Download The Layer`s Of The Earth! - Mrs. V. Murphy`s Science Class

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The Layers of Earth
Plate Tectonics
How do we know what the
Earth is made of?
How do we know what the
Earth is made of?
• Geophysical surveys: seismic, gravity,
magnetics and electrical
Earth Layers
• The Earth is divided into four main
*Inner Core
*Outer Core
The Crust
• The Earth’s crust is
like the skin of an
apple. It is very thin
compared to the other
three layers.
• *The crust makes up
1% of the Earth.
* The crust of the
Earth is broken into
many pieces called
The Mantle
• The mantle is the
layer below the
• The mantle is the
largest layer of the
• The mantle is
divided into two
regions: the upper
and lower sections.
Outer Core
• The core of the
Earth is like a ball
of very hot
* The outer core is
* The outer core is
made up of iron
and is very dense.
Inner Core
* The inner core of
the Earth has
temperatures and
pressures so great
that the metals are
squeezed together
and are not able to
* The inner core is a
• The lithosphere
consist of the crust
plus the very upper
part of the mantle
• Layer of the
mantle directly
below the
• Upper Mantle that
is soft and
bendable like
plastic (but still
1) What are the four layers of the
2) The Earth’s crust is very ______?
3) The mantle is the largest layer of
the Earth? True or False
4) Is the Outer Core a liquid or a
1) Crust, Mantle, Outer Core,
Inner Core
2) Thin
3) True
4) Liquid
Plate Tectonics
If you look at a map of the world, you may notice
that some of the continents could fit together like
pieces of a puzzle.
Plate Tectonics
• The Earth’s crust is divided into
12 major plates which are moved
in various directions.
• This plate motion causes them to
collide, pull apart, or scrape
against each other.
• The word, tectonic, refers to the
deformation of the crust as a
consequence of plate interaction.
Plate Tectonics
• How Plates Move
Earth’s Lithospheric Plates
Three types of plate boundary
• Divergent
• Convergent
• Transform
• Plate Tectonics in Action Video
Divergent Boundaries
This map
shows the
age of the
oceanic crust.
The red
shows the
ages, while
the dark blue
shows the
oldest ages
(around 200
million years
The divergent boundary runs
straight through Iceland….
Divergent Boundaries
• Spreading ridges
–As plates move apart new
material is erupted to fill the
Convergent Boundaries
• There are three styles of
convergent plate boundaries
1. Continent-continent collision
2. Continent-oceanic crust
3. Ocean-ocean collision
Collision make mountains
Continent-Oceanic Crust
Also called subduction form volcanoes
Ocean-Ocean Plate Collision
• Forms deep ocean trenches
Mariana Trench is 11km deep!
Transform Boundaries
Where plates slide past each other
San Andreas Fault
Color Code Plate Boundaries
• You will need this map to
complete future