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Homer (the author)
 Homers 2 most credited pieces are The Iliad and The
 It is thought that he lived around either 850 BC, or 12th
Century BC
 His piece The Iliad is the oldest piece of western
 He is also credited with the Epic circle. But this is
Homer the author:
The Trojan War
 In greek mythology , the Trojan War was waged
against the city of Troy by the Achaens.
 The war is among the most important events in
Greek mythology and was narrated in many works
of Greek litterature, including the lliad and the
Odyssey by Homer.
 The Trojan War was a key event in Greek
mythology. Numerous stories, poems, plays, and
illustrations from Ancient Greece depict aspects of
the Trojan War
 According to legend, the Trojan War was sparked
by a squabble among the Gods, a recurring theme
in Greek mythology.
 One important event was the 1,000 Greek ships, pulled
together even after many of the Greeks expressed an
unwillingness to fights. Another was the Trojan horse, a
sneaky trick suggested by Odysseus to smuggle Greeks into
Troy in the belly of a giant wooden horse, allowing them to
attack the city from the inside.
 Numerous stars of Greek mythology show up in stories
about the Trojan War, including Agamemnon, Heracles,
Achilles, Menelaus, Odysseus, Clytemnestra, Theseus,
Penthesilea, Philoctetes, Cassandra, Patroclus, Ajax, and
many others.
The Trojan Horse
 Odysseys wanted a way into troy very badly so he and
his soldiers built a giant wooden hollow horse inside
their were soldiers odysseys offered them the horse as
a gift of good luck
 The Trojans took the bait and fell for it
 That night they snuck out of the horse and then killed
priam and got away with it too.
The Iliad
 The Iliad is a poem mostly based on Homer.
 Set in the Trojan War
 It tells of the battles and events during the weeks of a
quarrel between King Agamemnon and the warrior
 The Iliad is among the oldest of that works of Western
 The Iliad contains over 15,000 lines, and is written in
Homeric Greek
Was a herald of the Greek forces during the Trojan
War. His name has given rise to the adjective
“Stentorian" meaning loud-voiced, for which he was
 Peleus was the son of Aeacus (a king)
 Was the Father of Achilles
 Was a friend of Hercules
 Went on part of Hercules journey with him
 Married to the sea nymph Thetis
 A sea nymph, considered a sea goddess
 She was tricked into marrying Peleus. He bound her
until she consented to marry him
 She made her son invincible by dipping him in the
river Styx by his heel
 During the weeding of Peleus and Thetis, she was
banned from the wedding. In order to take revenge,
she threw the Apple of Discord into the wedding
 Started The Trojan War
 The goddess of discord and strife
Hera, Athena, Aphrodite
 These three jealous goddesses are believed to be the cause for the Trojan War.
 Hera: Queen of the Gods, goddess of Marriage and childbirth, protector of
married women.
Athena: Goddess of wisdom, the crafts, and defensive warfare. She is th
protector of the State.
Aphrodite: The Laughter loving Goddess, the goddess of love and beauty
These Goddesses always fought to be number one, always jealous of the other
They never really got along to well and play large roles in this war
Hera is Zeus wife and sister.
Athena is the daughter of Zeus
Some say Aphrodite is the daughter of Zeus and Dione.
Apple of Discord
 The apple of discord was tossed into peleus and Thetis's
wedding and caused a lot of chaos everyone fought over
who would take the apple it was supposed to go to the most
beautiful one. as written on it.
 Then somehow everything god out of hand and it was said
to have began the Trojan war.
 Eris the owner of the apple was the god of chaos and
terrorized people for the fun of it.
 Was in command of the Greek forces during the
Trojan War
 Wasn’t as brave as Achilles, but he still killed lots of
 Upon his return from troy, he was murdered
 Murdered by his wife’s lover Aegisthus
 Was a legendary king of Mycenaean.
 Menelaus was married to Helen.
 He was a central figure in the Trojan War.
 He was the son of Atreus and Aerope.
 And brother of Agamemnon king of Mycenae.
 According to the Iliad he was leader of the Spartan
contingent of the Greek army during the War.
 The origins of Helen's myth date back to the
Mycmenaean age
 When it was time for Helen to marry, many kings
and princes from around the world came to seek
her hand, bringing rich gifts with them, or sent
emissaries to do so on their behalf
 The most beautiful woman in Greece who was best
known for being the cause of the Trojan War. She
was half divine: her father was Zeus and her
mother Leda, who had been seduced by the god in
the shape of a swan
 Helen was beautiful already as a child, and the
hero Theseus had kidnapped her at one point, so
that she would be his wife one day.
 Helen had a number of children by Paris, but none
survived infancy
 Many stories say that Helen remained in Sparta
until her death. But others say that she went to the
island of Rhodes after Menelaus died, perhaps
driven from Sparta by their son Nicostratus.
 THE JUDGEMENT OF PARIS was a contest between the three most
beautiful goddesses of Olympus--Aphrodite, Hera and Athena--for the
prize of a golden apple addressed to "the fairest"
 The story begins at the Wedding of Peleus and Thetis to which all of
the gods were invited, all except Eris, the goddess of discord. When she
appeared at the festivities, she was turned away, and in her anger cast a
golden apple amongst the assembled goddesses addressed "To the
Fairest." Three goddesses laid claim to the apple--Aphrodite, Hera and
 Zeus was asked to mediate and he commanded Hermes to lead the
three goddesses to Paris of Troy to decide the issue.
 . The three goddesses appearing before the shepherd
prince, each offering him gifts for favour. He chose
Aphrodite, swayed by her promise to bestow upon him
Helene, the most beautiful woman, for wife. The
subsequent abduction of Helene led directly to the Trojan
War and the fall of the city.
 The three women were very jealous of eachother and were
very competitive
 often is greek history the Gods and Goddesses are very
 Hercules is the son of Zeus and Alcmene
 When Hercules was a baby Hera the queen of gods sent two
snakes to kill him in his crib he killed both snakes
To test Hercules strength Hera and Zeus had Hercules
battle a lion and he had killed the lion a
and he then wore it as clothing
Hercules was said to be the greatest hero in Greek
mythology and was the most famous of them.
Hercules played the role of the hero in a lot of stories in
Greek mythology.
 And he then wore it as clothing
 Hercules was said to be the greatest hero in Greek
mythology and was the most famous of them.
 Hercules played the role of the hero in a lot of stories
in Greek mythology.
Most handsome of all the heroes assembled at troy
Invincible except for a small defect in his heel
Central figure in the Trojan War
Son of Thetis and Peleus
Agamemnon took a beautiful slave captured by
Achilles. This caused Achilles to not fight for around 1
 Forced to fight due to his need for revenge against the
killing of his friend Patroclus
 Was killed by a poison arrow to the heel as he was
scaling the walls of Troy
 is a Trojan prince and the greatest fighter for Troy in
the Trojan War.
 And the son of Priam and Hecuba.
 He was a prince of the royal house.
 He was married to Andromache.
 He had an infant son that’s name is Astyanax.
 Homer places Hector as the very noblest of all the
heroes in the Iliad.
 In the European Middle Ages, Hector figures as one of
the Nine Worthies.
 Ajax was the son of telamon and periboea
 Ajax was the king of salamis
 Ajax had abundant strength and courage
 Ajax had a giant shield made of seven cow hides and a
layer of bronze
 Ajax was known as a army commander in Greek
mythology and he also had 1 brother
 King of Ithaca
 Married to Penelope
 Responsible for the Trojan Horse
 Most famous for his 10 year voyage home from the
Trojan War
 Plays key roles in both the Iliad and the Odyssey
 Second in command of Odysseus’ soldiers on the
return trip from troy
 Was eventually killed with the rest of the crew in a
storm sent by Zues (only Odysseus survived the storm)