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Islam-True and False
Muslims pray to a different God
named Allah than Christians and
False-Muslim pray to the same
God as Christians and Jews.
Allah= Arabic word for God.
Yahweh=Hebrew word for God
According to the Qu’ran only
women are told to cover
Women are told to cover their “adornments”
attractive qualities. Head scarf=hijab Women not
to be a sexual object.
Men not allowed to wear anything above their
knees. Two-thirds of their upper body must be
According to the Quran, women may
only walk and pray behind men.
False--Nowhere in the Qu’ran or
Hadith does it say that women
have to walk and pray behind
In the holiest cities-Mecca and Medina, men and
women pray standing next to each other.
Muslim men are allowed to marry multiple wives.
Up to four wives.
Muslim men would go off to war and
leave their children and wives behind.
Additional wives are allowed only if the first wife
and successive wives approve.
The husband has to provide equal money,
clothes, food, love for all wives.
It is the mission of Muslims to
convert all people and all nations to
There is no prescribed mission in Islam to convert
people. Islam does not have missionaries.
Muslims cannot eat pork or drink
Muslims cannot eat pork or pork byproducts
because during the Prophet’s time pigs
considered dirty animals.
Trichinosis is a bacterial infection from pigs.
Gelatin (jello) prohibited as are: skittles,
starburst, marshmallows.
Muslims prohibited from consuming alcohol ,
must keep control of one’s desires and be
accountable for one’s actions.
Fundamentalism only describes
Muslims and Islamic actions.
The majority of Muslims do not share
the same views as the
--people who practice a religion taking a very
extreme and violent method in getting their
method across.
KKK used the religion Christianity as a tool of
violence--most don’t see these groups as true
The Qu’ran is the most
memorized book in the world.
Millions of people, men and women all over the
world are memorizing the Qu’ran cover to cover.
When praying the five prayers daily, prayer must
be conducted in Arabic, and for that reason
Muslims able to memorize.
The Qu’ran is very poetic and easy to memorize.
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.
True: Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion
with 1.2 billion people around the world. 1.6
billion Christians.
All Muslims are Arab and all Arabs
are Muslims.
The largest population of Muslims in the world
are not Arab they are from Indonesia.
Arab refers to a culture of people that are Arabic
speaking not necessarily Muslim.
Black Muslims in America are not Arabs. People
from Iran are Muslim but speak Persian so are
not Arab.
Chaldeans (Iraqi Christians) speak Arabic but are
not Muslim.
Less than 20% of Muslims are of Arab descent.
Over 6 million Muslims in the U.S.
Islam condones violence as long as it
is declared as Jihad or Holy war.
The core of the word Islam and the religion of
Islam is Peace. It is against the law of the Qu’ran
to commit suicide.
Islam teaches to defend oneself but not to
instigate violence.
Muslims believe that for every good deed carried
out, you will be rewarded. For every evil act or
sin you will be held responsible.
Muslims believe in heaven and hell.
Muslims believe in the Day of Judgment-similar to
Christians and Jews when God will “tally up” all
good deeds vs. bad deeds.
Islam is the fastest growing religion
in the United States.
In the U.S., 33% of Muslims are
African-American descent, 28% are
from South Asian countries (India,
Pakistan, Bangladesh).
6 million Black Muslims
According to the Qu’ran, suicide is allowed.
There is only one verse in the Qur'an that contains a phrase
related to suicide: "O you who believe! Do not consume
your wealth in the wrong way-rather through trade
mutually agreed to, and do not kill yourselves. Surely God
is Merciful toward you." (4:29) Some commentators believe
that this phrase is better translated "do not kill each other."
The prophetic tradition, however, clearly prohibits suicide.
The Hadith materials, which are the authoritative sayings
and actions of the prophet, Muhammad, includes many
unambiguous statements about suicide: one who "throws
himself off a mountain" or "drinks poison" or "kills himself
with a sharp instrument" will be in the fire of Hell.
Suicide is not allowed even to those in extreme conditions
such as painful illness or a serious wound. Ultimately, it is
God, not humans, who has authority over the span of every
person's life. There are some Muslims, most notably during
the last several decades, who have engaged in suicidal
military missions such as the truck bombing of the US
Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983 and the September 11
attacks in New York and Washington. The extremists cite
passages in the Qur'an that promise paradise to those who
die "struggling in the way of God." (2:154) They see what
they are doing as active armed struggle in defense of
Islam. Their death is thus viewed as martyrdom not as
suicide. The overwhelming majority of Muslims view this as
a misinterpretation of the Qur'an and Islamic tradition.
Many also point out that the taking of innocent life – even
in war – is strictly forbidden in Islam. This, too, makes the
actions of Sept. 11 incompatible with Islamic teachings.