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•Superlative Adjectives
•Action / Linking Verb / Helping Verb
•Direct Object / Indirect Object
•Transitive Verb / Intransitive Verb
Identify 2 comparative adjectives in your paper.
COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVE = Adjectives used to compare
the difference between two nouns. “Than” is usually used after
the comparative adjective.
EX –
I came home earlier than my sister.
My car is less expensive than yours.
Your current house is bigger than the other you owned.
Policemen are more honest than the criminals they
work to catch.
The winter is colder than the summer.
Identify 2 superlative adjectives in your paper.
SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVE= An adjective used to
describe three or more nouns. We use these to state that
something is the “most” – there is nothing above or below
this type of adjective. It is common that “the” is placed
before the superlative adjective.
EX- We live in the smallest house on the block.
My brother is the tallest person in the family.
I was the least interested in reading the novel.
Identify two action verbs in your paper.
ACTION VERBS = Words to show somebody
doing something. These actions are typically
observable, but can also be abstract actions.
EX- Sue thought about her dog all day.
Yesterday he ran around the block.
When we left, I whispered to my friend.
Identify two linking verbs in your paper.
LINKING VERB = verbs that don’t perform an action,
but instead show a state of being. If you can substitute
“am”, “is”, or “are” for the verb in question, it is a
linking verb.
The following verbs are true linking verbs: any form of
the verb be [am, is, are, was, were, has been, are being,
might have been, etc.], become, and seem. These true
linking verbs are always linking verbs.
Identify two helping verbs in your paper.
HELPING VERB = Also called “auxiliary verbs”, these words
accompany main verbs and assist them.
Primary Helping Verbs: be, have, do
Modifying Helping Verbs: can/could, may/might, will/would,
shall/should, must, ought to
 EX – He is watching tv.
I really must leave now.
You should see a doctor.
I have finished my homework.
Do you want some coffee?
She can’t jump fences.
Identify two direct objects in your paper.
DIRECT OBJECT = A noun or pronoun that receives the
action of a "transitive verb" in an active sentence or shows the
result of the action. It answers the question "What?" or
"Whom?" after an action verb.
EX – Mary burned the toast (“toast” is the direct object. What did
she burn? The toast.)
EX - She closed the door. ("door" is the direct object because it is
directly affected by her action.)
EX - King Arthur swung his sword. (King Arthur is the subject,
because he performs the verb. “swung" is the verb; "his" is a
possessive pronoun; the sword is the direct object because the
grabbing is performed upon it.)
Identify two indirect objects in your paper.
INDIRECT OBJECT = A noun or pronoun that precedes the
direct object and tells to whom or for whom the action of the verb
is done and who is receiving the direct object. There must be a
direct object to have an indirect object.
Indirect objects are usually found with verbs of giving or
communicating like give, bring, tell, show, take, or offer.
EX - She gave me the report. (Who received the report? “Me.”)
EX – Get yourself a job. (For whom is the job? “Yourself.”)
EX – They should offer nurses more pay. (For whom should the
pay be? “Nurses.”)
EX - Serve the old lady dinner. (Serve [dinner] to whom? To the
old lady.“)
Identify two transitive verbs in your paper.
TRANSITIVE VERB = A action or linking
verb that requires a direct object to complete its
EX - He runs a large corporation. (The verb
runs has a direct object, corporation.)
EX - You lifted the bag. ("bag" is the direct object
of "lifted")
EX - I ate the pie. ("pie" is an object of ate)
Identify two intransitive verbs in your paper.
INTRANSTIVE VERB = An action verb expressing a
doable activity. Unlike a transitive verb, it will not have a
direct object receiving the action.
EX - To escape the midday sun, the cats lie in the shade
under our cars.
EX - Around fresh ground pepper, Sheryl sneezes with
In the evenings, Glenda sits on the front porch to admire
her immaculate lawn.