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Explorers to the
New World
What Was So Great About Finding America?
Economic-money/trade issues
Social-how people live day to day/culture/beliefs/religion
Political-issues of government
Columbian Exchange-transfer of plants, animals and
diseases between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres
• Major Explorers were Christopher Columbus, Amerigo
Vespucci, and Ferdinand Magellan who were looking for
a trade route to China and the East. This route was known
as the Northwest Passage
• Spain’s goal was to increase their trade opportunities in
other countries($), expand its empire, and spread
Spain and Portugal
• Henry Hudson sailed for the Dutch(Netherlands) looking
for the Northwest Passage
• Netherland’s goals were to increase trade($), and gain
new territory
• He was looking for a trade route to China($)
• Didn’t find it, but did land in Canada
• John Cabot and Henry Hudson sailed for England looking
for the Northwest Passage
• England’s goals were to find new trade($), expand its
empire, and spread Christianity
• Did not find it, but did reach lands in Canada and the
northern part of what we now call the United States
• His exploration led to the establishment of the English
• Verrazzano, Cartier sailed for France in search of the
Northwest Passage
• France’s goals were to increase trade($), expand its
territories, and spread Christianity
• Landed in Canada
• Began a colony called New France
• The major countries who explored the New World
(America) were doing so for three main reasons:
• Increase Trade (Gold)
• Spread Christianity (God)
• Increase/Expand their territories (Glory)
Who were the main explorers for each country?
What parts of the New World did they explore?
What impact (effects) did their explorations have?
Are there any lasting effects of their exploration