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Chapter 2
Earth Materials—
Minerals and Rocks
Earth Materials – Minerals
• Gemstones and other minerals,
– such as gold,
– have fascinated people for
thousands of years
– and have been supposed
– to have mystical or curative
• Minerals have many essential
– in industrial societies
• Minerals are the basic units
– that make up most of Earth’s
Minerals—The Building
Blocks of Rocks
• A mineral’s composition is shown by a
chemical formula
– a shorthand way of indicating how many atoms
of different kinds it contains
– Quartz consists of
Quartz: SiO2
1 silicon atom for every
Ratio: 1: 2
2 oxygen atoms
– Orthoclase consists of
1 potassium, 1 aluminum,
and 3 silicon for every
1: 1: 3: 8
8 oxygen atoms
• Geological definition of a mineral:
– naturally occurring
– crystalline solid
• crystalline means that minerals
• have an ordered internal arrangement of their
– minerals have a narrowly
defined chemical composition
– and characteristic physical
properties such as
• density
• hardness
• color...
Minerals on
– at the
Academy of
Sciences in
San Francisco
Earth Materials – Rocks
• With only a few exceptions rocks
– are solid aggregates of minerals
• Rocks too find many uses
– rocks crushed for aggregate in cement and for
– sawed and polished rocks for tombstones,
monuments, mantle pieces and counter tops
– Even the soils we depend on
• for most of our food
• formed by alteration of rocks
Earth Materials
• Some materials
formed by the Earth
– are interesting and
– such as this
metamorphic rock
• from the shoreline of
Lake Superior at
Marquette, Michigan
Rock Cycle
• The rock cycle is a pictorial representation
– of events leading to
– the origin, destruction, change
– and reformation of rocks
• Rocks belong to 3 major families
– igneous
– sedimentary
– metamorphic
• The rock cycle shows
– how these rock families are interrelated
– and can be derived from one another
Igneous Rocks
• All igneous rocks
– cool and crystallize from magma,
– solidify from lava,
– or consolidate from pyroclastic materials
• Magma is molten material
– below the surface
• Lava is molten material on the surface
• Pyroclastic materials
– are particles such as volcanic ash
Igneous Part of the Rock Cycle
Categories of Igneous Rocks
• Extrusive or volcanic rocks
– formed at the surface
– from lava or pyroclastic materials
• Intrusive or plutonic rocks
– formed from magma injected into the crust
– or formed in place in the crust
• Plutons are intrusive bodies
– consisting of plutonic rock
Common Igneous Rocks
Common Igneous Rocks
Sedimentary Rocks
• Sedimentary rocks form
– by the lithification of sediment
• In the rock cycle, sediment originates when:
– mechanical and chemical weathering
• breaks rocks down into smaller particles
• and into solution
– Transport removes sediment
• from its source area
• and carries it elsewhere
– Running water, glaciers, wind and waves
• transport sediment
– Deposition involves settling of particles,
• and chemical and biological extraction of minerals
from solution
Sedimentary Part of the
Rock Cycle
• Lithification means
– turning loose sediment into rock
• Lithification occurs by
– burial
• when additional sediment accumulates on top
– compaction
• reduction of the amount of pore space between particles
• because of the weight of overlying sediment
– cementation
• precipitation of minerals within pores
• that effectively binds sediment together
– calcium carbonate (CaCO3) cement is common
– silica (SiO2) cement is common
– iron oxide (Fe2O3) cement is less common
Categories of Sedimentary Rocks
• Detrital sedimentary rocks
– consist of solid particles
– derived from preexisting rocks (detritus)
• Chemical sedimentary rocks
– consist of minerals derived from materials in
solution and
– extracted by either
• inorganic chemical processes
• or by the activities of organisms
– subcategory biochemical sedimentary rocks, for
• the activities of organisms are important
Detrital Sedimentary Rocks
• are composed of fragments or particles
– known as clasts = Clastic texture
• These rocks are defined primarily by size of
• conglomerate
– composed of gravel (>2mm)
– with rounded clasts
• sedimentary breccia
– also composed of gravel (>2mm)
– but clasts are angular
• sandstone
– composed of sand
Chemical Sedimentary Rocks
• Limestone – carbonate rock made of calcite
precipitated chemically or by organisms
• Dolostone – carbonate rock made of dolomite usually
formed from limestone
• Evaporites formed by
– inorganic chemical precipitation during evaporation
– Rock salt – evaporite made of halite
– Rock gypsum – evaporite made of gypsum
• Chert – compact, hard, fine grained silica, formed by
chemical or biological precipitation (some consisting of
microscopic shells of silica-secreting organisms)
• Coal – made of partially altered, compressed remains
of land plants accumulated in swamps
Common Sedimentary Rocks
Quartz sandstone
Sedimentary breccia
Common Sedimentary Rocks
Rock gypsum
Fossiliferous limestone
Rock salt
Metamorphic Rocks
• Metamorphic rocks
– result from transformation of other rocks
– in the solid state, without melting
• Changes resulting from metamorphism
– compositional
• new minerals form
– textural
• minerals become reoriented
• minerals recrystallize
– or both
Metamorphic Part of the
Rock Cycle
Agents of Metamorphism
• Heat provides new conditions
– where different minerals may be stable
– and increases the rate of chemical reactions
• Pressure
– Lithostatic pressure provides new conditions
• where different minerals may be stable
• and forms smaller denser minerals
– Differential pressure
• exerts force more intensely from one direction
• causing deformation
• and development of foliation.
• Fluid activity enhances metamorphism
– by increasing the rate of chemical reactions
– by transporting ions in solution
Types of Metamorphism
• Contact metamorphism
chemical fluids
from an igneous body
alter rocks adjacent to the magma
• Regional metamorphism
large, elongated area
tremendous pressure
elevated temperatures
fluid activity
occurs at convergent and divergent plate
• Elements consist of atoms,
– which have a nucleus
• of protons and neutrons
– surrounded by orbiting electrons in shells
• The number of protons = the atomic number
• and the number of protons + neutrons = the
atomic mass number
• Bonding of atoms occurs
– by transfer of electrons to make ions
• ionic bonding
– or by sharing electrons
• covalent bonding
• Most minerals are compounds
– of two or more elements bonded together
• The most common minerals are silicates,
• which contain silicon and oxygen,
– but carbonate minerals,
• with carbon and oxygen
– are abundant in some rocks
• Two broad groups of igneous rocks
– are intrusive (or plutonic)
– and extrusive (or volcanic)
• Igneous rocks are classified primarily
– by composition and texture
• Sedimentary rocks also have two broad
– detrital,
• which consist of solid particles of preexisting rocks,
– and chemical/biochemical,
• which consist of minerals derived
• by inorganic or organic (involving organisms)
• Compaction and cementation
– transform sediment into sedimentary rock,
– in a process called lithification
• Metamorphic rocks form
– when composition and/or texture
– of another rock changes
– by heat, pressure and fluid activity
• Metamorphism imparts a foliation
– to many rocks,
• which is a parallel alignment of minerals
• Some metamorphic rocks have a mosaic
– of equidimensional minerals
– and are nonfoliated
• Texture or composition
– are the primary considerations
– in classifying many metamorphic rocks
Matter and Its Composition
• Matter
– is anything that has mass and occupies space
– exists as solids, liquids, and gases
– consist of elements and atoms
• Element
is a chemical substance
that cannot be chemically decomposed
into simpler substances
and is composed of tiny particles called atoms
• Atoms are the smallest units of matter
– that retain the characteristics of the element
• Atoms have
– a compact nucleus containing
• protons – particles with a positive electrical charge
• neutrons – electrically neutral particles
– particles orbiting the nucleus
• electrons – negatively charged particles
Structure of an Atom
• The dense
nucleus of an
– consisting of
protons and
– is surrounded
by a cloud of
• Atomic number
= the number of protons
• Atomic mass number
= number of protons + number of neutrons
• The number of neutrons in an atom
– may vary
• The different forms of an element’s atoms
– with varying numbers of neutrons
– are called isotopes.
• Different isotopes of the same element
– have different atomic mass numbers
– behave the same chemically
• Isotopes are important in radiometric dating
Carbon Isotopes
• Carbon atoms (with 6 protons)
have 6 neutrons = Carbon 12 (12C)
have 7 neutrons = Carbon 13 (13C)
or have 8 neutrons = Carbon 14 (14C)
thereby making up three isotopes of carbon.
Electrons and Shells
• Electrons orbit the nucleus in one or more shells
• The outermost shell participates
– in chemical bonding
– and contains up to 8 electrons
• Noble gas configuration of 8 electrons
• or 2 for helium
– completes the outermost shell
• Other atoms attain
– a noble gas configuration
– in the process of bonding
Bonding and Compounds
• Bonding
– the process whereby atoms join to other atoms
• Compound
– a substance resulting from the bonding
– of two or more elements
• Oxygen gas (O2) is and element
• Ice is a compound
– made up of hydrogen and oxygen (H2O)
• Most minerals are compounds
Ionic Bonding
• Ion
– an atom that has gained or lost one or more
– and thus has a negative or positive charge
• One way for atoms to attain the noble gas
– is by transferring electrons, producing ions
• Ionic bonding
– attraction between two ions of opposite charge
Covalent Bonding
• Another way for atoms
– to attain the noble gas configuration
– is by sharing electrons
• Covalent bonding
– results from
sharing electrons
shared electrons
Native Elements
• A few minerals
consist of only one
• They are not
• They are known as
native elements.
• Examples:
– gold – formula: Au
– diamond – formula: C
Crystalline Solids
• By definition, minerals are crystalline solids
– with atoms arranged in a specific 3D framework
• If given enough room to grow freely,
minerals form perfect crystals with
planar surfaces, called crystal faces
sharp corners
straight edges
Narrowly Defined
Chemical Composition
• Some minerals have very specific
– examples are halite (NaCl) or quartz (SiO2)
• but others have a range of compositions
– because one element can substitute for another
– if the atoms of the two elements have
• the same electrical charge
• and are about the same size
– example: olivine
• (Mg,Fe)2SiO4
• iron and magnesium substitution in any proportion
Mineral Properties
• Mineral properties are controlled by
– Chemical composition
– Crystalline structure
• Mineral properties are particularly useful
– for mineral identification and include:
crystal form
specific gravity
How Many Minerals
Are There?
More than 3500 minerals are known
Only about 2 dozen are particularly common
Many others are important resources
Mineral groups:
– minerals with the same negatively charged ion
or ion group
– belong to the same mineral group
• Most minerals in the crust
– belong to the group called silicates
Rock-Forming Minerals
• Most rocks are solid aggregates
– of one or more minerals
• Thousands of minerals occur in rocks,
– but only a few are common
– and called rock-forming minerals
• Most rock-forming minerals are silicates,
– but carbonates are also important
• Accessory minerals are present in small amounts
– and are ignored in classifying rocks
• Silicates are minerals containing silica
– Si and O
• They make up perhaps 95% of Earth’s crust
– and account for about 1/3 of all known minerals
• The basic building block of silicates
– is the silica tetrahedron
• which consists of one silicon atom
• surrounded by four oxygen atoms
Types of Silicates
• Silica tetrahedra can be
– isolated units bonded to
other elements
– arranged in chains (single or
– arranged in sheets
– arranged in complex
3D networks
Types of Silicates
• Ferromagnesian silicates
– contain iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), or both
• Nonferromagnesian silicates
– do not contain iron or magnesium
Ferromagnesian Silicates
• Common ferromagnesian silicates include
– olivine
– Hornblende,
– augite, a pyroxenegroup mineral
Nonferromagnesian Silicates
Potassium feldspar
Plagioclase feldspar Muscovite
Other Mineral Groups
• Carbonates
– minerals with carbonate ion (CO3)-2
– as in calcite (CaCO3),
• found in limestone
– and dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2],
• found in dolostone
• Other mineral groups are important,
– but more as resources
– than as constituents of rocks
Igneous Rock Textures
• Texture
– is the size, shape and arrangement
– of crystals, grains and other constituents of a
• Igneous rocks have 4 textures
– that relate to cooling rate of magma or lava
4 Cooling-Rate Textures
• phaneritic,
– with visible grains
• cooled slowly
• aphanitic,
– with grains too small to see without magnification
• cooled quickly
• porphyritic,
– with larger grains surrounded by a finer-grained
• cooled slowly first, then more quickly
• glassy,
– with no grains
• cooled too quickly for minerals to grow
Igneous Rock Textures
• Other textures reveal further details
– of the formation of the rock
• Vesicular texture, with holes (vesicles),
– indicates the rock formed
– as water vapor and other gases
– became trapped during cooling of lava
• Pyroclastic or fragmental texture,
– containing fragments,
– formed by consolidation of volcanic ash
– or other pyroclastic material
Igneous Rock Textures
Rapid cooling
Slow cooling
2-stage cooling
Igneous Rock Textures
Glassy texture
Vesicular texture
Pyroclastic texture
cooling was too
rapid for mineral
gasses trapped in
cooling lava
particles fragmented
during eruption
Classifying Igneous Rocks
• Texture and composition are the criteria
– used to classify most igneous rocks
• Composition categories are based on silica
– felsic (>65% silica)
– intermediate (53-65% silica)
– mafic (45-52% silica)
• More felsic magmas have higher Na, K, Al
• More mafic magmas have higher Ca, Fe, Mg
Classifying Igneous Rocks
Classifying Igneous Rocks with
Special Textures
Pyroclastic or
Volcanic breccia
Tuff/welded tuff
Igneous Rocks with
Special Textures
Tuff has pyroclastic
Pumice is glassy and
extremely vesicular.
Detrital Sedimentary Rocks
• Mudrocks consist of particles < 1/16 mm
– siltstone
• composed of silt-sized particles - 1/16-1/256 mm,
• feel slightly gritty,
• but not visible without magnification
– mudstone
• composed of a mixture of silt- and clay-sized
– claystone
• composed of clay-sized particles
– <1/256 mm, feel smooth even to the teeth
– shale
• mudstone or claystone that
• breaks along closely spaced parallel planes (fissile)
Chemical Sedimentary Rocks
• Recall that these rocks result
– when inorganic chemical processes
– or organisms extract minerals from solution
• This can result in different textures
– Crystalline texture
• has an interlocking mosaic of mineral crystals
• results from chemical precipitation
– Clastic texture
• has an accumulation of broken pieces of shells
Metamorphic Textures
• Foliated texture
– platy and elongate minerals aligned parallel to
one another
– caused by differential pressure
• Nonfoliated texture
mosaic of roughly equidimensional minerals
or platy and elongate minerals
arranged in a helter-skelter fashion
with random orientations
Formation of Foliation
• When rocks are subjected to differential
– the minerals typically rearrange or grow parallel to
each other
Formation of Foliation
• Microscopic
– of a
– with foliation
– showing the
arrangement of
Foliated Metamorphic Rocks
• Slate
– very fine-grained, breaks in flat pieces
• Phyllite
– fine-grained (coarser than slate but grains are
still too small to see without magnification)
– breaks in flat pieces
• Schist
– clearly visible platy and/or elongate minerals
• Gneiss
– alternating dark and light bands of minerals
Nonfoliated Metamorphic Rocks
• Marble
– made of calcite or dolomite from limestone or
• Quartzite
– made of quartz from quartz sandstone
• Greenstone
– made of green mafic igneous rock
• Hornfels
– results from contact metamorphism
• Anthracite
– made of black lustrous carbon from coal
Common Metamorphic Rocks
Plate Tectonics
and the Rock Cycle
• The atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere
– act on earth materials
– and cause weathering erosion and deposition
• Earth’s internal heat
– aids melting and metamorphism
• Plate tectonics recycles Earth materials
– heat and pressure at convergent plate boundaries
• lead to metamorphism and igneous activity
– resulting deformation makes mountains
• that in turn weather and erode to form sediment
Earth Materials and
Historical Geology
• Our record of Earth’s history
– is preserved in rocks
• Sedimentary rocks are especially useful
– in preserving a historical record
– and will be covered in more detail later in the term
• Igneous rocks reveal much
– about the history of plate activity
• Metamorphic rocks provide information
– about processes deep in the crust
• Granite cliff of
El Capitan,
– rises 900 m
above the
valley floor
– highest
unbroken cliff
in the world