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Chapter 10.1
Greek Culture
pp. 270-277
a. Greek Beliefs
Essential Question:
What makes a culture unique?
• Culture
• Myth
• Unique
• Ritual
• Oracle
Turn and talk about these
words. Look them up in
10.1 if needed
• Traditional
stories about
gods and
heroes. Used
in Greek
• Explains a
beliefs or
• Words or
actions that
are part of a
• Sacred shrine where a priest or
priestess spoke for a god or
goddess and answers questions
about what will happen in the
Greek Beliefs
Greek Beliefs
• Greeks formed city-states
– City-state-is the city and the land that
surrounds it
– Spoke Greek language
– Shared many beliefs and customs
– Believed many of the same myths
Who were the Greek gods?
• Pp. 270-271
Greek mythology is the body of myths and legends
belonging to the ancient Greeks, concerning their gods
and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and
significance of their own beliefs and ritual practices. They
were a part of religion in ancient Greece. Modern scholars
refer to, and study the myths in an attempt to throw light
on the religious and political institutions of Ancient Greece,
its civilization, and to gain understanding of the nature of
myth-making itself.
Greek Mythology
….Oh to be among the gods!
Who were the Greek Gods?
Who were the Greek Gods?
Greeks believed in gods and goddesses
Gods were not all-powerful
gods marry and have children
12 most important gods and goddesses lived on Mt.
3 mins
The Titans
Beings the Greeks believed existed before the gods of Olympia. The Titans
Were the offspring of Gaia (mother earth) and Uranus.
The Greeks believed Cronos fathered the gods.
Afraid they would take the
Titans power, Cronos ate all of his children except
Zeus. Zeus killed Cronos and freed his siblings.
Zeus is the king of all the
gods. He divided up the
world with his brothers,
Hades and Poseidon.
Zeus becomes ruler of the
sky and earth. Zeus has
many children all of whom
have powers. However,
Zeus has more powers
than anyone else.
Hades is the lord of the
dead in the Underworld.
He’s so scary that people
would not even say his
name. Guests in the
underworld are greeted by
his three-headed dog. His
brother, Zeus tricked the
beautiful Persephone into
marrying Hades. Her
mother, Demeter, goddess
of agriculture, makes a
deal with Hades so
Persephone only has to
stay with Hades for part of
the year causing winter
Poseidon was god of
the sea and brother to
Zeus and Hades. In
Homer’s famous
Odyssey he punishes
Odysseus because
Odysseus blinded his
son the Cyclops. He
is able to cause
storms with the use of
his trident, 3 pronged
spear. Earthquakes
are believed to be
caused by his wrath
as well.
Hephaestus is the god of
metalworking and is
married to the unfaithful
Aphrodite. He forges all
the weapons for the gods.
He works beneath the
Earth’s surface. His
smashing of steel into
molten lava creates
earthquakes and
Athena is the
firstborn and favorite
child of Zeus. She is
known as the
goddess of wisdom.
According to the
myth, she busts out
of his head fully
grown and dressed
for battle. She often
uses her intelligence
to rescue Greek
heroes. She is the
protectress of the
city, Athens and has
the Parthenon built
for her as a temple.
Apollo is god of the sun and twin to Artemis. His daily task is to drive the sun
across the sky. During the Trojan War he helps the Trojans and helps kill
legendary Greek warrior, Achilles.
Ares is known as the god
of war, not for his skill
but because he liked all
the violence. His parents
were Zeus and Hera. He
is father to the twins,
Remus and Romulus.
Romulus will eventually
become the 1st king of
Artemis is the goddess of
the moon and hunting.
Artemis, being a female,
would seek revenge if she
felt someone wronged her.
Hera was married to Zeus
and is therefore queen of the
gods. Most of her time is
spent causing trouble for all
of her husband’s girlfriends
and their children. She is
most famous for trying to
destroy Hercules. Her
sacred animal is the
Aphrodite is the
goddess of love and
beauty. She plays a part
in starting the Trojan
War. In order to win a
beauty contest she
bribes Paris with the
most beautiful woman in
the human world, Helen.
When she runs away
with Paris the Greeks
go after her and thus
begins the war.
Each city-state chose a god or
goddess as its protector.
• Which god or goddess
did Athens choose as
its protector?
• Which god or goddess
did Sparta choose as
its protector?
Olympicin Games
Games “for the greater glory of Zeus”
Began in 776 B.C.
Greeks believed their gods would be
please if people showed skill in the
arts, in athletic games, or in thinking
Olympic Games
Greek Oracles
Greek Oracles
•Priest or priestess
spoke for a god.
•Predicated the future.
•Oracle at the Temple
of Apollo at Delphi was
the most famous
Modern version =
• But the Greek oracles had a
couple of advantages too.
First, you didn't just come and ask
your question. You had to hang
around the temple for a while,
talking to the priests, so they
could get to know you. And they
could see you, not just hear your
voice on the telephone.
Second, everybody came to the
same few oracles for help, and the
priests at these oracles (unlike the
Psychic Hotline) compared notes
with each other. So if you asked
"Should I get married?" and the
oracle said "Yes," and then next
week your girlfriend comes and
she asks, "Will Gorgias ask me to
marry him?" then the oracle
already knows the answer to that
There is every reason to think that
the oracles were worth the money
they charged.
Ticket out the Door
Reread the textbook to answer…
• Why did the Greeks have festivals and
rituals for their gods?
• Why did the ancient Greeks seek advice
from oracles?
10. 1 Greek Culture
b. Epics and Fables
• P.272-273
Epics and Fables
• Epic-a long story poem
• Fable- a story meant to teach a lesson
usually with animals personified
The Trojan Horse
• P.273-274
the Iliad written by Homer
1. Illiad – A Troy Story video in teacher
apps 2 mins
2. Helen_of_Troy Horrible History one
3. Trojan Horse clip from Troy the movie in
teacher apps 2 mins
Long poems
Has a brave hero and adventures
Describes brave deeds
“Is” are written down
Thought to be true
Passed down from generation to generation
Teaches a lesson
The Odyssey by Homer
• The Odyssey animation clip in teacher
apps 4 mins
Epics by Homer had heroes that
were role models for the Greeks
The Iliad
• Written about 700 BC
• Story of a war between the
Greeks and the people of Troy
Tells of a prince of Troy that falls
in love with Helen (the wife of the
king) and kidnaps her
Angers the Greeks and they attack
Trick the Trojans with a huge,
hollow, wooden horse
The Greeks capture the city,
rescue Helen and take her home
The Odyssey
• Written about 700 BC
• Tells the story of Odysseus, a
Greek Hero of the Trojan War
Adventures of Odysseus going
home from the Trojan war
He faces storms, monsters, and
Odysseus returns home to his
Homer’s Epics Taught Lessons =
friendship and marriage should be valued
Turn and Talk:
Why are some computer viruses
called Trojan horses?
Aesop’s Fables
• P.274-275
Aesop’s fables
Short Stories
Ending teaches a moral (lesson)
Popular stories include
“The Tortoise and the Hare”
“The Boy that Cried Wolf”
Animals talk
Often funny
Told orally (out loud)
Passed down from one generation to another
Aesop’s Fables
original 8mins
• Super bowl commercial one drive
How is a fable part of an oral
Ticket out the Door
10.1 Greek Culture
c. The Impact of Greek Drama
• P.275
The Impact of Greek Drama
Drama is a story told mainly through words
and action of a cast of characters
Greek Drama had two categories:
1. tragedy-main character struggles to
overcome hardships but
does not succeed
2. comedy-story ends happily (not
necessarily funny like today)
Greek Drama
• Women not allowed to act
• Men played all the parts (even the female
• Dramas were part of religious festivals for
the gods and goddesses
• Dealt with big ideas
– like the meaning of good and evil
– The rights of people
Earliest Greek dramatist
One of his dramas was called the Oresteia
Tells about a Greek king’s return from the Trojan War and the troubles that
strike his family. It is a story about revenge and murders.
Shows how one evil action can lead to another
Accepted suffering as a part of life
Stressed courage and understand
Wrote play Antigone
questions whether it is better to
obey orders or to do what one believe to
be right
Euripides wrote about ordinary human beings in realistic
situations. His play often show the suffering caused by
Greek Writers
Main person dies – but good defeats
Follow the rules or do what is right
Realism and overcoming death in
Made fun of government and religion
How Greek Drama Developed
• P.277
How Greek Drama Developed
• Contrast the two types of drama the
Greeks created
• How did Greek drama influence how
people are entertained today?
Greek Art and Architecture
• P.277
Greek artists
• Painted pottery
– Large vases
• Pictures of myths
• Red and Black paint
– Small pieces
• Pictures of everyday life
• Classical Style of Art
– Expressed ideals of
• Order
• Balance
• Harmony
Architecture and Beautiful Buildings
• Large columns to support the roof
• Most important buildings = temples
– Dedicated to gods or goddesses
– Decorated with sculptures by artists
• Like all Greek art = expressed ideas of perfections
and beauty
Infographic p. 276
Acropolis-the hilltop that a fort stood on
In the acropolis of many city-states, you would find
temples to the god or goddess that was its protector.
Oracle shrines would also be located here.
Acropolis today
Temple of Athena
Temple of Athena: Parthenon
• Ancient times
• Today
Different types of Greek Columns
It was the ancient Greeks who invented 3 beautiful types of columns. These were used all over
ancient Greece to hold up buildings and rooftops and temples. One column had a very simple
design. One was sort of in the middle. And one was very ornate.
Image and caption on p. 277
• When you walk around a city today, what
kind of Greek influences can you look for?
Ticket out the Door
Think back all week:
List three kinds of writing that were started by ancient
• List 3 ways the Greek culture is unique.