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Parts of Speech!
Noun =名词
• a person, place or thing
• Ex: woman, dog, cat, phone, television
Is telephone a noun?
Is bicycle a noun?
Is happy a noun?
Verb = 动词
• An action
• When you do something
• To go, to eat, to be, to see, to read
Is to eat a verb?
Is hamburger a verb?
Which is NOT a verb?
A. to run
B. to walk
C. telephone
D. to talk
Adjective = 形容词
• Describe (形容) something
• Beautiful, fun, tired, interesting
Is funny an adjective?
Is scary an adjective?
Which one is NOT an adjective?
A. beautiful
B. funny
C. tired
D. lunch
Which is an adjective?
A. dance
B. excited
C. singer
D. Australia
Adverb = 副词
• Changes a verb, tells you how something is
• Adjective + ly = adverb
– Beautiful + ly = beautifully
• She sings beautifully.
– Slow + ly = slowly
• She eats slowly.
• Sometimes doesn’t change
– Good, well
– She sings well.
• Time
– Often, immediately,
Adjective vs. Adverb
• Adjective: Tells us something about the
– She is smart.
• Adverb: Tells us something about the verb
– He is driving quickly.
– He often eats hamburgers.
Where is the adverb in this sentence?
• Maria eats quickly.
There are two adverbs in this
sentence. Where are they?
• I sing horribly because I don’t
sing often.
2 adverbs.
• I sing horribly because I don’t
sing often.
Conjunction = 连接词
• Connects two parts of a sentence, or connects
two sentences.
• 因为天气不好, 所以我不想去跑步。
• Once, as soon as, although, no matter
• As soon as I do my homework, we can play
Where is the conjunction in this
Although I dislike eating dumplings, I
don’t want my mother to be angry so I
will eat them.
The conjunction is …
Although (尽管) I dislike eating
dumplings, I don’t want my
mother to be angry so I will eat
Which of these is a conjunction?
A. often
B. healthy
C. food
D. As long as
Which of these is a conjunction?
A. rainbow
B. healthy
C. food
D. As long as (只要)
Ex. As long as you do your homework, than you
can play basketball.
Part of speech
Dog, cat, phone,
I like cats.
house, MP3,
computer game
To do, to play, to eat, I eat a lot of food.
to go out, to meet, to
love, to hate
Beautifully, terribly,
She drives terribly.
often, well
Beautiful, funny,
smart, mean, happy,
I am sad because my
cat died.
Although, As soon as, Although I like my
Since, Once
friends, I would
rather be with my
family on my
Please write down this sentence.
Although I dance well, I don’t dance often.
In this sentence there are:
•2 verbs
•2 adverbs
•1 conjunction
•Please find them and underline them.
Although I dance well, I don’t dance often.
Conjunction verb adverb
verb adverb
In this sentence there are:
•2 verbs
•2 adverbs
•1 conjunction
Please write down this sentence.
Although Mike sings poorly, he dances well.
Please find
• 1 conjunction
• 2 verbs
• 2 adverbs
Although Mike sings poorly, he dances well.
Conjunction verb Adv.
Verb Adv.
Please find
• 1 conjunction
• 2 verbs
• 2 adverbs
• Words can have more than one part of speech
• Chinese very common, for example, the word
• Words can have more than one part of speech
• Chinese very common, for example, the word
Please open your books to
page 6.
1. Noun = the remaining part (其余,剩余)
Ex. He wants to eat the rest of the cake
Ex. He wants to see the rest of the world.
2. Verb = to relax (休息)
Ex. My mother told me to relax.
While the rest of the passengers were getting out,
she glanced at the faces around her. (line 16)
Is this a noun or a verb?
Would you like to come in and rest for a while. (line
Is this a noun or a verb?
While the rest of the passengers were getting out,
she glanced at the faces around her. (line 16)
A noun.
Would you like to come in and rest for a while. (line
A verb.
1. Conjunction = as soon as (一旦)
Ex. Once she finishes her work, she can help you
一旦她完成她的工作, 她可以帮你。
2. Adverb = in the past (曾经)
Ex. I once lived in Beijing.
Once she goes to the hospital, she will feel
Is this a conjunction or adjective?
Once she goes to the hospital, she will feel
Is this a conjunction or adjective?
A conjunction.
Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards
the bus stop. (line 7)
Is once a conjunction or adverb?
‘Ah twenty!’ A nice age to be. I was young once.
(line 42)
Is once a conjunction or adverb?
Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards
the bus stop. (line 7)
It’s a conjunction!
‘Ah twenty!’ A nice age to be. I was young once.
(line 42)
It’s an adverb!
1. Verb = past tense of leave (离开)
Ex. I left for work earlier this morning.
一旦她完成她的工作, 她可以帮你。
2. Adverb = right and left (左)
Ex. Look left and right before crossing the street.
She left her house and went to the
grocery store.
• Is “left” a verb or an adverb?
She left her house and went to the
grocery store.
• A verb! Leave in the past tense
• I left
• She left
• They left
• We left
Turn left before the supermarket.
• Is “left” a verb or an adverb?
Turn left before the supermarket.
• An adverb.
When Polly left home that morning, the city was
already covered in a grey mist. (line 2)
In this example, is left a verb or adverb?
Turn left here (line 43).
In this example is left a verb or adverb?
When Polly left home that morning, the city was
already covered in a grey mist. (line 2)
It’s a verb!
Turn left here (line 43).
It’s an adverb!
1. Adverb = Continuing(还)
Ex. I’m still hungry even though I just ate a
2. Adjective = not moving (静)
Ex. Please sit still.
Although she is 45, she still
looks very young.
• Is still an adverb or an
Although she is 45, she still
looks very young.
• An adverb.
The lake was still.
• Is still an adverb or adjective?
The lake was still.
• An adjective.
She wondered if the buses would still be running.
(line 5)
In this example, is still an adverb or adjective?
Now she wanted to run, but fear held her still (line
In this example is still an adverb or adjective?
She wondered if the buses would still be running.
(line 5)
It’s an adverb!
Now she wanted to run, but fear held her still (line
It’s an adjective!