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Writing Simple Sentences
Defining Simple Sentences
A simple sentence is made up of a single
complete subject and the complete verb(s)
that tell what the subject does, did, or will do.
A simple sentence consists of one
independent clause (group of related
words with both a subject and a verb.) It
is independent because it can stand alone
as a complete thought.
Complete Subjects
o A complete subject is the simple subject of
the sentence—a noun or a pronoun that tells who
or what is being talked about—and all of the
words that describe it.
o She called me yesterday.
(She is both the simple subject and the complete
subject of this sentence.)
o The old gray mare is in the pasture.
(The simple subject of this sentence is mare; the
complete subject is the old gray mare.)
Compound Subjects
A compound subject consists of two or more
simple subjects joined with and or or. A
compound subject is still considered a single
complete subject.
o My uncle David, Harold, and Harold’s sixyear-old twin brothers all went to the movie
(This sentence has three simple subjects—David,
Harold, and brothers—but the phrase My uncle
David, Harold, and Harold’s six-year-old twin
brothers makes up a single complete subject.)
Understood Subject
Sometimes the subject of a sentence is
understood rather than directly stated.
o Stop!
(The simple and complete subject, you, is
Complete Verbs
A complete verb is made up of a single main verb
and all of the helping verbs that accompany it.
The mare is in the pasture.
(The main verb, which is also the complete verb in
this sentence, is is.)
She has been calling me every day for a
(The main verb is calling, and the helping verbs
are has and been, so the complete verb is has
been calling.)
Compound Verbs
Verbs can be compound, too. Two or more
complete verbs joined with and or or that refer
to the same subject are considered a compound
o They have planned the wedding and will
spend their honeymoon in Key West.
(The main verbs in this sentence are planned and
spend, and the complete verbs are have
planned and will spend. This sentence contains
a compound verb because both verbs explain
what the subject, they, did.)
Simple & Compound
Subjects & Verbs
A simple sentence can be very simple, containing
only a simple subject and a main verb, or it can
contain a compound subject or a compound
verb (or both).
o I waited.
o The grizzled old doctor and his coughing,
sputtering car made their way to the
o Tony sat on the bench and let out a sigh.
o Dora and Michael bought sandwiches and
took a walk in the park.
Finding the Subject(s)
The subject is the topic of the sentence, who or
what is taking an action or being talked about.
Class starts early in the morning.
I am glad to be at school.
Subjects can be nouns or
A noun is a word that names a person, place or
o Abdullah, Lincoln University, classrooms…
A pronoun is a word that stands for a noun:
o he,
it, they …
Subjects, like nouns, can be
singular or plural.
This class is fun.
My classes are fun.
My teachers and my assignments are fun.
Remember Two Important Points
about Prepositional Phrases:
1. A prepositional phrase doesn’t make sense by
itself, so it can’t be a complete sentence.
In the front row.
The student in the front row is smart.
2. The subject of a sentence will never be found
inside a prepositional phrase.
Each student in this room is intelligent.
prepositional phrases
All students in this room are intelligent.
Finding the Verb(s)
All sentences have at least one verb.
The verb explains what the subject is doing
(action verb) or connects the subject to words
that describe it (linking verb).
That student works hard.
That student is industrious.
Linking verb
Many verbs are made up of
more than one word.
I love grammar.
Main verb
Everyone should love grammar.
Soon you will love grammar too.
We are loving it already.
I have loved grammar all my life.
Word of caution: At times, verb
forms (usually ending in –ing) can
be the subject of a sentence.
I am going to the mall.
Going to the mall is my favorite pastime.
That’s it!
Your review of simple sentences
is complete!