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Understanding & Answering ISLAM
• Islamist leaders have called for a
worldwide jihad until all people are
subjugated to the Will of Allah
through Islam. Is there a theological
basis for this claim? Is violent jihad
valid for today? How should Christians
respond? What will resolve this
growing societal cancer? These are
some of the questions that I hope to
resolve in this presentation.
• (1) Truth about reality is
knowable, and
• (2) the opposite of true is false.
• This leads to the Law of Noncontradiction that states that a
true statement and its opposite
cannot both be true at the same
time in the same sense.
• You cannot have two
different religions saying
the Same Thing in the
Same Sense at the Same
Jesus only a Prophet
Jesus is God
Jesus taken into heaven Jesus actually died on
the cross
The Bible has been
The Bible is the
trustworthy Word of
• Most Muslims in the world want
the same things that we want:
peace, prosperity and a chance to
pursue positive goals
• About 15% are said to be “Radical
Muslims” (around 240 million)*
*Bridgette Gabrielle estimates 15-25%, or up to 400 million
• There is a new wind
blowing in the House of
• More Muslims have come
to the Lord in the past 20
years than the previous
1400 years put together!
Muslims are not the
Islam is
• John of Damascus (675-750)
• “Heresy of the Ishmaelites”
Islam probably began as a
heresy of Christianity
Much of the Qur’an may have
been derived from other
religious traditions
Muhammad may have been an
obscure religious figure later
promoted to the role of Allah’s
Bad ideas have
• Islam is keeping 1.6 Billion
people from seeing the
beauty of the Lord – the
one person who can truly
open their eyes and make
them see the Splendor of
A. Root of Power:
Nature of Allah
B. Qur’anic Mandate
C. Logical Extreme
D. Function of Power
in Islam
E. Is Islam a Religion of
“Faulty foundations
produce faulty beliefs”
• The fundamental belief in Islam is
“there is only one God”
• This is known as “‫( ”توحيد‬tawḥīd), or
the “Absolute Oneness” of God.
– God is “One” (Al-ʾAḥad)
– God is a “singularity” (Al-Wāḥid)
• Allah is “Absolutely Other”
1A. Root of Power: Nature of Allah
• In the name of God, the Gracious, the
• 1. Say, "He is God, the One.
• 2. God, the Absolute.
• 3. He begets not, nor was He
• 4. And there is nothing comparable to
• Q. 112:1-4
1B. Qur’anic Mandate
• Sura 4:171 - Say not "Trinity" : desist:
it will be better for you: for Allah is
one Allah: Glory be to Him: (far
exalted is He) above having a son.
• Allah cannot be a Trinity
• Therefore, Allah cannot be the same
god as Yahweh, for “how can the God
of Muhammad be the Father of
1B. Qur’anic Mandate
• The greatest “sin” in Islam, called
“Shirk,” is to associate another thing
with Allah.
• Christians commit “Shirk” with their
belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of
• This is the one “sin” that can never be
1C. Logical Extreme
• Sura 4:48:
• “God does not forgive the joining
of partners with Him: anything
less than that He forgives to
whoever He will, but anyone who
joins partners with God has
fabricated a tremendous sin.”
1C. Logical Extreme
• Muslims will answer in the affirmative:
– Sura 2:195 - surely Allah loves the doers of good
– Sura 2:222 - For Allah loves those who turn to Him
constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure
and clean
– Sura 3:76 - surely Allah loves those who guard (against
– Sura 3:146 - And Allah loves those who are firm and
– Sura 3:159 - For Allah loves those who put their trust (in
– Sura 5:13 - Allah loves those who are kind.
• However, it is a very conditional love. Allah does
not love those who do not submit to him.
1C. Logical Extreme
• “Allah loves not the unbelievers” (Q3.33)
• "Allah loves not the impious and sinners"
• “Allah loves not evildoers” (Q3. 58)
• “Allah loves not the proud” (Q4. 37)
• “Allah loves not transgressors” (Q5. 88)
• “Allah loves not the prodigal” (Q6. 142)
• “Allah loves not the treacherous” (Q7.59)
• “Allah is an enemy to unbelievers” (Q2. 99)
• Contrast with the Bible: “For God so loved the
world that he gave his only son….” (John 3:16)
1C. Logical Extreme
• For love to exist, there must be two
entities involved, the lover and the
one who is loved.
• If Allah is an absolute singular being,
where does the love come from? Who
was there to love before the creation
of man? If Allah were alone, on whom
did he bestow love?
• However, in
the Trinity,
there has
always been
love between
the Father and
the Son and
the Holy Spirit.
• Allah is pure Will rather than love.
• Pure Will demands submission, not love.
• Islam means “submission,” and a Muslim
is one who “submits.”
• Allah can never be called Father, and
Muslims can never be known as the
children of God.
• Where is the relationship? Where is the
1D. Function of Power in Islam
• Nothing happens unless decreed by
• Say: “Nothing shall ever happen to us
except what Allah has ordained for
us. He is our Mawla (protector).” And
in Allah let the believers put their
• Sura 9:51
1D. Function of Power in Islam
• When the prime
expression from Allah is his
Will, then the prime
motivation from his
followers will tend to be
• When the prime
expression from God is his
LOVE, then the prime
motivation from his
followers will tend to be
“Faulty foundations
produce faulty beliefs”
• Five Functions according to a Muslim
(Imran Hosein)
1. The first function of power in Islam is
deterrence. Power acts as a deterrent
to your enemies.
2. Power is to be used in response to
3. Fight for the cause of the weak,
helpless, and oppressed.
1D. Function of Power in Islam
• Five Functions (Imran Hosein)
4.The fourth function of power is to
persuade others of the truth.
5.Power is needed to establish order
and justice, and collect taxes for the
benefit of others. Power is needed in
order to bring peace.
1D. Function of Power in Islam
1E. Is Islam a Religion of Peace?
• ---SaLaaM
• ---iS La M
Corpse or
• muS Li M
–One who submits
• Submission comes
through Jihad
Subjugation of
your “heart”
to the will of
Subjugation of
the “infidel” to
the religion of
• “Idolaters and unbelievers
were considered enemies of
the Islamic community.
• The world was divided into
two areas: the world of Islam
and the world of disobedience.
•George Braswell, Jr.
• “Through struggle and warfare
the world of disobedience was to
be brought under the authority
and subjugation of the world of
• Thus Islam was the correct and
pure religion, and jihad was the
method to bring others into it
through conversion or through
George Braswell, Jr.
• For Muslims,
there will only
be Peace
when the
whole world is
under the
domination of
A. Nature of Man: Servant, or Slave, of
B. The Qur’an and Jihad
C. Muhammad and Jihad
D. The Appeal of Jihad Today
E. Is ISIS Islamic?
• Man is a slave of Allah
• There is no original sin, so there is no
need for a savior
• Man is not created in the image of
• Man needs to please Allah in order to
gain entrance into Paradise
– Jihad is often seen as the key
1.6 billion Muslims in the world
99.9% = the percentage of Muslims in the West who claim
to be peaceful and against radical Islam (i.e. president
Barack Obama)
.1% = 1,600,000 Muslims
Jihadists (radicals)
250,000 to 500,000 out of 1.6 billion = .03%
Less than .1%
Support for violent Jihad could be over 25% or 400 million
• Force is
the infidels
and spread
• Jihad for the sake of Allah is
not some unfortunate
deviation from the true
faith, it’s an integral part of
that faith.
• ‘Needed: A New Church Policy toward Islam [Pt. 2]’
• by William Kilpatrick, Crisis Magazine — February 4,
• “As long as the faith is taken seriously,
jihad will be taken seriously. The jihad
won’t stop until the belief system that
inspires it is undermined and dismantled.
It is greatly in our interest that Muslims
begin to take their faith less seriously.
Thus, it is necessary to undertake the
difficult and subtle work of discrediting
Islam. Among other things, this
discrediting process would involve
questioning the authenticity of
Muhammad’s revelation, questioning his
character and reliability, and even
questioning his existence.” (same article)
•Needed: A New Church Policy toward Islam [Pt. 2]’
•by William Kilpatrick, Crisis Magazine — February 4, 2015
• “Jihad is an essential ingredient of
Islamic philosophy and all who truly
love the Koranic faith are devoted to
jihad. The concept of jihad is the nail
on which hang all rationales for the
use of political power, military force,
and terrorist violence to advance the
Islamic cause.”
Michael Youssef, PhD, Blindsided: The Radical Islamic Conquest, 93.
• “Our Prophet, the Messenger of our Lord, has
ordered us to fight you till you worship Allah
Alone or give Jizya (i.e. tribute); and our Prophet
has informed us that our Lord says: ‘Whoever
amongst us is killed (i.e. martyred), shall go to
Paradise to lead such a luxurious life as he has
never seen, and whoever amongst us remain
alive, shall become your master’”.
• —Sahih al-Bukhari
• Volume 4, Book 53, Number 386.1
”Those who know nothing of Islam
pretend that Islam counsels against war.
Those who say this are witless. Islam
says: Kill all the unbelievers just as they
would kill you all! Does this mean that
Muslims should sit back until they are
devoured by the unbelievers? Islam says:
Kill them, put them to the sword and
scatter their armies…. Islam says:
Whatever good there is exists thanks to
the sword and in the shadow of the
sword! People cannot be made obedient
except with the sword!
The sword is the key to Paradise, which
can be opened only for the Holy
Warriors! There are hundreds of other
(Qur’anic) psalms and Hadiths urging
Muslims to value war and to fight. Does
all this mean that Islam is a religion that
prevents men from waging war? I spit
upon those foolish souls who make such
a claim.”
•—Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
• (cited in Coughlin, 2007, p. 223)
• Also quoted in Holy Terror: Inside the World of Islamic
Terrorism (1987) by Amir Taheri, pp. 241-3.
The word “jihad” appears in 23 Qur’anic passages for a total
of 41 times in the Qur’an. It is often found in the phrase
“striving in the way of Allah,” (al-jihad fi sabil Allah)
• The Qur’an’s 164 Jihad Verses:
• K 002:178-179, 190-191, 193-194, 216-218, 244;
003:121-126, 140-143, 146, 152-158, 165-167,169, 172173, 195; 004:071-072, 074-077, 084, 089-091, 094095,100-104; 005:033, 035, 082; 008:001, 005, 007,
009-010, 012, 015-017, 039-048,057-060, 065-075;
009:005, 012-014, 016, 019-020, 024-026, 029,036, 038039, 041, 044, 052, 073, 081, 083,086, 088, 092, 111,
120, 122-123; 016:110; 022:039, 058, 078; 024:053,
055; 025:052; 029:006, 069; 033:015, 018, 020, 023,
025-027, 050; 042:039; 047:004, 020, 035; 048:015-024;
049:015; 059:002, 005-008, 014; 060:009; 061:004, 011,
013; 063:004; 064:014; 066:009; 073:020; 076:008
• According to orientalist Bernard
Lewis, "the overwhelming
majority of classical theologians,
jurists", and specialists in the
hadith "understood the obligation
of jihad in a military sense.”
Bernard Lewis, The Political Language of Islam (University of
Chicago Press, 1988), p. 72
1. Sura 9:5 reads: “Fight and
slay the pagans (i.e. infidels)
wherever ye find them, and
seize them, beleaguer them,
and lie in wait for them in
every stratagem of war.”
• 2. Sura 5:33 reads: “The only reward of those
who make war upon Allah and His Messenger
and strive after corruption in the land will be that
they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands
and feet on alternate sides cut off, or exile from
the land.”
Sura 48:16 reads: “Ye shall
be summoned to fight against
a people given to vehement
war: then shall you fight or
they shall submit.”
• Violence flows out of the primary
characteristic of God in Islam: Power.
• God is affirmed as being able to do anything,
including making what is right, wrong, and
making that which is wrong, right.
• Thus his righteousness is subordinate to his
• Interestingly, there is only one thing which
Islam affirms God cannot do -- become
• Islam denies the sonship of Christ, and
affirms the impossibility of God coming in
the flesh.
• Thus the Trinity is also denied.
Success against the infidel
Fidelity to the Qur’an
Promise of instant rewards in Paradise
President Obama
Washington Post
September 11, 2014
October 12, 2014
Why do our political leaders deny the connection
between Islam and the Islamic State?
Is this a case of “Pernicious Cognitive Dissonance,” or do
they think their obfuscation will prevent mayhem?
The Islamic State is Islamic!
• “The reality is that the Islamic State is Islamic.
Very Islamic. Yes, it has attracted psychopaths
and adventure seekers, drawn largely from the
disaffected populations of the Middle East and
Europe. But the religion preached by its most
ardent followers derives from coherent and
even learned interpretations of Islam.”
• Graeme Wood, “What ISIS Really Wants,” The
Atlantic Monthly, March 2015
The “Islamoscale”
Literal interpretation of the Qur’an and Hadith
Interpreting a verse
• 9:29: Allah commands the Muslim
believers to “Fight those among the
People of the Book who do not believe in
Allah nor the Last Day, nor forbid what
Allah and His Messenger have forbidden,
nor embrace the religion of truth, until
they pay the jizya with willing submission
and feel themselves subdued.”
9:29: Allah commands the Muslim believers to “Fight those among the People of the
Book who do not believe in Allah nor the Last Day, nor forbid what Allah and His
Messenger have forbidden, nor embrace the religion of truth, until they pay the jizya
with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.”
• Liberal Muslim:
– This was only for the time of Muhammad
• Moderate Muslim:
– This is only for defensive war and when a proper Jihad has
been called by the Muslim state
• Radical Muslim:
– This is for today and against anyone who does not believe
that Allah is the true God and that the Qur’an is the true
revelation given to Muhammad. Muslims need to fight
until the whole world is under the domination of Islam.
The “Christoscale”
Literal interpretation of the Bible
“Take up your cross and follow me”
Matthew 16:24
“We should be nice to everyone”
“We should try to be good examples to others so that our witness may
lead them to Christ”
“We should live sacrificially and seek to actively reach out in word and
deed in order to win the world for Christ”
If ISIS is not Islamic, neither is
the Qur’an!
ISIS does nothing that the Qur’an
does not command
“strike terror into the hearts of the
enemies of Allah” (8:60)
Blasphemy against Allah: Death
Qur’an 5:33-34
Blasphemy against the Prophet
Muhammad: Death – even if the accuser
Qur’an 33:57
Blasphemy against Islam: Death
Qur’an 9:12
Apostasy: Death
Qur’an 4:89
Fighting and killing non-Muslims
Qur’an 2:216
Sodomy (homosexuality): Death for the
person committing the act, as well as for
the one receiving it
Qur’an 4:15-16
Theft: Cutting off the hand
Qur’an 5:38
If ISIS is not Islamic, neither is
ISIS does nothing that Muhammad
did not first do fourteen centuries
“I have been sent with the shortest
expressions bearing the widest meanings,
and I have been made victorious with
terror…” (Sahih Bukhari 4.52.220).
Collateral damage (killing of innocents)
“when asked about the women and
children of the polytheists being killed
during the night raid, said: they are from
them.” (Muslim 4321)
“If Allah gives me victory over the
Quraysh at any time, I shall mutilate thirty
of their men!” (Ibn Ishaq 387; Al-Tabari,
vol. 7, p133
“Torture him until you extract what he
has” (Ibn Ishaq 515)
Killing the men and taking the women
and children as slaves
Massacre of the Banu Qurayza:
Muhammad was responsible for the
death of over 600 men (Ibn Ishaq)
Graeme Wood
• “Virtually every major decision and
law promulgated by the Islamic State
adheres to what it calls, in its press
and pronouncements, and on its
billboards, license plates, stationery,
and coins, “the Prophetic
methodology,” which means
following the prophecy and example
of Muhammad, in punctilious detail.
Graeme Wood
• Muslims can reject the Islamic State;
nearly all do. But pretending that it
isn’t actually a religious, millenarian
group, with theology that must be
understood to be combatted, has
already led the United States to
underestimate it and back foolish
schemes to counter it.”
God of Power vs God of Love
Understand, Defend, and Refute
Build Relationships
Build Bridges
What is the Final Solution?
• When the prime expression from Allah
is Power, then the prime motivation
from his followers will tend to be
• When the prime expression from God
is his LOVE, then the prime motivation
from his followers will tend to be
3A. God of Power vs God of Love
By Daniel Janosik © 2014
3B. Understand, Defend, Refute
• Visit mosques
• Invite Muslim
colleagues to meals
• Volunteer to teach
• Help out with
campus ministries
• Encourage your
church to begin
outreach ministries
• Develop a true
• Build trust
• Ask good questions
• Read the gospels
• Pray for your
Muslim friends
• Always be ready
to give an
• There will be
true peace for
everyone who
believes in Jesus
Christ as Lord
and Savior!
[email protected]