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8th grade Earth Science
Classifying Rocks
________________ – rocks are made of mixtures of
minerals and other materials. Some contain a single
mineral. Others contain several minerals.
_________ – color provides clues to the rock’s
mineral composition.
(Ex: granite = light basalt = dark)
_________- the look and feel of the rock’s surface.
They use shape, size and pattern.
__________ – how the rock is formed.
3 Types of Rocks
There are 3 major groups of rocks:
Igneous Rocks
The name igneous comes from a Latin word
meaning “________”.
Igneous rocks can be either __________ or
____________ rock.
_____________ – formed from lava that erupted
onto the Earth’s surface.
Basalt is the most common extrusive rock.
____________– formed from magma that hardens
beneath the Earth’s surface.
____________ is the most common intrusive rock.
Igneous Rocks
Sedimentary Rocks
Sedimentary rocks are formed through a
series of processes:
Sedimentary Rocks
_________ – water, wind or ice loosen and
carry away fragments of rock.
__________ – sediment settles out of the
water or wind carrying it.
___________ – process that presses the
sediments together.
____________ – dissolved minerals
crystallize and glue particles of sediment
Types of Sedimentary Rocks
There are 3 major groups of sedimentary
_________ – forms when rock fragments are
squeezed together.
_________ – remains of plants or animals
are deposited in thick layers.
_________– when minerals that are
dissolved in a solution crystallize.
Sedimentary Rocks
Metamorphic Rocks
________ and ___________ deep beneath
Earth’s surface can change any rock into
metamorphic rock.
Geologists classify metamorphic rocks
according to the arrangement of the
___________ that make up the rocks.
Metamorphic Rocks
There are 2 classifications for metamorphic
___________ – have their grains arranged in
parallel layers or bands.
___________ – mineral grains are arranged
randomly. They do not split into layers.
Metamorphic Rocks
The Rock Cycle
The rock cycle is the series of processes on
Earth’s surface and in the crust and mantle
that slowly change rocks from one kind to