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Early Middle Ages, Key People, Events,
Art and Architecture
of the Middle Ages /Renaissance
Eastern and Western Empires
Part 1 - Early Middle Ages
Effects of the Fall of Rome’s Central Government
1. Decline of Civilization – Unifying
Hegemony (Influence of power and
culture) of Rome is gone
2. People flee cities due to neglect and
invasions. Many move to the country
to seek protection
3. Roads and public works fall into
disrepair and are not protected.
4. Trade decreases Trade routes no
longer controlled by Rome
5. Classical learning is kept in the
church. Language of the Church is in
Latin which was not the language of
the common person
6. Once powerful uniting central Gov.
of Rome is replaced with feudalism
Middle Ages:
The period between ancient times and
modern times during A.D. 476–1500
476 AD with the official fall of the Roman
Empire marks the start of the Middle Ages
Medieval – from the Latin Mid Avum meaning
Middle Ages
Medieval refers to life and culture during the
Middle Ages
Charles Martel – a Frankish
leader who rallied warriors to
push Muslims out of France
and Western Europe in the.
Battle of Tours 732 AD
Early Middle Age Figures
After winning a battle in 496, King Clovis, First
King to convert to Christianity, established a
Christian kingdom in Western Europe.
It was one of many kingdoms that developed when
Roman authority collapsed.
Charlemagne 724 – 814 AD – the
grandson of Charles Martel briefly
united Western Europe building an
empire stretching across France and
Vikings – Expert sailors from
Scandinavia who raided European
river towns starting in the late 700s
What replaced the Roman
When the unifying force of the
Roman empire disappeared from
Western Europe, Germanic
kingdoms replaced it.
Greco-Roman, Germanic, and
Christian traditions blended
during the Middle Ages.
Many Germanic tribes conquered parts of the
 Lots of fightingRoman
for power
and land
After converting
to Christianity,
Clovis earned the
support of his
subjects in Gaul
and the pope in
At the same time,
Muslims were
creating a new
civilization and
empire in the
Charlemagne, Martel’s grandson,
briefly united Western Europe.
He fought Muslims, aided the
pope Leo 3rd in Rome, and
was crowned Holy Roman
Emperor Christmas day 800 AD
Charlemagne was a skilled
leader who revived Latin learning
and brought scholars to his
Charlemagne Video
to conquered
his kingdom
and set
up a strong,
However, the
pope’s action
angered the
emperor in
and deepened
the split between
east and west.
Muslim armies
lands and
crossed into
Charles Martel
led Frankish
warriors in the
battle of
Tours to push
them back.
After Charlemagne’s death
814 his empire was split up.
His incompetent heirs faced
waves of invasions from
empire broke
apart even more
when the Vikings
began attacking
European coastal
and river towns.
These Scandinavian
people were expert
They opened trade
routes linking
northern Europe to
the Mediterranean.
Eventually Viking
become Christians
Feudalism in Western Europe
Feudalism was a
localized political
system of
government based
on mutual
Manoralism was the
economic system
Weakness of
Feudalism resulted
in mixed loyalties
and constant power
King Gives Fief (land) to Lord. On the land for each of the
below is a Manor. The manor includes castle, blacksmith,
cloths maker, weavers, glassmaker, stables etc. Outside
are the peasants who work the land and are tied to the
Lords: In return Lords provide loyally and military Knights
(trained military) Code of Chivalry an honor system for
Knights to the king
Lords give land To vassal (Fief) given by
the Lord) they give loyalty and military aide to lord
Lesser Lord (Land given by Vassals they give Loyalty and
military service to the Lord.
Peasants who live on the land belong to the king and stay
on the land. Peasants farm the land. They get a small
plot of land for their food. Out of their food they pay 10%
to the Lord/Vassal. In return they are provided protection
The Manor
Manoralism –
the economic
system of
The manor includes Franklin Gothic Book (Headings)
castle, blacksmith,
cloths maker, weavers,
glassmaker, stables etc.
Outside are the
peasants who work
the land and are tied
to the land:
End of Part 1
Use of Art during the
Middle Ages (Western Europe)
Showed daily life
Religious and hieratical
Taught religious themes
Middle Age art was
Notice the King
Charles of France
1350’s being crowned
by the Pope and
The most important
Hierarchal. figure is placed either
farthest top or center.
Proportion was not a
value in art medieval
Who is most important here?
Middle Age Art and lack of Proportion
Medieval art lacked
proportion. Usually
represented only in two
dimensional space
Renaissance art was
proportional and
introduced the
appearance of three
dimensional space
Byzantine Art
Eastern Christian
•Byzantine art usually
featured single religious
figures called “Icons.”
•Byzantine art seems to
radiate and glow!!!
There was a great debate and battle over
the religious icons the Greek Orthodox and
later Protestants viewed Icons as idol
 Many loved the Icons because they put a
face with the beloved saint, bible
personality etc. The Icons won
 Protestant churches are more
modest and have less religious
imagery than Catholic
War over the Icons
Hagia Sophia - Constantinople
Justinian’s Great Byzantine Church
Hagia Sophia, Constantinople
Was turned into a Mosque when
Constantinople fell in 1453
arches and
vaults and
Byzantine Architecture
ceilings as
opposed to
Printing Press
Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1445.
This changed the lives of people in Europe and,
eventually, all over the world.
In a Time magazine poll of 2000 the most
important invention of the last 1000 years. Was
the printing press.
Previously, bookmaking entailed copying all the
words and illustrations by hand. Often the
copying had been done onto parchment, animal
skin that had been scraped until it was clean,
smooth, and thin. The labor that went into
creating them made each book very expensive.
Because Gutenberg's press could produce books
quickly and with relatively little effort,
bookmaking became much less expensive,
allowing more people to buy reading material.
The Demand for Books Grows!!!!
Middle Ages vs. The Renascence
Western Europe Stiff, no
proportion - frozen
Byzantium art:
usually featured a
single figure.
Essence not
realism was
Renascence art: Lots of
movement. proportional, alive
elements of fun! This is Ancient
Martin Luther
The Reformation
1483 - 1546
Devout German Monk
Went to Rome as a Pilgrim
Saw wealth and corruption of the
Protested the use of indulgences
(Payments to erase Sin) in his 95
Used the Printing Press to spread
the word.
Risked and was excommunicated
from catholic church.
Translated the Bible to German
allowing all to read the word of
god themselves.
New religious movement
Promoted literacy
The Renaissance
Renaissance," French for
"rebirth," perfectly describes
the intellectual and economic
changes that occurred in
Europe from the fourteenth
through the sixteenth
During this era, the
Renaissance was an age in
which artistic, social, scientific,
and political thought turned in
new directions. (Back to the
Ancient World)
Learning and the Arts began to flourish during
the Renaissance. Why????
Crusaders returned to Europe with a newfound
understanding of the world and brought back books saved
by the Muslims.
The invention of the printing press encouraged literacy and
helped to spread new ideas.
Wealthy families and the church had amassed enough
wealth to become patrons. (Pay for art)
The development of financial techniques such as
bookkeeping and credit allowed merchants to prosper
Arab Scholars preserved the writings of the
Ancient Greeks in their libraries
Arab scholars preserved the
writings of the ancient Greeks
in their libraries. When the
Italian cities traded with the
Arabs, ideas were exchanged
along with goods.
These ideas, preserved from
the ancient past, served as
the basis of the Renaissance.
When the Byzantine empire
fell to Muslim Turks in 1453,
many Christian scholars left
Greece for Italy.
Learning during the Renaissance.
The Renaissance was much
more than simply studying the
work of ancient scholars. It
influenced painting, sculpture,
architecture and government.
Paintings became more realistic
and focused less often on
religious topics.
Artists advanced the
Renaissance style of showing
nature and depicting the feelings
of people.
Printing spread ideas to the
Renascence Art 1420 - 1600
Adoration of the Magi
While Mary and Jesus are top and
center, look in the forefront. They
are rich merchants. People who
sponsored art were called Patrons.
Often patrons were included in the
•Patrons as subjects
Renascence art alive with light and Emotion
Notice the use of light
and dark. The
background and women’s
emotion all add to the
impact of Mary being told
she is the Mother of God
“The Annunciation.”
Michelangelo represented the “High
Renaissance” Period by perfecting the ideals
of the Ancient Greeks and Romans.
What period do these
figures look like?
Answer: Ancient
Greek and Roman.
Idealism and
Michelangelo was a master of painting a sculpture
“The Birth of Venus”
Roman pagan religion is
reintroduced as fantasy.
Leonardo de Vinci: A Renaissance Man:
Leonardo de Vinci: A Renaissance Man
Science and Anatomy
Leonardo de Vinci: A Renaissance Man
Invention and
Medieval Cathedrals
English Medieval Cathedrals
French Cathedrals
French Cathedrals
Other Worldly
French Cathedrals
Detailed Vaults
Renaissance Architecture
St. Peter’s Basilica Rome
Renaissance Architecture
Florence Italy
Renaissance Architecture
Renaissance Architecture
St. Peter’s Basilica
Comparisons in Art
Medieval Art
Byzantine Art
(Renaissance Art)
Comparisons in Architecture
Byzantine Art
(Renaissance Art)