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Crusades and
Fight for Jerusalem
Pope Urban Calls for a “holy war”
Pope Urban calls for a military “crusade” to kick the Muslims out of
their holy capital, Jerusalem
Nobles, Knights, Peasants and Women set out for the arabian
peninsula to free it from Islamic rule
All seeking a spot in heaven, more lands, and power
“God wills it!” was their battle cry
Crusades is a flop!
Crusaders did not know the geography or
climate of the middle east, did not know
the Arabs culture or technological
advancements, or have a good plan for
the war.
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1st and 2nd Crusades were successful in
capturing Jerusalem, and killed many
Muslim and Jewish inhabitants. However
they were not able to hold the city from
Saladin, the leader of the Turks.
The 3rd and 4th Crusades were
unsuccessful to recapture Jerusalem.
Effects of the Crusades
Failure of the Crusades caused...
trade between Europe and Asia and Africa
bitterness and hatred between Muslims and Christians
seeking of another trade route to India and China
Arabian peninsula was founded during Mesopotamian
times, but remained a land of traders and nomadic
Those traders would stop in the city of Mecca, believed in
Abraham and the idea of one God
Allah, or belief in one God
Born into a powerful family, but was orphaned at 6. He became a
trader and married at age 25
at 40 he said a voice called to him while meditating in a cave, that he
was a messenger of God.
Islam, means “submission to the will of Allah”
Muhammad took control of Mecca and Arabia and declared Islam the
religion of the land
Five Pillars of Islam
1. There is no God but Allah,
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
2. Pray 5 times a day toward Mecca
which will bring you closer to God
3. Support the less fortunate, give to
charity through special religious tax.
4. Fast during the holy month of
Ramadan, because they have greater
needs then bread
5. Make a pilgrimage to Mecca once in
your lifetime, called the Hajj
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Facts about Islam
Qur’an is the book of Islam, and is believed to be the direct word of
God to Muhammad.
Jihad, or struggle in God’s service, is used today to mean holy war
for Islam against outsiders
Muslims believe that their God is the same as Judaism and Christian
Muslims and Jews believe Jesus is prophet but not the son of God
All religions trace history back to Abraham
Successor to Muhammad
The successor to Muhammad would
cause a split in the Islamic faith.
Sunnis believed that the leader should
be a faithful muslim, but that they
were just a leader, not as a religious
Shiites believed that the successor
should be a decedent of Muhammad.
This division is still apparent today
where both believe their practice of
Islam is what Muhammad intended.
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