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Goals: Using prepositions in writing
1. Do not end sentences on prepositions.
2. Reduce strings of prepositional phrases.
3. Begin sentences with prepositional phrases to
vary sentence beginnings.
Prepositional Phrases
 A prepositional phrase is a group of words
beginning with a preposition and ending with a
noun or pronoun.
 Prepositions are words that show relationships:
beneath the tree
above her desk
around the corner
according to the book
as a result of the experiment
 Prep. phrases can be removed and the
sentence will still make sense.
Objects of Prepositions
 Prepositional phrases MUST end with a noun
or pronoun, which is called the object of the
 NO: Waterford is the city I live in.
 YES: Waterford is the city in which I live.
 YES: I live in Waterford.
Adjective Prep. Phrases
 An adjective phrase is a prepositional
phrase that modifies a noun or pronoun.
 Adjectives tell which one or what kind.
 That tall building with the red tower is our
new library.
 The painting below the plaque is a
Adverb Prep. Phrase
 An adverb phrase is a prepositional phrase that
modifies a verb, an adjective, or another
 Adverbs tell how, when, where, to what
 Louisa May Alcott wrote with great care.
 I always walk along the river.
 The old manor was rich in traditions.
 Thomas Hardy wrote poetry late in life.
Placement of Prep Phrases
• When you combine sentences using prep.
phrases, be sure to place an adjective phrase
close to the noun or pronoun it modifies.
• The cat with the fluffy tail chased the girl.
• The cat chased the girl with the fluffy tail.
• Prepositional phrases that modify verbs can
appear anywhere in the sentence.
• Brett phoned his father during third period.
• During third period, Brett phoned his father.
Commas With Prep Phrases
 When used to introduce a sentence, the
prepositional phrase is set off by commas
 EX: During 4th hour, my stomach started to
 When used within a sentence, do NOT
set off the phrase using commas.
 EX: My stomach started to growl during 4th
Reducing Wordiness with Prep Phrases
 Reduce strings of prepositional phrases
in sentences.
 Turn adjective prep. phrases into adjectives.
 NO: That house is on the corner by the gas
 YES: That corner house is located by the gas
 Turn adverb prep phrases into adverbs.
 We will go to the game after it ends.
 We will go to the game later.
Reducing Wordiness Cont’d
 Reduce compound prep phrases into single
 NO: Learning to write will open a whole new
world with reference to career opportunities.
 YES: Learning to write will open a whole new
world of career opportunities.
Goal: Using appositives in writing
1. Use appositives to combine short,
choppy sentences.
 An appositive is a noun or pronoun that follows another
noun or pronoun to identify or explain it.
 An appositive phrase is made up of an appositive and
its modifiers.
 Appositive phrases do not begin with verbs.
1. Tip: Commas often signal appositive phrases.
2. Tip: Check for names.
 Examples
 Her brother Bill called for her.
 We visited Boston harbor, the site of the Boston Tea Party.
 George Washington, our first President, was a great military
Using Appositive Phrases
 Combine sentences using appositives when
one sentence gives information describing a
noun or pronoun in the other sentence.
 Appositives must be next to the noun or
pronoun it renames.
 Do not start with a verb.
 I spent my evening on the boardwalk. The
boardwalk is a type of sidewalk.
 I spent my evening on the boardwalk, a type of
Goal: Using Participles in Writing
1. Use participles to combine short, choppy
2. Begin sentences with participial phrases
to vary sentence beginnings.
Verbals: Participles
 Verbals are formed from verbs, but are not used as
verbs in a sentence.
 A participle is a verb form (verbal) that can be used as
an adjective. There are two forms of participles:
present participles and past participles.
 Participles, because they are adjectives, can be taken
out of the sentence (the sentence will still make sense).
 Present Participle
 Ex: The skidding car stopped just in time.
 Past Participle
 Ex: The pleased audience gave a standing ovation.
Participial Phrase
 A participial phrase is a phrase containing a
participle and any complements or modifiers it
may have.
 Tip: Participial phrases end at the next
punctuation mark, the next verb, or the noun it
 Examples
 Ex: Nodding his head, the defendant
acknowledged his guilt.
 Ex: Convinced by his family, he submitted his
book for publication.
Using Participials
 To form a participial phrase, combine
1. Begin the phrase/sentence with a verb (past or
2. Complete the phrase.
3. Follow the phrase with a comma.
4. Follow the comma with a noun or pronoun (one
that the phrase describes).
5. Complete the rest of the sentence.
6. Check that the phrase flows smoothly in the
sentence and makes sense.
7. Be sure the phrase can be removed from the
Goal: Using Gerunds in Writing
1. Use gerunds to combine short, choppy
2. Begin sentences with gerund phrases to
vary sentence beginnings.
Verbals: Gerunds
 A gerund is a word ending in –ing that is
formed from a verb and is used as a noun.
 Gerunds can be subjects, direct objects,
indirect objects, predicate nominatives, and
objects of prepositions.
Reading is fun. (subject)
She loves dancing. (direct object)
He gave studying his attention. (indirect object)
My hobby is shopping. (predicate nominate)
I sometimes dream about flying. (object of
Gerund Phrases
 A gerund phrase (the gerund and any modifiers or
complements it may have) functions as a noun.
 Tips:
 Gerunds can not be taken out of the sentence (the sentence
won’t make sense without it).
 Commas are not used to set off gerunds.
 Generally, gerund phrases end at the next punctuation mark or
the next verb.
 Boiling an egg properly is not easy for me. (subject)
 The manager admitted sending the order. (direct
 The judge warned him about telling lies. (object of
Gerund or Participle?
Gerunds and participles look similar because
both are formed from verbs and may end the
same (-ing).
How can you tell the difference?
Gerunds CAN NOT be taken out.
Participles CAN be taken out.
Using Gerunds
 To create a gerund:
 Begin the sentence (or phrase) with a verb
ending in –ing.
 Complete the phrase.
 Follow the phrase with a verb (no comma).
 Complete the rest of the sentence.
 Make sure that the phrase can not be removed
from the sentence.
 Check that the phrase flows smoothly in the
sentence and makes sense.
Goal: Using Infinitives in Writing
1. Use infinitives to combine short, choppy
2. Begin sentences with infinitive phrases
to vary sentence beginnings.
Verbals: Infinitives
 An infinitive is a verb form, usually preceded by
to, that can be used as a noun (person, place,
thing) or a modifier (adjective or adverb).
 to dance
 to sing
Infinitive Phrases
 An infinitive phrase consists of an infinitive and any
complements or modifiers it may have.
 Tip: Infinitives end at the next verb or punctuation mark.
 Tip: Ask what/where after the infinitive to locate the rest of
the phrase.
 To go to the store, you will need my car.
 You will need to walk slowly on icy sidewalks.
 Note: Don’t split infinitives by inserting a word between
“to” and the verb.
 Incorrect: To boldly go where no man has gone
 Correct: To go boldly where no man has gone before.
Using Infinitives
 To create an infinitive:
 Start the phrase (or sentence) with the word
to and follow it with a verb.
 Check that the phrase flows smoothly in the
sentence and makes sense.