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文 献、资料和书籍打下良好基础;
 每章由3课组成;
 每课由一篇课文和两篇阅读材料组成。
Chapter 1 Computer
Hardware Fundamentals
In this chapter, several topics on computer
hardware fundamentals are discussed.
Different hardware components of a
computer are introduced in three sections:
Central Processing Unit, RAM and ROM,
and Input/Output systems.
1.1 The Central Processing Unit
Learn about the central processing unit —
one of the most important components of a
computer’s hardware, which comprises the
control unit and the arithmetic/logic unit
Passage A Computer Hardware
Learn about the components of computer
(1) input hardware
(2) storage hardware
(3) processing hardware
(4) output hardware
Passage B Monitor and System Unit
Get some knowledge about monitor.
 Learn about the components of the system
unit including the power supply, the system
board, the storage devices.
1.2 RAM and ROM
Learn about the primary storage — RAM
and ROM and their functions.
Passage A Computer Secondary Storage
Learn about the ways in which data is stored
in the secondary devices.
· Hard Disk Drive
· Floppy Disk Drive
Passage B Expansion card
Learn about the following four kinds of
expansion cards and the use of each card.
· Video Card
· Sound Card
· Modem
· Network Card
1.3 Input and Output
Learn about the types of the input and
output devices and how they work.
· Input devices:
keyboard, mouse and scanner.
· Output devices:
printers, plotter and monitor.
Passage A Output devices in Virtual
Learn about Virtual Reality and three output
devices for a virtual environment: monitor,
shutter glasses and head-mounted displays.
Passage B Advanced Input
Learn about some advanced input devices and
· Touch Screen
· Digital cameras
· Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR)
· Optical Mark Reading and Recognition (OMR)
· Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
· Bar Coding
· Speech Input Unit
Chapter 2 Operating
In this chapter, a brief introduction to
operating systems and their functions are
given first. In the second section, you will
learn PC Operating Systems, and then the
Windows XP operating system will be
2.1 The Definition of Operating System
Learn about the definition of operating
system, operating system classification and
its three principal functions.
Passage A The Computer System
Learn about some basic knowledge of the
computer system.
· Three components of an operating system.
· The functions of an operating system.
Passage B Characteristics of Operating
Learn further information on the
characteristics of operating system.
· Job management
· Resource management
· Control of I/O operations
2.2 PC Operating System
Learn the following PC operating system:
· Windows
· OS/2
· Unix
· Linux
· Mac OS
Passage A A Brief History of PC
Operating System
Learn about the development history of PC
operating system from MS DOS to
Passage B An Overview of the UNIX
Operating System
Study the features of the UNIX Operating
1. Multitasking capability
2. Multiusers
3. System portability
2.3 Introduction to Windows XP
Learn the development of the Windows
family and the features of the Windows XP
Operating System.
Passage A An Overview of Windows XP
Home Edition
Learn the new features offered by the
Windows XP Home Edition.
· Impressive Reliability
· Superb Performance
· Easy to Use
Passage B Windows NT: A Network
Operating System
Learn the features of the Windows NT OS.
· Client/Server Operating System
· Reliability Through Protected Memory
· Preemptive Multitasking
· Security
Chapter 3 Application
In this chapter, several topics on application
software are introduced. Section 1 gives the
definition of application software. Section 2
discusses several application software. The
last section introduces Microsoft Word.
3.1 What is Application Software
Learn the definitions of system software and
application software, and some popular
application software.
Passage A & B Bill Gates Speech to
Tsinghua University
Learn about the spirit of Bill Gates speech.
3.2 Introduction to Several Application
Learn about several application software,
including word processor, spreadsheet,
database, web browser, CAD/CAM, data
compression and applets.
Passage A WinZip
Learn the definition of compressed files and
the functions of WinZip.
Passage B Macromedia Flash
Learn a software -- Macromedia Flash,
including its functions and the latest version
of Flash MX Profession 2004.
3.3 Introduction to Microsoft Word
Learn about the functions and uses of a very
powerful Windows word-processing package
- Microsoft Word and Word XP.
Passage A Office Automation
Learn about the status and the importance of
office automation.
Passage B The forms of Office
Learn about several forms of office
automation including desktop publishing,
video conferencing, facsimile transmission.
Chapter 4 Database Systems
In this chapter, a brief introduction to database
systems is given first. In the second section, you
will learn the basic information about different
types of database software. The last section gives
an example of database system – SQL Server,
which may help you to have a better
understanding of the database concepts.
4.1 A Brief Introduction to Database
Learn about the concepts of database (such
as table, column, row, field and record), its
structure, the concept of database systems
and its brief history.
Passage A
Database Basics
Learn the basic information about how data
is stored and organized in a database as well
as how all the data relates.
Passage B Database Security
Learn the basic information about database
system security including the causes of the
security problems, the measures taken to
ensure the database security and four tips
for planning security systems.
4.2 Different Types of Databases
Learn about the types of different databases
(flat-file and relational databases), their
advantages and disadvantages.
Passage A Types of Database Access
from the Web
Learn three methods for database access
from the Internet.
Passage B Database Types
Learn how to use two types of databases:
library catalogues and article indexes.
4.3 Introduction to SQL Server
Learn the basic information about SQL
Server and have a better understanding of
Relational Database Management System.
Passage A SQL Server Administration
Learn the things that you should do and
should not do if you are an administrator of
SQL Server.
Passage B SQL Server Backup and
Learn three recovery models and several
backup options of the SQL Server.
Chapter 5
Programming And
In this chapter, several topics on computer
software programming and design are
introduced. Section 1 gives the introduction
of programming. Section 2 discusses
programming languages. The last section
introduces Visual Basic.
5.1 Introduction to Programming
Learn about the definition of programming
and understand the process of writing
Passage A Computers are very, very
Learn a viewpoint about computers that they
are stupid.
Passage B Procedural, Structured, and
Learn about several methods of the
programming including procedural,
structured, and Object-Oriented
5.2 Programming Languages
Learn about the definition of programming
languages and three levels of programming
languages, understand characters of every
programming language.
Passage A The History of Computer
Programming Languages
Learn about the history of computer
programming language from FORTRAN to
Object-Oriented Programming method.
Passage B A New Programming
Language – Java
Learn about the status and the importance of
new language-Java .
5.3 Introduction to Visual Basic
Learn about the status and characters of
Visual Basic, be familiar with the IDE
Passage A New Language Features of
Learn about new features of Visual Basic 6.
Passage B Classes in Visual Basic
Learn about the definition of Class and the
ways to use class modules.
Chapter 6 Software
In this chapter, several topics on software
engineering are introduced. Section 1 gives
the introduction of software engineering.
Section 2 discusses object-orientation
software development. The last section
introduces software testing.
6.1 Introduction to Software Engineering
Learn the definition of software engineering
and the five stages of developing software.
Passage A The Software Life Cycle
Learn about the concept of the classic
software life cycle and the disadvantages
and strongpoints of the software life cycle
Passage B The Process of software
Learn about the six steps of software
6.2 Object-Orientation Software
Learn about the important concept of three
basic stages in developing software using
object-oriented methods—OOA,OOD,OOP .
Passage A Object-Oriented Languages
Learn about the characteristics of major OO
languages: C++, Smalltalk and Java..
Passage B Eleven Commandments by
Bill Gates
Learn about the eleven commandments by
Bill Gates.
6.3 Software Testing
Learn about the basic concepts of software
testing, understand black box testing and
white box testing.
Passage A Software Quality Assurance
Learn about the status and the importance of
software quality assurance in software life
Passage B Software Maintenance
Learn about the concepts and the
importance of software maintenance.
Chapter 7 Computer
In this chapter, a brief introduction to
networking systems is given first. In the
following section, you will learn some
Internet services that are very helpful in
your daily study and life, and then touch on
the basic knowledge about the TCP/IP
7.1 A brief introduction to networking
Learn about the topologies of computer
networks, the concepts of LAN and WAN,
some network devices and wired
transmission media that are most commonly
used in networking systems.
Passage A Sending Data Over
Communication Media
Learn about the ways in which data is
transmitted over communication media:
· digital and analog communications,
· serial and parallel transmissions,
· synchronous and asynchronous
· simplex and duplex transmissions.
Passage B Topology
Learn about the physical topology and the
logical topology of computer networks .
7.2 The Internet
Study several Internet services, such as FTP,
E-mail and Telnet.
Passage A Web Search Strategies
Learn about Google, the popular search
engine available on Internet.
Passage B An Introduction to E-Mail
Learn how to write an e-mail.
7.3 Introduction to TCP/IP Protocol
Learn about Transmission control protocol
(TCP) and Internet protocol (IP) and their
Passage A Making Connections
Learn about the devices you need to make
connections on the Internet and their
Passage B Advantages of ISDN
Learn about the advantages of ISDN on the
aspect of speed, multiple devices and
Chapter 8 Computer
Application Systems
In this chapter, you will learn three
computer application systems – the
Management Information System (MIS),
the Electronic Commerce System (ECommerce) and the Multimedia system. ECommerce is the most recent step in the
evolution of business transactions.
8.1 Management Information System
Learn about the management information
system(MIS) and one example of such
Passage A Types of Management
Information Systems
Learn about the four types of MIS and their
Passage B Introduction to ERP Systems
Learn about the definition of ERP, three
advantages of ERP and its impacts on
modern enterprises.
8.2 Electronic Commerce System
Learn about classification of Electronic
Commerce System (B2C and B2B) and
mechanisms for business interaction.
Passage A Benefits of Using Electronic
Learn about the benefits of Electronic
Commerce on the aspects of time, distance,
staff costs and customer relations.
Passage B Issues Raised by Electronic
Learn about the issues raised by Electronic
Commerce, especially the online security.
8.3 Multimedia System
Learn about the basic concepts of multimedia
system and its several properties.
Passage A An Introduction to MPC
Learn about the Multimedia Personal
Computer and its key elements such video,
audio and motion video.
Passage B An Introduction to MP3
Learn about the concepts of MP3 and its
Chapter 9 Extended Topics
of Computer Application
In this chapter, several extended topics of
computer application are discussed. The first
section briefly introduces the basic information
about data warehouse. In the next two sections,
you will learn some information about a hot
topic—computer security. Section 2 discusses
computer virus and Section 3 is about network
9.1 Introduction to Data Warehouse
Learn about the basic information of data
warehouse, such as its concept, features,
processes and missions.
Passage A One Powerful Idea in Data
Learn about the basic information about
how to separate your systems for data
Passage B How to Handle Time in a
Data Warehouse
Learn about the necessary of time handling
in a data warehouse and the methods to deal
with time handling.
9.2 Computer Virus
Learn about the basic information about
computer virus and how to defense your
system against virus.
Passage A Virus Protection
Learn more information about how to
protect your systems against virus attack.
Passage B On Computer Virus
Learn about three categories of computer
virus and the measures we should take to
protect computer from virus.
9.3 Network Security Basics
Learn the basic information about network
security problems such as attacks from
hackers and how to protect the web server.
Passage A Network Security White
Learn about several network design and
configuration measures that need to be take
for protection and some tools which are
useful in network protection.
Passage B Network Security and Social
Learn about the information about the
relationship between social engineering and
computer security problems.
1. 课文
参见1.1课. (第2页)
2. New Words
1. 表中只选择了和课文中使用意思相近的
2. 注意读音的重要性.
3. 词汇列写可能不全
—— 不很清楚“基础英语”和其他的英语
—— 专业和非专业词汇较难区分
建议: 教学老师可以根据具体情况进行补充
Phrases and Expressions
Reading Materials
Passage A 和 Passage B
均配有一项练习 comprehension
On completion of this phase the level 2 system
would then be commissioned by first shadowing
the line before….