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Chapter 4 - Plate Tectonics
Inside the Earth
Restless Continents
The Theory of Plate Tectonics
Deforming the Earth’s Crust
Inside the Earth
Earth’s Layers
• Inner Core
• Outer Core
• Mantle
• Crust
The Earth’s Crust
• Outermost layer of the Earth
• 5 – 100km thick
• Less than 1% of the mass of the Earth, yet
humans have not ever drilled all the way
through it.
• Two types:
– Continental Crust
– Oceanic Crust
Continental Crust - Thicker and less dense
Oceanic Crust - Thinner and more dense
The Earth’s Mantle
• Between the crust and
the core
• 2900 km thick
• 67% of the Earth’s mass
• Three parts
– Lithosphere (half in the
– Asthenosphere
– Mesosphere
Layers of the Mantle
Layers of the Mantle
-- Lithosphere is the rigid
layer of the Earth that
includes the crust and the
upper part of the mantle.
Layers of the Mantle
-- Asthenosphere is the soft
plastic-like layer of the
mantle on which the pieces
of the lithosphere float.
Layers of the Mantle
-- Lithosphere is the strong
lower part of the mantle.
The Core
• Innermost layer of
the Earth
• 3430 km radius
• 33% of Earth’s mass
• Made mostly of iron
• Two layers
– Outer core
– Inner core
Layers of the Core
-- Outer Core is liquid
Layers of the Core
-- Inner Core is solid
Tectonic Plates
Pieces of the
lithospere that
move around on
top of the
These plates are
made up of both
continental crust
and oceanic crust.
Mapping the Earth’s Interior
Scientists have figured out what the earth’s
interior looks like by studying how earthquake
(seismic) waves travel through the earth.
Seismic waves travel at different
speeds when they travel through
materials with different densities.
Scientists measure how long it takes the
waves to travel through the Earth to different
locations, then make calculations to figure out
what the inside of the Earth is composed of.
Seismologists can then use the
distances and travel times to calculate the
density and thickness of each layer of the
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program: Animation of Seismic Waves: CENTRAL ALASKA
Scientists us a device called a seismograph
to measure arrival time and magnitude of
seismic waves around the Earth.
Restless Continents
• See Continental Drift Powerpoint.