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Series Circuit – 1 bulb
Electric Current
1. Electric Current is the flow of charge
2. Current can be measured using an
ammeter (connected in series)
3. Current is measured in Amps (A)
4. Increasing the Voltage will increase the
5. Increasing the Resistance will
decrease the current
Current in a Series Circuit
Current in a Series Circuit
Current in a Series Circuit
Current in Series & Parallel Circuits
1. In a series circuit the current is the
same everywhere
2. In a parallel circuit the current divides
on entering a junction and rejoins on
returning to the battery
Current in Series & Parallel Circuits
Current in a Parallel Circuit
Potential Difference
1. Potential Difference is connected to
the amount of energy that is gained or
lost across part of a circuit
2. Potential Difference is measured using
a Voltmeter (connected in parallel)
3. Potential Difference is measured in
Volts (V)
4. Potential Difference gained across a
cell or battery is called Voltage
PD in Series & Parallel Circuits
1. In a series circuit the potential
difference is shared between the
2. In a parallel circuit the potential
difference is the same across each
component and equals the voltage
across the battery
Voltage in a Series Circuit
Series circuit – 2 bulbs
Parallel Circuit
Voltage in a Parallel Circuit
1. Resistance is measured in ohms (Ω)
Resistance = Potential Difference ÷ Current
2. In a series circuit the total resistance is
equal to the sum of the component
Current-Voltage Graphs
1. Current-Voltage graphs can be used to
show how the current flowing through
a component changes with different
2. The current through a resistor is
directly proportional to the voltage
across the resistor (at a constant
Current-Voltage Graphs
Resistance of Components
1. The resistance of a filament lamp
increases as the filament gets hotter
2. A diode allows current to flow in one
direction only (the diode has a very
high resistance in the opposite
3. The resistance of a light dependent
resistor decreases with increasing
light intensity
4. The resistance of a thermistor
decreases with increasing temperature
Resistance of Components
Resistance of Components