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Ms. Escalante
Muhammad the Prophet
 At 40 years old
Muhammad, was
visited by the angel
 The angel told him that
he would be the
messenger of god.
 Muhammad then
became a prophet
preaching that there is
no God But Allah.
Muhammad Begins
 Muhammad at little
success at first.
 He in 622 AD
Muhammad fled to
Yathrib later called
Medina. This migration
was called the Hijrah.
 Medina means the city of
the prophet.
 Muhammad won many
Muhammad’s Leadership
 In 630, Muhammad and
10,000 Muhammad’s
followers return to
 Muhammad forced
Mecca to surrender.
 Muhammad forgave the
Meccans and went to the
 He dedicated the shrine
to Allah.
Muhammad Death
 Muhammad was a
religious leader but also a
political and military
 Muhammad ruled over
Medina and by the time
of his death in 632AD,
 he unified much of the
Arabian Peninsula under
 Muhammad ruled for
over 20 years and now a
successor needed to be
After Muhammad’s Death
 Muhammad had not
named a successor or
instructed how to choose a
leader after his death.
 Panic spread throughout
the Muslim community.
 Muhammad’s father in
law and friend, Abu Bakr
was a respected for his
devotion to Muhammad
and was chosen as a
Muhammad’s successor.
Abu Bakr
 In 632, Abu Bakr became the
first caliph.
 He promised muslims that he
would closely follow
Muhammad’s example.
 Some clans abandoned Islam
and refused to follow Abu
Bakr and refused to pay
 During his two years as
leader he used military force
to unite the muslim
Abu Bakr’s Leadership
 Abu Bakr brought central
Arabia under Muslim control
and conquered land
including Iraq and Syria.
 He ordered that all the
teachings of Muhammad
should be recorded into a
single work, or book which
became known as the Holy
 The Sunnah is another holy
book which are
Muhammad’s guides to a
proper living.
The First Four Caliphs
 The next three caliphs
were Umar, Uthman, and
 The first four caliphs used
the Qur’an and
Muhammad’s actions to
guide them.
 The caliphs called
themselves the
“rightly guided caliphs”
 This rule was called the
Muslim Empire
 The first four caliphs
expanded the empire
nearly four times its
original size.
 Many people converted
to Islam because of its
idea of equality and hope
for salvation.
 There was also an
economic benefit that no
Muslim paid certain
Umayyad's Seize Power
 In 656, a group of rebels
opposed the leadership of
Uthman and murdered
 Uthman’s murder started
a civil war.
 Muhammad’s cousin Ali,
was next to succeed but
was assassinated.
 A family known as the
Umayyad's took power
and set up a hereditary
dynasty. This meant
rulers would come from
the family.
Muslim Community Splits
 The Umayyads moved the capital from Medina to
 Some people thought the Umayyad’s had abandoned the
bedoin way of life established by Muhammad and
surrounded themselves with luxury.
 Muslims were divided into two groups: Shi’a and Sunnis
 The Shi’a believed that the caliph should be a relative of
the Prophet Muhammad.
 The Sunnis were those who did not resist the Umayyad’s
and accepted the rule of the elected caliphs.
 This split caused the Umayyad caliphate to collapse.