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Really Old Stuff
600 CE to 1450 CE
The Rise of Islam
7th century Islam emerges
Followers called MUSLIMS
Founded by: MUHAMMAD
Believed Allah (God) transmitted his word to
the faithful through Muhammad and recorded
his word in the QURAN (holy book)
Islam cont…
• Salvation can be achieved by following the
– Confession of Faith
– Prayer 5 times a day
– Charity to needy
– Fasting during month long Ramadan
– PILGRIMAGE to MECCA at least once in a lifetime
Islam cont…
• Also guided by JIHAD…meaning “to struggle”
– Struggling with non-believers and being a better
• Islam shares a common history with Judaism
and Christianity
• Two groups… Sunni and Shiite
– Split occurs after disagreement over leadership
Islam takes hold
• Mohammad starts out in Mecca which had many
different religions
• Conflicted with Meccan Leaders who did not like
– Polytheism brought in money from pilgramages
• Mohammad was threatened and fled to MEDINA
– Called the HIJRA
• In 630 Mohammad returned to Mecca and
destroyed all the shrines except for the Ka’aba
• Islam spread across Saudi Arabia
Islam Empire Grows
• In 632, Mohammad dies… ABU BAKR becomes
CALIPH (overall leader: both emperor and
religious leader)
• First four caliphs
– Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali
• Ali was assassinated
• UMAYYAD DYNASTY established and spreads
Islam cont…
• Umayyads constantly expanded and attacked
Constantinople frequently
• Islam spreads but its advancement is stopped
as it headed towards Paris by CHARLES
MARTELL ensuring it never spreads to most of
• Around this time DOME OF THE ROCK is built
on Temple Mount in Jerusalem
• Shiites believe only heredity lines to
Mohammad can be rightly guided Caliphs
• Sunnis believe in a broader interpretation
• As Shiites rise in power they take down the
Umayyad dynasty and replace it with the
Abbasid Dynasty
Built capital in BAGHDAD
Introduced the concept of trade
Tolerant of other religions
Converted many to Islam as well
Destroyed by the MONGOLS in 1258
Women in Islam
• Quran gave women more rights although still
subservient to men
– Prior to this they were only seen as property
• Men could have four wives… women only one
• Women didn’t have property rights
• Women had to be veiled
• Women’s testimony only given half the weight
of a man’s
Meanwhile… In Europe
– 500-1500
• After the fall of Rome but before the Renaissance
The Byzantine Empire
• Culturally distinct from the Roman Empire
– Created in 1054 after the GREAT SCHISM
– Led by the Patriarch
• Major leader: JUSTINIAN
– 527-565
• Codification of Roman Law
• Orthodox Cathedral
Orthodoxy in Russia: Feast in the East
• Russia converted by ST. CYRIL
– Also creates the CYRILLIC ALPHABET
• Russian Leader: Vladimir… converted from
traditional pagan religion and considered all
– Some say he chose Orthodoxy because it had the
least amount of food restriction
– Aligned with Byzantine Empire…in religion
Meanwhile Out West: Franks vs.
• Franks were a Germanic tribe
– Leader: King Clovis
– Built a large kingdom in France and Belgium
– Dies and leaves kingdom to sons
• Charles Martell
– “the hammer”
– 732 defeats advancing Muslim armies
• Son: Pepin takes over and seeks certification from the
– This links the French to the Roman Catholic Church for
Charlemagne: The Empire Strikes Back
• Charlemagne
– “Charles the Great”
– Son of Pepin
– Empire eventually named the “HOLY ROMAN
EMPIRE” after coronation of Otto the Great in 962
– Empire was divided after his death in the TREATY
The Vikings: Raiders from the Norse
• Western Europe continued to be attacked
– Vikings
• Used highly maneuverable boats
• In France… Vikings known as NORMANS
– Most famous… William the Conqueror
» Conquered England in 1066
– Magyars
• Assimilated to Christianity
European Feudalism: Land Divided
• Feudalism
– Social, economic, and political system of the middle ages
with a strict hierarchy
• Emerges partially out of problems with protection
• King at top…Nobles next…Vassals (could divide land)…
subvassals……………..finally Peasants (called SERFS)
– Land granted to Vassals
– Later known as the Manor
• Utilized the three-field system while trying to be selfsufficient
Feudalism cont…
• The lord of the Manor owed loyalty to the
King but was in charge of his own Manor
• Conflicts between lords was common
– This is where we get the term FEUD
– An honor system that emphasized loyalty and
mutual respect
– Land passed to eldest son
Feudalism cont…
• As serfs became skilled in other trades… they
begin trading… leading to less dependence on
the manor
Height of the Middle Ages
• Trade emerges… Manors go away and lead to
powerful towns nearby
– Middle-class merchants
– Became politically powerful
• Towns allied together
• Economic alliance
Architecture in Middle Ages
• Cathedrals highlighted advancements
• Romanesque vs. Gothic
• Gothic utilized FLYING BUTTRESSES
– Gave support for large windows and vaulted
The Crusades
• Military campaigns undertaken by European Christians
in the 11th through the 14th centuries to take over the
Holy Land and convert Muslims and others to
• The First Crusade was in response to the Turks taking
• Eventually people question organized religion which
lead to HERESIES
– Religious practices or beliefs that do not conform with the
– Many questioned how wealthy and powerful the church
had become
Crusades cont…
• Pope Innocent III issued strict decrees on church doctrine
– Frequently persecuted heretics and Jews
– Fourth crusade issued
• Motivated by greed
• Pope Gregory IX
– Starts the INQUISITION, a formalized interrogation and
persecution process of heretics
– Famous Christian realist changed Christian thought
– Said faith and reason can co-exist since they are gifts from God
Emergence of Nation-States: Power
• Remember that Europe was only Kingdoms
during the Middle ages… NOT COUNTRIES
• Starts to Countrify at the end of the Middle
England Unifies
• William the Conquerer... 1066
– Powerful Monarch
• During Rule of KING JOHN the nobles rebel
and force him to sign the MAGNA CARTA
– Reinstated feudal law… took power from the King
and extended it to others including the Burghers
– Laid foundation for the Parliament
• Later divides in two… House of Lord (nobles and clergy)
and House of Commons (Knights and wealthy burghers)
France Forms
• Started 987 with King Hugh Capet
– Ruled around Paris
– Kingdom expanded for a couple hundred years
• In 12th century, England Started to invade and
claim large parts of France
– Led to French revolts
Joan of Arc
• As a farm girl, heard voices that told her to liberate
France in the 15th century
• She somehow convinced people of her divine visions
and they gave her military backing
– Significant impact during the HUNDRED YEARS WAR (13371453)
– After the Hundred Years War France became centralized
under the Bourbons
• Monarchs
• She forced the Brits to retreat
• She was seen as a threat eventually and burned at the
stake by the French
Spain Unites
• United by Queen Isabella
• Married Ferdinand to unite the Spain under a
single monarchy
– It had been split into thirds and was also divided
by religion
• Enlisted the Roman Catholic Church as an ally
• Ended Religious Toleration
– Marked beginning of SPANISH INQUISITION
Russia Unites
• 1242 succumbs to the TATARS (Mongols under
– Led for two centuries
• 14th century Mongol rule declined
• IVAN III expands Russian rule and establishes
himself a CZAR
• Eastern Orthodox Church declares MOSCOW the
third rome
• IVAN THE TERRIBLE came into power and
solidifies power
Meanwhile… In Asia…
• China
– Tang (618-907)
– Song (960-1279)
– Ming (1368-1644)
Quick Review of China… the rise and
fall and rise and fall and rise
• Tang dynasty begins rule in 618
– Expanded territory
– Became too big and local lords became powerful and
dynasty falls
• Song dynasty begins rule in 960
– Falls to the Mongols in 1279
• Mongols establish the Yuan dynasty and driven from China in
1368 by the MING dynasty
• Ming dynasty begins rule in 1368
– Restores traditional Chinese rule
The Mongols
Were mainly nomadic
Superior horsemen and archers
Rivalries prevented them from uniting until…
United Mongols and led expansion in China in 1234
Split into hordes
GOLDEN HORDE conquered Russia
KUBLAI KHAN ruled China
PAX MONGOLICA… What does PAX mean?
Mongols cont…
• Allowed religious freedom
• Genghis Khan started first pony express and
postal system
• Its almost too brutal attacks left towns weak
and unable to form great culture
• Conquered India under the rule of