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Johnson-Nyquist Thermal
By: Mohammad Ali Ahmadi
AUT 2007
Some Interesting Measurements
• Noise is a complex composite of lots of
1. Thermal or Johnson Noise
2. Shot noise
3. Flicker or 1/f noise
4. Environmental noise
• In 1927 J. B. Johnson observed random
fluctuations in the voltages across
electrical resistors. A year later H. Nyquist
published a theoretical analysis of this
noise which is thermal in origin. Hence this
type of noise is variously called Johnson
noise, Nyquist noise, or Thermal noise.
• At any non-zero temperature we can think
of the moving charges as a sort of
Electron Gas trapped inside the resistor
• The electrons move about in a randomised
way — similar to Brownian motion —
bouncing and scattering off one another
and the atoms.
• At any particular instant there may be
more electrons near one end of the box
than the other.
• If we note the meter reading at regular intervals
(e.g. every second) for a long period we can plot
a histogram of the results.
• we choose a ‘bin width’, dv , and divide up the
range of possible voltages into small ‘bins’ of this
size. We then count up how often the measured
voltage was in each bin, divide those counts by
the total number of measurements, and plot a
• We can now use this plot to indicate the
likelihood or probability, that any future
measurement of the voltage will give a
result in any particular small range
• <V > = 4kTR Df
For frequencies below a few gigahertz, Equation 1
gives the relationship between the
- <V2>, the measured mean-squared voltage
- (T), absolute temperature of the resistor
- ( R), its resistance
- Df, is the bandwidth in hertz over which the noise is
measured. For a resistor of 1kΩ at room temperature
and a 10 kHz bandwidth, the RMS noise voltage is
400 nV or 0.4 microvolts
- kB is Boltzman’s constant (1.38 x 10-23Joules/Kelvin)
• The frequency content of the random fluctuations
are characterized by the power spectral density
• PSD = power per unit frequency
• The noise spectrum of the random fluctuations is
wide band or “white”noise.
• Therefore, the PSD of the random fluctuations is
constant and the power is calculated by PSD (f)
(f1 - f2 ), where (f1 - f2) is the bandwidth of the
measurement system.
•The mean-square of the random fluctuations can
be reduced by reducing the bandwidth.
In communications, power is often measured in decibels
relative to 1 milliwatt (dBm), assuming a 50 ohm
resistance. With these conventions, thermal noise at room
temperature can be estimated as:
Thermal Noise for Capacitances
• Johnson noise in an RC circuit can be
expressed more simply by using the
capacitance value, rather than the
resistance and bandwidth values. The rms
voltage noise on a capacitance C is
independent of the resistor value, since
bandwidth varies reciprocally with
resistance in an RC circuit
Shot Noise
• Shot Noise occurs whenever any phenomenon
can be
considered as a series of independent events
occuring at random. This occurs for carriers
falling through a potential in one direction only.
This is a non-equilibrium process and
• requires DC current flow. First seen in vacuum
tubes. The spectrum is white and has a
Gaussian Amplitude distribution.
• Arises because electrons are quanta of
charge, and flow of charge across a
junction is therefore a multiple quanta
event, and has to be dealt with using
Flicker or 1/f Noise
Inversely proportional to frequency
Cause not well understood
Recognized by frequency dependence
Becomes significant in signals <100 Hz
Worst for 0 Hz, or DC drift!
Better in wire-wound or metallic film resistors,
worse in standard carbon resistors. So can be
improved by using different electronic
components in your circuit
1. Current in Carbon Composition resistors
2. Current in Thin Metal Films (in the past, not today)
3. Current in Ionic Solutions
4. All Solid-State components; but especially Si MOSFET,
5. Body Sway
6. The Earth’s wobble on its axis
7. Magnitude of Ocean waves
8. Magnitude of Earthquakes
9. Magnitude of Thunder Storms
10. Magnitude of Tornados
11. Magnitude of Hurricanes
12. Classical and Jazz Music
13. Economic data
Environmental Noise
• Every wire in your instrument can act like an antenna to
pick up electromagnetic energy and convert it into an
electrical signal inside your instrument
• There are lots of things in the environment that are
putting out Electromagnetic signals
• There are two region that are relatively noise free 3Hz to
60Hz and 1 kHz to 500 kHz
• Will often design instruments around these frequencies
to take advantage to this low environmental noise
Hardware Solutions
Grounding and Shielding
Difference and Instrumentation Amplifiers
Analog Filtering
Signal Chopping: Chopping amplifiers
• Noise from environment can often be dramatically
reduced by shielding, grounding, and minimizing wire
lengths. Shielding - surrounding a circuit or the wires in
the circuit with a conducting material then attaching that
to ground.
• Environmental EM radiation can’t penetrate the
conductor where it gets absorbed
• Arranging optimum shielding is something of an art.,
something of hit and miss
• Very important in high resistance transducers (like glass
electrodes or pH electrodes Here even tiny noise get
dramatically amplified
• Wiring –avoid loops to reduce parasitic inductance.
• To amplify signal but not noise,
instruments typically use a difference
amplifier for first stage of amplification If
this isn’t enough a circuit called an
instrumentation amplifier is used
• With these kinds of electronics can amplify
signal 1000x and eject of noise
Analog Filtering
Most common way of improving S/N is with a low-pass filter. Low
pass means that it passes slow moving signals (low frequency) but it
stops signals with high frequencies, the jiggling noise.
Can be done with just a resistor and a capacitor. This method is
most common used in older analog instruments.
􀂃 You have a switch on the consol where you change either the
capacitor or the resistor, that changes the time response of the
instrument. Does reduce high frequency noise, but can also damage
signal, so you have to be careful how this is used .At other times can
use a high pass filter to pass a high frequency signal but block a low
frequency drift
􀂃 Also can use narrow band or band pass filters to let just certain
frequencies through
• 1. J. Johnson, "Thermal Agitation of
Electricity in Conductors", Phys. Rev. 32,
97 (1928), (the experiment).
2. H. Nyquist, "Thermal Agitation of Electric
Charge in Conductors", Phys. Rev. 32,
110 (1928), (the theory).