is
1. >2.
2. 2.
3. 1.
4. 1/2.
5. <1/2.
An equal number of excited A atoms and excited B
atoms are created at t = 0. The decay rate for B atoms is
twice that of A atoms: rB = 2rA. At t = tA (i.e., after one
lifetime of A atoms has elapsed), the ratio NB/NA of the
number of excited B atoms to the number of excited A
atoms is
1. >2.
2. 2.
3. 1.
4. 1/2.
5. <1/2.
Chapter 41
Reading Quiz
How many quantum numbers are required to specify
uniquely the state of an electron in an atom?
1. Four
2. Five
3. Six
4. Seven
5. Eight
How many quantum numbers are required to specify
uniquely the state of an electron in an atom?
1. Four
2. Five
3. Six
4. Seven
5. Eight
What property of the electron did Stern and Gerlach
discover by shooting atoms through a magnet?
1. Magnetic moment
2. Electric dipole
3. Quadrupole moment
4. Lifetime
5. Wavelength
What property of the electron did Stern and Gerlach
discover by shooting atoms through a magnet?
1. Magnetic moment
2. Electric dipole
3. Quadrupole moment
4. Lifetime
5. Wavelength
What are the two primary means by which an atom
can be excited?
1. Emission, absorption
2. Collisions, stimulation
3. Absorption, emission
4. Collisions, absorption
5. Stimulation, emission
What are the two primary means by which an atom
can be excited?
1. Emission, absorption
2. Collisions, stimulation
3. Absorption, emission
4. Collisions, absorption
5. Stimulation, emission
The law of physics stating that no two electrons
can be in the same quantum state is
1. the Schrödinger principle.
2. the Pauli exclusion principle.
3. Stern’s law.
4. the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
5. Fermi’s rule.
The law of physics stating that no two electrons
can be in the same quantum state is
1. the Schrödinger principle.
2. the Pauli exclusion principle.
3. Stern’s law.
4. the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
5. Fermi’s rule.
The shell model of the atom was used to explain
experimental measurements of
1. conductivity.
2. density.
3. ionization energy.
4. the work function.
5. absorption spectra.
The shell model of the atom was used to explain
experimental measurements of
1. conductivity.
2. density.
3. ionization energy.
4. the work function.
5. absorption spectra.
The number of atoms in an excited state decreases
1. linearly with time.
2. inversely with time.
3. as the inverse square of the time.
4. logarithmically with time.
5. exponentially with time.
The number of atoms in an excited state decreases
1. linearly with time.
2. inversely with time.
3. as the inverse square of the time.
4. logarithmically with time.
5. exponentially with time.