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Present tense of
regular –ar verbs
In English
In English, most verbs have only two forms in the present
tense so subject pronouns can’t be left out.
I sing
You sing
He sings
We sing
you sing
They sing
The verb endings tells you who the subject is.
Every verb has a stem followed by an
ending. The stem tells the verbs
meaning. An infinitive ending doesn’t
name a subject or a tense
Verb stems
Habl -ar
Escrib -ir
Infinitive endings
To Conjugate a verb:
Step 1: Drop the ending
 Step 2: Add the ending that matches the
Yo - o
Tú - as
Usted - a
Él - a
Ella - a
(it) - a
Nosotros (as) - amos
Vosotros (as) - áis
Uds. - an
Ellos/Ellas - an
Example of a full conjugation:
Cantar- to Sing
I sing- Yo canto
We sing- Nosotros (as) cantamos
You sing- Tú cantas You sing- Vosotros (as) cantáis
You sing- usted canta You sing- Uds. cantan
He sings- Él canta
They sing- Ellos/ Ella, cantan
She sings- ella canta
It sings- canta
¿Cantan ustedes mucho?
Do you sing a lot?
No, casi nunca cantamos.
No, we hardly ever sing.
Since most of the time the ending of the
verb tells the subject, the subject pronoun
is normally left out. Use the subject
pronouns to add emphasis, or when it
wouldn’t otherwise be clear who the
subject is.
¿Patinan ustedes mucho?
Do you skate a lot?
Ellos patinan. Yo nunca patino.
They skate. I never skate.
Conjugate the following verbs for the
subject pronouns given.
1. Yo (cantar)
2. Ustedes (bailar)
3. Nosotras (patinar)
4. Mario y Mario (hablar)
5. Juan (descansar)
6. Tu (estudiar)
7. El y Ella (trabajar)
8. Usted y yo (practicar deportes)
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