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Hindi 1: Lecture 5a
मुझको बनारस पसंद है।
सेब खाओ seb khāo eat the apple
• You will get a card when you come in.
• Some people will get a picture, some a verb.
• Move around the class room trying to find a verb
and image that match when you make a
command, as in the example above.
• Then sit down and write out the sentence
हहन्दी पढ़ना आसान है
Reading Hindi is easy
• Infinitives of verbs in Hindi have a sense
similar to:
‘to verb’ or ‘verb-ing’,
• हहन्दी बोलना आसान है
Speaking Hindi is easy
• बस में खाना खाना मना है
Eating in the bus is forbidden
- ट्रेन में मना है
– is forbidden in the train
• Can you match the sign to the Hindi?
हबल्ली मना है
कु त्ता मना है
हिह़िया मना है
डु ररअन मना है
खाना खाना और िाय पीना मना है
हसग्रेट पीना मना है
What do these notices say?
ब़िे भाई साहब
• Work in small groups
• Select a bossy big brother or sister
• Group members mime doing actions, from
those we already know verbs for, and the
bossy big brother has to forbid it.
• When big brother can’t find the Hindi to
forbid something the next person become
big brother.
• Take notes, be prepared to perform to class.
मुझको हहन्दी पसंद है
I like Hindi
• This construction literally means:
to-me Hindi liked is
• नहीं before the verb means ‘don’t like’
– हमको काम पसंद नहीं है।
We don’t like work.
– You can drop the final है if you are not being emphatic
– मुझको कोक पसंद नहीं । ‘don’t like coke’.
• नहीं before पसंद add emphasis ‘do not like’
– हमको परीक्षाएँ पसंद नहीं हैं।
We do not like examinations.
आपको पसंद है? मुझको पसंद नहीं
• Work in pairs, each write down a list of five
things you like and five you dislike.
• Then tell each other what you like and
dislike. Each time you tell your partner
something they contradict it.
• You say मुझको िाय पसंद है।
• They say मुझको िाय पसंद नहीं है।
• Then they might say मुझको काफ़ी पसंद है।
• and you say you don’t etc.
मुझे फफल्मी गाने अच्छे लगते हैं
I like film songs
• अच्छा लगना instead of पसंद carries a similar
sense of ‘like’, ‘enjoy’ or ‘feel good’.
• The phrase अच्छा लगना needs to agree
with the thing liked and takes three forms
• अच्छा लगता for masculine singular things
• अच्छे लगते for masculine plural thing
• अच्छी लगती for feminine singular and plural
• infinitives are treated like masculine nouns
मुझे फिकट खेलना अच्छा लगता है
I enjoy playing cricket
• Work in small groups
• Each person write three things you like
doing on slips of paper, such as that above
• Then put the slips in the middle
• A random player picks a slip and has to
stand up and mime the action
• The person who correctly says that the
person enjoys doing the action takes the
next slip.
िाय ठण्डी थी The tea was cold
• The Hindi words for was and were agree
with the gender and number of what they
relate to, there are four forms:
• था – पानी ठण्डा था The water was cold
• थे - समोसे ठण्डे थे The samosas were cold
• थी - िाय ठण्डी थी The tea was cold
• थीं – जलेहबयाँ ठण्डी थीं The jalebis were cold
• This is the past tense of होना i.e. है हैं
उस रे स्तराँ में खाना ठण्डा था
The food was cold in that restaurant
• Form small groups
• Imagine you have been to a bad
restaurant, and give it a name.
• Each of you write down three things which
were bad on the format above
• Compare your sentences, get rid of any
duplicates, and mistakes you can see.
• Be prepared to tell us about your
पहला pahlā: first, etc.
(ordinal numbers)
मैं पहले साल में हँ
I am in the first year
Divide into small groups, work out:
• How to say who is in what year
मैं पहले साल में हँ I am in the first year
• Whose house is on what floor/storey?
मेरा घर िौथी मंह़िल पर है
My home is on the fourth storey
• यह मेरी नवीं कक्षा है This is my ninth class
• Be prepared to share with the class
Note: Ordinal numbers are like adjectives