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Process Concept
• Process – a program in execution
• Textbook uses the terms job and process almost
• A process includes:
– program counter
– stack
– data section
• Process life-cycle
Process =? Program
main ()
main ()
A() {
A() {
• More to a process than just a program:
– Program is static, with the potential for exection
– process is a program in execution and have a state
– One program can be executed several times and
Process Description: Process Control
Block (PCB)
• Information associated with each process
Process state
Program counter
CPU registers
CPU scheduling information
Memory-management information
Accounting information
I/O status information
• A process is named using its process ID (PID)
• Data is stored in a process control block (PCB)
Ready Queue And Various I/O Device Queues
CPU Switch From Process to Process
Process Creation
• A process is created by another process, which, in turn create other
processes, forming a tree of processes
• Parent and child process
• In Linux, using “ps –f”, the PPID field is the parent
• The fist process is Init
• After creating a child, the parent may either wait for it to finish or
continue currently
• Some system, the children inherit the privileges of the parents
• Unix: children of the shell inherit the Process User ID and thus execute with
the user’s privileges
Linux Process Tree
Unix Process: ps -f
Process Creation
• Address space
– Child duplicate of parent
– Child has a program loaded into it
• UNIX examples
– The fork() system call in Unix creates a new process. After a
successful fork() call, two copies of the original code will be running.
In the original process (the parent) the return value of fork() will be
the process ID of the child. In the new child process the return value of
fork() will be 0
– exec system call used after a fork() to replace the process’ memory
space with a new program
Process Creation: Unix
• In Unix, processes are created using fork()
• Creates and initializes a PCB and creates a new
address space
• Initializes the address space with a copy of the entire
contents of the address space of the parent
• Initializes the kernel resources to point to the
resources used by parent (e.g., open files)
• Places the PCB on the ready queue
• Fork returns twice: Returns the child’s PID to the
parent, “0” to the child
Creating Processes in UNIX
• Every process in UNIX has a unique identifier PID. The UNIX ps
command lists each process associated with the user executing the
• Whenever a (parent) process calls a fork(), a child process is
created with its own descriptor, including its own copies of the
parent’s program text, data, and stack segments
• The child and parent processes execute in their own separate
address spaces
• This means that even though they have access to the same
information, when the child is created, both the child and its parent
each reference its own copy of the information
Process Creation: Unix
How do we actually start a new program?
int exec(char *prog, char *argv[])
Stops the current process
Loads the program “prog” into the process’
address space
• Initializes hardware context and args for the
new program
• Places the PCB onto the ready queue
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int pid;
int rv;
case -1:
printf("Error -- Something went wrong with fork()\n");
exit(1); // parent exits
case 0:
printf("CHILD: This is the child process!\n");
printf("CHILD: My PID is %d\n", getpid());
printf("CHILD: My parent's PID is %d\n", getppid());
printf("CHILD: Enter my exit status: ");
scanf(" %d", &rv);
printf("CHILD: I'm outta here!\n");
printf("PARENT: This is the parent process!\n");
printf("PARENT: My PID is %d\n", getpid());
printf("PARENT: My child's PID is %d\n", pid);
printf("PARENT: I'm now waiting for my child to exit()...\n");
printf("PARENT: I'm outta here!\n");
int pid;
case -1:
printf("Error -- Something went wrong with fork()\n");
exit(1); // parent exits
case 0:
execl("/bin/date","date",0); // this is the code the child runs
printf("PARENT: I'm outta here!\n");
System Calls
System Calls
• “system call” == “a function call that invokes the operating
system services”
• These OS services typically written in a high-level language (C or
C++), are isolated from the user programs.
• OS provides service to user program via system calls.
System Call Interface
• System calls Mostly accessed by programs via a high-level
Application Program Interface (API)
• Three most common APIs are Win32 API for Windows, POSIX
API for POSIX-based systems (including virtually all versions of
UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS X), and Java API for the Java virtual
machine (JVM)
• Behind the scenes, functions that make up an API typically
invoke system calls. Why would an application programmer
prefer programming according to an API rather than invoking
actual system calls?
System Calls vs. Library Routines
• A system call is just what its name implies – a
request for the OS do something on behalf of the
user’s program
– E.g., read is a system call which asks the OS to fill a
buffer with data stored on a disk drive (or other
device). It would be chaotic if everyone were able to
access devices whenever they pleased!
• A library routine does not usually need the OS to
perform its work
– E.g., the sin function, which computes the sine of an
Invoke the OS
• Hardware interrupt: Interrupts signal to the
CPU that a hardware device has an event that
needs attention, e.g. disk I/O complete,
network packet arrived, keyboard input
arrived, etc.
• Software trap: Interrupts also signal errors or
requests for OS intervention (a system call),
often called an “exception” or “trap”
• Explicit system call: application requests
Example of System Calls
Example of System Calls
Suppose you have just compiled a program, producing, say for a Unix system, an
executable file a.out. To run it, you type a.out
– The shell reads the command you type
– The shell then makes a system call, execve() ,asking the OS to run a.out. The OS is now
– The OS looks in its disk directory, to determine where on disk the file a.out is
– The OS checks its memory-allocation table (this is just an array in the OS) to find an
unused region or regions of memory large enough for a.out as well as for stack space
and the heap (used for calls to calloc() and malloc())
– The OS will then load a.out into those regions of memory, and will update its memoryallocation table accordingly
– The OS will check a certain section of the a.out file, in which the linker previously
recorded a.out's entry point, i.e. the instruction in a.out at which execution is to begin
– The OS is now ready to initiate execution of a.out
– The a.out program is now running!
System Call Implementation
• Typically, a number associated with each system call
– System-call interface maintains a table indexed according to these numbers
• The system call interface invokes intended system call in OS kernel and
returns status of the system call and any return values
• The caller need know nothing about how the system call is implemented
– Just needs to obey API and understand what OS will do as a result call
– Most details of OS interface hidden from programmer by API
• Managed by run-time support library (set of functions built into libraries included
with compiler)
Standard C Library Example
• C program invoking printf() library call, which calls write() system call